Keep Faith, inspire the Faithful, expose Clergy abuse and arrogance - this is our Mission

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

മിസ്റ്റര്‍ ജീവന്‍ ജേക്കബ്ബിനു ഒരു തുറന്ന കത്ത്

Dear Mr. Jeevan Jacob,

Thank you for your letter. We respectfully consider your letter personal and will not publish it. We did not believe you are an anoni. But at the same time you have to agree our community is gripped with such fear that nobody wants to say anything in open, including ourselves. We appreciate your courage of convictions.

Let us tell you something, Mr. Jacob. Syro-Malabar Voice is not an anti-clerickal or anti-Syro-Malabar or anit-Catholic news letter. Far from it. We stand for each and every member of this parish: the voiceless, the nameless and spineless majority of this parish. We are trying to be the voice of the silent majority.

Your comments have shed light on a lot of important issues affecting our community. In this we are on the same page. We want accountability from authorities for the sake of this community. In these economically dangerous times we spent almost 10 million dollars for a new church. We did not spent that money to build a smaller church than the one we had, or to have less parking spaces and other amenities and conveniences than we had before. Indeed, the motivation for a new church was to accommodate our growing community at least for the next 10 years more. Instead what have we got?

In our opinion the authorities had only a single, selfish purpose: to build a new Cathedral at any cost to satisfy their egos and vanities. And they cared nothing about the members of this parish. And as you know, this community is so timid, and the authorities, knowing this, are taking advantage of this.

We assure you: Syro-Malabar Voice will be in the forefront of this just fight. We will try to bring justice to the people, ignoring all threats and blackmails.

Our community deserves better!
Thank you!
The Editors, SM Voice


Anonymous said...

Syr0-Malabar people are stupid idiots. You have no "sheshi". No "prathikarana sheshi". You are lost. Nobody can help you.

Anonymous said...

kurian jacob = idiot

Anonymous said...

ഇത് വളരെ മോശമാണ്. നിങ്ങള്ക്ക് വേറെ പണിയൊന്നും ഇല്ലേ?