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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Is An Obedient Donkey Wiser than a Disobedient Bishop? (Part 1 & 2)

By Tom Varkey, Parishioner of St. Alphonsa Catholic Church

Is An Obedient Donkey Wiser than a Disobedient Bishop? 

You bet! If the story in the Bible described in Num. 22 is any indication, the answer is a whopping “Yes”.
First of all, let me start off with a disclaimer that the title of this article is not in any way meant to disrespect our Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath. I am only using one of the most interesting stories in the Bible to illustrate my point. In fact, this axiom is applicable to every Christian who is disobedient to the Word of God and not merely to our beloved Bishop Jacob alone.

Getting down to the story – the story of an obedient donkey appears in Num. 22. In this chapter of Numbers, a disobedient prophet, Balaam goes with the princes of Moab to curse the Israelites for a hefty monetary reward which he is promised in return. But when he went, the Lord was very angry with Balaam. Therefore in Num. 22:28 God opens the mouth of the donkey and the donkey speaks to the prophet when he started beating the donkey for refusing to move on. In v. 32 the LORD rebukes Balaam for beating the donkey and indirectly compliments the donkey for doing the right thing in reverent obedience to God. In the interest of space, the gist of the story is that God rebukes Balaam for his disobedience and commends the donkey for acting obediently thereby displaying more wisdom than the deviant prophet.

Applying the story to what is happening at St. Alphonsa Catholic Church in the US, the Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath is in the place of Balaam, the prophet who refuses to listen to the Word of God as well as to the advice of the many God-fearing Catholics at St. Alphonsa Catholic Church acting in the place of the donkey in the story including this humble parishioner. We all have repeatedly pleaded with him to admit his mistakes in firing an innocent priest, Rev. Fr. Sajy for standing up for truth and the Crucifix and other mistakes surrounding this scandalous event. The ball is in his court but he stubbornly refuses to budge.Jude in his tiny epistle in the Book of Jude, v. 11 passionately warns us Christians from committing the same fatal error which Balaam, the prophet made as we saw above. In Prov. 29:1 we read: “A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed without remedy.” I for sure along with all the supporters of the Crucifix will never want our dear Bishop to be destroyed. This is one reason why we are pleading again and again with the Bishop to reverse his course; the other reason being the restoration of peace and harmony not only at St. Alphonsa Church but in the whole Syro Malabar Church.

His Excellency Mar Jacob, misguided by the handful of bishops with regard to the truth about the Crucifix has forgotten that God gives wisdom to those who are humble and willing to obey God whereas He fills the hearts of those who are disobedient with darkness as we read in Jer. 13:15. In Mt. 11:25 Jesus says: “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” Jesus reveals the mysteries of the kingdom not to the hierarchical higher-ups but to those who are humble and willing to obey the Word of God. No wonder God asks through prophet Jeremiah in Jer. 8:9: “Since you have rejected the word of the LORD, what kind of wisdom do you have?” Going after the Mar Thoma Cross does not bring glory to God as it is only a man-made creation and therefore a mere idol. Therefore God has filled the hearts of the followers of the Mar Thoma Cross with darkness as we read in Jer. 13:15 which says: “Give glory to the LORD your God before he brings the darkness, before your feet stumble on the darkening hills.”

The Bishop as well as the other misguided Bishops in the Syro Malabar Church fail to understand a very important calling that we have from Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself which we read in Lk. 11:27-28: “As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” He replied, “More blessed are those who hear the Word of God and obey it.” How can a Christian be so unwise as to ignore or even understand the unfathomable greatness of such a high calling as to occupy a higher seat in heaven than Mary, the Mother of Jesus? Oh, yeah, I get it! If we disobey God’s commandments we become less wise than even a donkey, one of the dumbest animals we come across in our world irrespective of our position in the Christian world – whether we are an ordinary Christian, a deacon, priest, Bishop or the Pope!! No wonder Jesus said in Jn. 8:31-32: “If you obey my teaching, you … will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” But not until … God bless you all – you, the most precious children of the glorious Crucifix!


Anonymous said...

Hello Phoenix,

What happened to Fr. Mathew, who organized and started the Malayalam mass in Phoenix. I met him couple of years ago when I was in Phoenix. Who is the priest from Tucson?

Anonymous said...

കേരളത്തിലെ ക്രൈസ്‌തവസഭകള്‍ പൊതുവേദി രൂപീകരിക്കുന്നു

കൊച്ചി: കേരളത്തിലെ ക്രൈസ്‌തവ സഭകള്‍ പൊതുവേദി രൂപീകരിക്കുന്നു. മൂന്നു കത്തോലിക്ക റീത്തുകള്‍, യാക്കോബായ-ഓര്‍ത്തഡോക്‌സ്, മര്‍ത്തോമ-സി.എസ്‌.ഐ എന്നീ എപ്പിസ്‌കോപ്പല്‍ സഭകള്‍ ചേര്‍ന്നാണു സംയുക്‌ത കൗണ്‍സില്‍ രൂപീകരിക്കുന്നത്‌.

ക്രൈസ്‌തവര്‍ക്കെതിരേ അക്രമങ്ങള്‍ വര്‍ധിക്കുന്നതിനെയും സഭകള്‍ ആശങ്കയോടെ കാണുന്നു. ഭിന്നിച്ചു നില്‍ക്കുന്നതിന്റെ പേരില്‍ സര്‍ക്കാരില്‍ നിന്നും കിട്ടേണ്ട പല അവസരങ്ങളും നഷ്‌ടപ്പെടുകയാണ്‌. രാഷ്‌ട്രീയ പാര്‍ട്ടികളും നിര്‍ണായക സന്ദര്‍ഭങ്ങളില്‍ സഭയെ കൈവിട്ട സംഭവമുണ്ട്‌.

പൊതു കൗണ്‍സില്‍ ഉണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ ഇത്തരം വിഷയങ്ങള്‍ ചര്‍ച്ച ചെയ്‌തു ധാരണയിലെത്തിയശേഷം അധികാരികളെ അറിയിക്കുന്ന രീതി അവലംബിക്കാനാവും. സഭകള്‍ തമ്മിലുള്ള പ്രശ്‌നങ്ങള്‍ തെരുവിലേക്കു വലിച്ചിഴയ്‌ക്കപ്പെടാതെ ചര്‍ച്ച ചെയ്‌തു പരിഹരിക്കാന്‍ പൊതുവേദി സഹായകരമാകും. സ്വന്തമായി പള്ളികള്‍ ഇല്ലാത്തിടത്ത്‌ ഇതരസഭയുടെ പള്ളിയില്‍ ആരാധനാ സൗകര്യം നല്‍കുക, കൂദാശകള്‍ പരസ്‌പരം സ്വീകരിക്കുക എന്നിവയും ലക്ഷ്യമാണ്

This is an article from malayalam news paper.

I think this is a right move. May God give our Bishops more wisdom to unite all churches.

Anonymous said...

Hello Coppell Church members -- Gaayakan Johnson, Chaanathalayan AV, Lion Kilavan Joy

നമ്മുടെ ബിഷപ്‌ ആകട്ടെ എല്ലാ പള്ളികളിലും നാലോ അഞ്ചോ ഫാമിലികളില്‍ നീന്നുലവടെ മാത്രം എല്ലാ സ്ഥാനങ്ങളും നല്‍കുന്നു..

ഇവരാകട്ടെ പിതാവ് എന്ത് പറഞ്ഞാലും ചെയ്യാന്‍ തയ്യാറാണ് .

Gaayakan Johnson, Chaanathalayan AV, Lion Kilavan Joy ഇവരുടെ മക്കളൊന്നും നമ്മുടെ പള്ളികളില്‍ സി സി ഡി ക്ലാസ്സുകളില്‍ പഠിച്ചിട്ടില്ല,

അത് പോലെ Gaayakan Johnson, Chaanathalayan AV, Lion Kilavan Joy ഇവരുടെ മക്കള്‍ ആരും തന്നെ നമ്മുടെ പള്ളികളില്‍ വരാറുമില്ല.

പിന്നെ എന്തിനാണ് ഇ കോട്ടിട്ട അച്ചായന്മാര്‍ നമ്മളെ കണ്ട്രോള്‍ ചെയ്യാന്‍ നോക്കുന്നത്.

സൊന്തം മക്കളെ നമ്മുടെ പള്ളികളില്‍ പടിപ്പിക്കാതവന്മാര്‍,
സൊന്തം മക്കളെ നമ്മുടെ പള്ളികളില്‍ കുരബാന കാണാന്‍ കൊണ്ടുവരാത്തവന്മാര്‍.

Gaayakan Johnson, Chaanathalayan AV, Lion Kilavan Joy ഇവര്‍ എന്തിനാണ് പള്ളിയുടെ ഭരണത്തില്‍ കയ്യിടാന്‍ ശ്രമിക്കുന്നത്

ഇവര്‍ Gaayakan Johnson, Chaanathalayan AV, Lion Kilavan Joy ബിഷപിന്റെ ഉച്ചിസ്ടവും ആസും താങ്ങി നടന്നു പൊസിഷന്‍ നേടുന്നു ..

Anonymous said...

It is time ...Yes it is that time.

Synod of Bishops of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church, in India. Please save SMC

Please recall the Bishop Angadiath with his circus tent, and his very own private purple cloth from the church.

He pastors his own theology that is
(1) not aligned with Catholic Church and
(2) not in communion with the global Catholic Church teachings and practices and
(3) he failed to keep the faithful together.

Please remove him from his assigned authority as the shepherded of the immigrant Syro Malabar catholic community in USA.

He helped only to split the community, people losing their faith in him and the community drained in their faith after his inception as the bishop.

He and his biased priests in USA are the shame to our India culture and our centuries old faith tradition is in risk under his leadership.

He is a frog in a dirty well.

Because of their unholy actions, he cannot earn respect from the Syro Malabar community in USA anymore.

Anonymous said...


നമ്മുടെ പിതാവായ മാര്‍ത്തോമ്മാസ്ലീഹാ മനസ്സാ, വാചാ, കര്‍മ്മണാ അറിയാത്ത ഒരു കുരിശാണ് ഇന്നു മാര്‍ത്തോമ്മക്കുരിശ് എന്ന പേരില്‍ നമ്മുടെ അള്‍ത്താരയില്‍ വയ്ക്കാന്‍ ബിഷപ്പും കൂട്ടരും ശ്രമിക്കുന്നത്.

അതിന്റെ ചുവട്ടില്‍ എഴുതിയിരിക്കുന്ന ഭാഷ സുറിയാനി ഭാഷയല്ല.

പ്രിത്യുത, ഇറാനില്‍ നിന്നുള്ള പഹ് ലവി എന്ന ഭാഷയാണ്.

Anonymous said...

New Trustee Reggi's rules.

പള്ളിയുടെ tax id എല്ലാവര്ക്കും ഉപയോഗിക്കാം.

സാമ്പത്തിക പ്രതിസന്ധി പള്ളിക്ക് ഭാവിയില്‍ നേരിടേണ്ടി വന്നാല്‍ അതിന് പരിഹാരമായി ഒരു നിര്ദ്ദേശം

അതായത് ഇനിയുള്ള ഞായരാഴ്ച്ചകളിലെ പിരിവ് കൊണ്ട് മുഴുവന്‍ ലോട്ടറി ടിക്കെറ്റ് വാങ്ങുക.

Anonymous said...

Claver and cheela supporters.

ഈ പള്ളി ചിലരുടെ തന്തമാര്‍ കണ്ട വകയായി കണക്കാക്കുന്നവര്‍ ഉണ്ടാകാം.

അത് തല്‍ക്കാലം മനസ്സില്‍ തന്നെ വച്ചാല്‍ മതി.

ഇത് ആരുടേയും അട്ടിപ്പേറല്ല.

ഈ ദേവാലയം ഈ ഇടവകയിലെ പാവപ്പെട്ടവരായ ഓരോ അംഗങ്ങളുടെയും വിയര്‍പ്പിന്റെ ഫലമാണ്.

പൈസ എണ്ണി എണ്ണി കൊടുത്ത സാധാരണക്കാരുടെ. അന്തോണി കത്തനാരുടെയു അങ്ങാടിയത്തിന്റെയോ നിങ്ങളെപ്പോലുള്ള നികൃഷ്ടരുടെയോ തറവാട്ടു സ്വത്തല്ല.

അനതി വിദൂര ഭാവിയില്‍ നമ്മുടെ ഇടവകക്കാര്‍ തങ്ങളുടെ അവകാശങ്ങളെപ്പറ്റി ബോധവാന്മാരായി ഉണരും.

ഒരു പക്ഷെ അവര്‍ തന്നെ അന്ന് ചാട്ടവാര്‍ എടുത്തെന്നിരിക്കും.

തോന്ന്യാസി തെമ്മാടികളായ കള്ളാപുരോഹിതരെയും നിങ്ങളെപ്പോലെയുള്ള അവരുടെ ചേടി വേലക്കാരെയും ആട്ടിപ്പായിക്കാന്‍ .

Anonymous said...







graland parishioners said...

സിറോ മലബാര്‍ വിശ്വസികല്ലുടെ അറിവിനായി....
പലവിധതില്ലുള്ള സാബതിക ക്രെമാകേട്‌ കാരണത്താല്‍ DALLAS ലെ സിറോ മലബാര്‍ കത്തോലിക്കര്‍ ഒന്നടങ്ങാം അവഹേളിച്ചു ഇറക്കിവിട്ട സക്കറിയ അചെന്‍ പിന്നെയും കാശിനുവേണ്ടി
യുള്ള അത്യാഗ്രഹം മൂത്ത് ഡാലസില്‍ കുടി പിച്ച ചട്ടിയുമായി തെണ്ടി നടക്കുന്നതായി ഇതിനോടകം കുറച്ചുപേര്‍ മനസിലാകി കാണുമല്ലോ .വികരിയചെന്‍ സ്ഥലത്തില്ല എന്ന് എസ്കുസ് പറഞ്ഞു മണ്ടനായ കാവലതിനെ ചട്ടം കെട്ടി കുര്‍ബാന ചെല്ലികാന്‍
സോയം ആവശ്യ്‌യ പെടുകയെരുന്നു . പ്രതിഫലമയി മുന്നൂര് ഡോളര്‍ഉം . മണ്ടനായ കാവാലം കയികരന്മാരോട് ചോദിക്കാത പള്ളിയുടെ കാശു വഴി പിഴച്ച അച്ഛന് കൊടുകുകയെരുന്നു
പണ്ണകൊതി മുത്ത്‌ സൊന്തം പള്ളി അടച്ചിട്ടാണ് നമ്മളെ സഹയെകാന്‍ എതിയത്. മറ്റു അച്ഛന്മാര്‍കുകുടി അപമാനമാവുവിതം കാശിനോടുള്ള കൊതിമുത് നമ്മുടെ സഫയെയോ മനുഷ്യബന്ധ
ങലെയോ വില കല്പികത കള്ളന്‍ സ്കറിയ സോന്തമായൊരു വെക്തിതമോ , ചെയുന്ന ജോലിയോട് അല്മാര്‍ത്തതയോ ഇല്ലാത്തത്കാരണം രുപതകൊരു തീരാബാധിധയാണ് എന്നുള്ള സത്യം കൊച്ചുകുഞ്ഞിനുപോലും അറിയാവുന്നതാണ് . സൊന്തം മനാസഷിയോട് ബഹുമാനമില്ലാത്ത സക്കരിയെ ചെല്ലുവിളീ പടിപിക്കാന്‍ നമ്മുടെ ഉപയോകശുന്യനായ പിതവിനുപോലും കയിവിരകും , കാരണം കള്ളന്‍ സക്കറിയയെ അമേരികയില്‍ കൊണ്ടുവരാന്‍ , അനന്യജാതികാരന്റെ കുടെപോയി പിഴച്ച സക്കറിയയുടെ സ്വന്തം പെഞ്ഞളുടെ കയില്‍ നിന്നും പെതാവ് എന്നി മെടിച്ച ഡോള്ലെരെന്റ്റെ ഖാനം കൂടുതലാനത്ത്രെ.

Anonymous said...

Coppell Parishioners

We do have money in the providence bank account to pay mortgage payments for next three months.

So Please just pay only enough to pay church bills, nothing more is needed.

Whenever there is more money in the church bank account, that is the time Dioceses shows their power and muscle and play dirty political games in our church. keep them at bay.....

Diocese is using our money to buy more claver satanic crosses and purple color cheelas.

Anonymous said...

വെള്ളയടിച്ച കുഴിമാടങ്ങള്‍ എന്ന് ബൈബിളില്‍ വായിച്ചിട്ടേയുള്ളൂ.

നേരിട്ടു കാണണമെങ്കില്‍ സീറോ മലബാര്‍ പള്ളിയുടെ പരിസരത്തു ചെന്നാല്‍ മതി.

കുഴിമാടങ്ങള്‍ പലതു കാണാം, സൂട്ട്മിട്ട് നേതാവ് കളിച്ചു നടക്കുന്നത്.

എന്നാല്‍ പള്ളിയുടെ Tax ID ദുരൂപയോഗപ്പെടുത്തിയവരെ കണ്ടു പിടിച്ച് മാതൃകാപരമായി ശിക്ഷിക്കാനുള്ള ഉത്തരവാദിത്വം ഇടവക അധികാരികള്‍ക്കുണ്ട്.

Anonymous said...


This game was to cath 2 birds in one shoot.

Leaking utilitty aplication is an idea of AV?

Want to hook Reji for doing this?

Or is it an idea of Vattan with the help of Kallukudian?

Want to put blog in trouble?

But now Chicago is also responsible for this by letting Reji using church special rate for his house?

When ever Bishop took a step by hearing this vattan and chaanathalayan,chicago went into more troubles.

Anonymous said...

oru pavam viswasi Said,

അഭിവന്ദ്യ പിതാവേ

അങ്ങയുടെ കോപ്പേല്‍ ഇടവകക്ര്‍ക്കുള്ള ലേഖനം വായിച്ചു കഴിഞ്ഞപ്പോള്‍ സത്യത്തില്‍
സങ്കടം ആണ് വന്നത്.വളരെ നീതി പൂര്‍വ്വം എടുത്ത തീരുമാനം ആണ് സജി അച്ഛന്റെ ട്രാന്‍സ്ഫര്‍
എന്ന് നാട്ടുകാരെ മനസിലാക്കികുവാന്‍ അങ്ങ് വളരെ ബുദ്ധി മുട്ട് എടുക്കുന്നത് ലേഖനത്തില്‍ അറിയാം.
ഈ ഇടവകയിലെ ആള്‍ക്കാര്‍ എല്ലാവരും സാമാന്യം ബുദ്ധിയും ബോധവും ഉള്ളവര്‍ ആണെന്നത് കണക്കിലെടുക്കാതെ ചുരുക്കം ചിലരുടെ തല്പരിയം ആണ് അങ്ങയെ ഈ കത്ത് എഴുതുവാന്‍ പ്രേരിപ്പിച്ചത് എന്ന് കരുതട്ടെ.

6 മാസം കൊണ്ട് ഒരു പള്ളി മേടിക്കുവാന്‍ ഉള്ള ഫണ്ട്‌ നല്‍കിയ ആള്‍ക്കാരെ വെറും കഴുതകള്‍ ആയി ആണ് അങ്ങും കൂട്ടരും കാണുന്നതെന്ന് അറിയാം. പള്ളി ഫണ്ട്‌ കുറയുന്നതില്‍ ഉള്ള ഉത്കണ്ട കൊണ്ടാണ് അക്കൗണ്ട്‌ ഫ്രീസിലേക്ക് വരേണ്ടി വന്നതെന്ന് പറഞ്ഞതില്‍ എന്തോ ഒരു അപാകത.
കാലാവധി കഴിഞ്ഞ കൈക്കരനേ കൊണ്ട് പുതിയ അക്കൗണ്ട്‌ ആരും അറിയാതെ ഓപ്പണ്‍ ചെയ്താല്‍ ഫണ്ട്‌
തന്നെ വരുമോ?.orange കൌണ്ടി പള്ളിയിലെ 26000 തട്ടിപ്പിന് procedure ഒന്നും ബാധകമല്ലേ?.

പിന്നെ ഗിഫ്റ്റ് കൊടുക്കുവാന്‍ സ്പെഷ്യല്‍ കളക്ഷന്‍ എടുക്കണം എന്നത് ഈയിടെ കൊണ്ടുവന്ന നിയമം ആണെന്ന് കരുതട്ടെ.അതോ കോപ്പേല്‍-നു മാത്രം വേറെ ഒരു കാനോന്‍ ലോ ഉണ്ടോ?.

വളരെ എളുപ്പത്തില്‍ പരിഹാരം ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന കാരിയം വലുതാക്കി എന്ത് നേടി? .കഴിഞ്ഞ പത്തു വര്‍ഷമായിട്ടു കുരിശു വെപ്പല്ലാതെ വേറെ എന്തേലും ചെയ്യാന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞിട്ടുണ്ടൂ?.പള്ളിയും രുപതയും ഒക്കെ ജനത്തിന് വേണ്ടി അല്ലെ?.

Posted on May 10, 2010 8:21 PM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tom Varkey,
I question your honesty.What you were and you are doing is trying to create problems in our churches and community.Holding bible in the hand all the time doesn't make you a good catholic! We don't need your "murinjanam"
I think you will be better fit in the some other christian group.Stop making trouble in our community!!!

CHURCH said...

Are you asking what happend to church in Phoenix, let me tell you what happend to the churhes in Los Angels.. North Carolina and Phoenix.

Before I do that let me do this one plus one two and two plus three = 5.
So far you are with me, correct. Is the Smc church from kerala or from Chagnanacherry? Is SMC faith from St. Thomas or from East.. as some historian are trying to instill in us? The eastern church all did not receive their faith from Apostles, but Kerala did (Did not we receive ourfaith from St. Thomas, the how are we planning to keep it..? Did apostles preach different faith, or one of Jesus was crucified and rose again? and Is not Roman Catholic faith universal and Apotlic?

As for the priests in Los Angles.. there are two: Vallian achen and Kochachen and keep in mind this is a mission still (St.Alphosama mision church... is there connection between all Alphosama churches Los Angles... and Dallas... or is St. Alphosa agree with the we practice our smc faith?...uh I wonder) but when kochachen wants to do something good... he need permission from vallia achen now starts..the fight...there is fight between priest.. it is not even a "Edavaha" forean just mission.

I know it is same in Phoenix.. In phoenix since it was a new Malayalee community unlike Los Angles there are no.. Vallian achen or Kochachen...But priest from Tucson diocese come to say Mass for the people.. It includes father Andrew Fr. Pottemel and smalll achen.. some say he was a reason for fight.. then there was fr. Mathew (May God bless all these priest's efforts) when as some say, money began to come and showed up though he was in their middle all these time -- never showed up and and then disowned other priests chased them (all power play... even bishop got involved and wrote a letter telling priest from Tucson fr.pottemel in particular, not to come and say Mass for the people as get was trying to unify the church... just remember all these as syro-malabar catholic priests....

So bishop is against unity and smc faith... I do not know.. As we are all from kerala and from diiferent diocese why impose practices diocese to two on everyone else? They are not theologically correct not historically correct nor universally accepted by all the diocese of kerala so how can the bishop of diocese says the truth or correct for smc..

Now back to North Carolina.. started the church in High point everything went on fine.. A priest, IN PARTICULAR, spend a lot of time with people and for the people and (not with money or for the money.. people gave money to the church willingly) then came the Gulf population and things began to turned out to be bad... added to that came along a relative of bishop and (it is not even a faith matter) thing began to sour and the priest I mentioned about was chased away and priest were send directly from some people wants build a church and some are do not want......(if God/peopel need a church does not it come up in God's own time?) there goes another community and uunity

People, in San Antonio, has a prayer nor more ex-gulf or Mallus come to San Antonio as ww are peacefull community and we are small smc faith.. we have our own priest.. Please leave our community alone...

I am all for developing the faith and finding out the faith(I am taking about the history... not the catholic faith that we beieve and got it from Apostles).. but at the price of division.St. Thomas and St. Alphonsa pray for us....

CHURCH said...

Are you asking what happend to church in Phoenix, let me tell you what happend to the churhes in Los Angels.. North Carolina and Phoenix.

Before I do that let me do this one plus one two and two plus three = 5.
So far you are with me, correct. Is the Smc church from kerala or from Chagnanacherry? Is SMC faith from St. Thomas or from East.. as some historian are trying to instill in us? The eastern church all did not receive their faith from Apostles, but Kerala did (Did not we receive ourfaith from St. Thomas, the how are we planning to keep it..? Did apostles preach different faith, or one of Jesus was crucified and rose again? and Is not Roman Catholic faith universal and Apotlic?

As for the priests in Los Angles.. there are two: Vallian achen and Kochachen and keep in mind this is a mission still (St.Alphosama mision church... is there connection between all Alphosama churches Los Angles... and Dallas... or is St. Alphosa agree with the we practice our smc faith?...uh I wonder) but when kochachen wants to do something good... he need permission from vallia achen now starts..the fight...there is fight between priest.. it is not even a "Edavaha" forean just mission.

I know it is same in Phoenix.. In phoenix since it was a new Malayalee community unlike Los Angles there are no.. Vallian achen or Kochachen...But priest from Tucson diocese come to say Mass for the people.. It includes father Andrew Fr. Pottemel and smalll achen.. some say he was a reason for fight.. then there was fr. Mathew (May God bless all these priest's efforts) when as some say, money began to come and showed up though he was in their middle all these time -- never showed up and and then disowned other priests chased them (all power play... even bishop got involved and wrote a letter telling priest from Tucson fr.pottemel in particular, not to come and say Mass for the people as get was trying to unify the church... just remember all these as syro-malabar catholic priests....

So bishop is against unity and smc faith... I do not know.. As we are all from kerala and from diiferent diocese why impose practices diocese to two on everyone else? They are not theologically correct not historically correct nor universally accepted by all the diocese of kerala so how can the bishop of diocese says the truth or correct for smc..

Now back to North Carolina.. started the church in High point everything went on fine.. A priest, IN PARTICULAR, spend a lot of time with people and for the people and (not with money or for the money.. people gave money to the church willingly) then came the Gulf population and things began to turned out to be bad... added to that came along a relative of bishop and (it is not even a faith matter) thing began to sour and the priest I mentioned about was chased away and priest were send directly from some people wants build a church and some are do not want......(if God/peopel need a church does not it come up in God's own time?) there goes another community and uunity

People, in San Antonio, has a prayer nor more ex-gulf or Mallus come to San Antonio as ww are peacefull community and we are small smc faith.. we have our own priest.. Please leave our community alone...

I am all for developing the faith and finding out the faith(I am taking about the history... not the catholic faith that we beieve and got it from Apostles).. but at the price of division.St. Thomas and St. Alphonsa pray for us....

Anonymous said...


Whenever there is more money in our Coppell church bank account, that is the time Dioceses shows their power and muscle and play dirty political games in our church. keep them at bay.....

Diocese is using our money to buy more claver satanic crosses and purple color cheelas.

So Please just pay only enough to pay church bills, nothing more is needed.

Anonymous said...

Someone here already said the truth about why we are seeing too many problems in SMC. That truth is...

"Whenever there is more money in the church bank account, that is the time Dioceses shows their power and muscle and play dirty political games in our church. keep them at bay....."

If you have already bought a church facility, then pay only enough to pay the monthly bills.

If you don't own a facility, then find a good facility and rent it. Some might say it is too much trouble to deal with rental facility. LET THOSE INTERESTED IN POSITIONS DEAL WITH IT. Never buy a facility.

Anonymous said...

അവര്‍ പിറ്പിറ്കുന്നവരും തങ്ങളുടെ ഗതിയെ കുറിച്ച് ആവലാതി പറയുന്നവരുമായി
സൊന്ത മോഹങ്ങളേ അനുസരിച്ച് നടക്കുന്നു. അവരുടെ വായ വമ്പു പറയുന്നു. കാര്യാ സാധ്യതിന്നായി അവര്‍ മുഖ സ്വതികള്‍ പറയുന്നു. അന്ത്യ കാലത്ത് ഭക്തി കേട്ട മോഹങ്ങളേ അനുസരിച്ച് നടക്കുന്ന പരിഹാസികള്‍ ഉണ്ടാകും .അവര്‍
ഭിന്നത ഉണ്ടാക്കുന്നവര്‍ ,പ്രാകുതന്‍ മാര്‍ ,അത്മാവില്ലത്തവര്‍. (യുദ: 16-19)

Anonymous said...

I have a question for Tom Varkey.
Do you agree with what your supporters doing(writing ) in this blog?
Do you think this the right way(christian way) to express your disagreement with Diocese?
Do you agree with the language they are using in this blog?
Do you agree with personal attack and abuse against innocent people?
I don't think some Bible knowledge Will make you a better person or better catholic.

Anonymous said...

വളരെ എളുപ്പത്തില്‍ പരിഹാരം ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന കാരിയം വലുതാക്കി എന്ത് നേടി? .കഴിഞ്ഞ പത്തു ഇരുത്തിഅഞ്ചോ വര്‍ഷമായിട്ടു ഇറാനിയന്‍ മാര്‍ത്തോമ്മക്കുരിശ് കുരിശു വെപ്പല്ലാതെ വേറെ എന്തേലും ചെയ്യാന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞിട്ടുണ്ടൂ?നമ്മുടെ മാര്‍ത്തോമ്മാസ്ലീഹാ മനസ്സാ, വാചാ, കര്‍മ്മണാ അറിയാത്ത ഈ കുരിശാണ് ഇന്നു മാര്‍ത്തോമ്മക്കുരിശ് എന്ന പേരില്‍ നമ്മുടെ അള്‍ത്താരയില്‍ വയ്ക്കാന്‍ ബിഷപ്പും കൂട്ടരും ശ്രമിക്കുന്നത്.
പള്ളിയും രുപതയും ഒക്കെ ജനത്തിന് വേണ്ടി അല്ലെ?.
അതിന്റെ ചുവട്ടില്‍ എഴുതിയിരിക്കുന്ന ഭാഷ സുറിയാനി ഭാഷയല്ല.

പ്രിത്യുത, ഇറാനില്‍ നിന്നുള്ള പഹ് ലവി എന്ന ഭാഷയാണ്.
ഈ ദേവാലയം ഈ ഇടവകയിലെ പാവപ്പെട്ടവരായ ഓരോ അംഗങ്ങളുടെയും വിയര്‍പ്പിന്റെ ഫലമാണ്.

Anonymous said...

കൊപ്പേല്‍ ശ്രീമാന്‍ റെജിചേട്ടന്‍റെ യൂട്ടിലിറ്റി ബില്ല് പൂ,,,,,,,യ്. അങ്ങാടിചേട്ടന്‍റെ തലയിലെ ലൈറ്റ് പൂ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,യ്? കടല്‍ കടന്നെത്തിയ വ്യാജ പ്രവാചകരെ. കടുപ്പന്റെ പതിവുപോലെ കോലം കെട്ടി, ചായം പൂശി, കടുപ്പന്റെ തലയിലെ കറപ്പോ, പൂ,,,,,,,,,യ്!

Anonymous said...

കൊച്ചു കള്ളന്‍
അറിയാത്ത രജി ചൊറിയുമ്പം അറിയും. കൊച്ചു കള്ളന്‍. Did he write he is the property manager of St. Alphonsa Church?

or രജി are you the property owner of St. Alphonsa Church in Coppell, TX?

Anonymous said...

ശീല മൂടിയ ക്ളാവര്‍ ഗുലാനെ പൂയ്! ക്ളാവര്‍ ശീലവിവാദവും പൂയ്! ക്ളാവര്‍ ഗുലാനെ പൊക്കി നിര്‍ത്തിയിട്ട് ശീല കൊണ്ട് മൂടി മണ്ടനായ കാവാലം പൂയ്!ഗാര്‍ലാന്‍ഡ്‌ ദേവാലയത്തിലും മാര്‍ത്തോമ്മ കുരിശും ശീലയും പൂയ്!

Anonymous said...

അങ്ങാടിചേട്ടോ പൂയ്! ജോജിചേട്ടോ പൂയ്! കടുപ്പന്ചേട്ടോ പൂയ്! കറിയാചേട്ടോ പൂയ്! വിനോദ് ചേട്ടോ പൂയ്! വന്യമൃഗങ്ങള
പൂയ്! എടാ കൊപിലെ കൊപന്മാരെ പൂയ്! കോപ്പെലിലെ സീറോ മലബാര്‍!പള്ളിയില്‍ ക്ലാവര്‍ കുരിശും ചീലയും പൂയ്! അങ്ങാടിയും പൂയ്!....

Anonymous said...

നമ്മുടെ തോമ ഇങ്ങനെ ഒരു മണ്ടനായിപ്പോയല്ലോ!സംഗതി ആകെ ഒരു കോമഡിയാണ്.

വേശ്യാലയത്തില്‍ വച്ചു തുണിയില്ലാതെ പിടിക്കപ്പെട്ട പോലെയല്ലേ ഇപ്പോള്‍ നമ്മുടെ vattan തോമ!

പക്ഷെ കുടുങ്ങിയതാരാ? തോമ.

നാറിയതാര? തോമ. vattan തോമ!

Anonymous said...

സ്നേഹം ഉള്ളിടത്ത് ശത്രുത,
ഒരുമയുള്ളിടത്തു പിളര്‍പ്പ്,
ശാന്തിയുള്ളിടത്തു അശാന്തി,
ഒന്നുമില്ലാത്തിടത്ത് ശീല.
ഇതാണ് അങ്ങാടിയത്ത്.

Anonymous said...

Bring Your Ideas Towards This.
Nobody can call Police if we are in the Garland Church.
Each of us will have a Crucified Jesus picture when we attend mass there
We will record the evens and put it in youtube
We invite medias to demonstrate our simple "Gandhian" fight
We will finally remove the Sheela in Garland
We will not allow any other cross other than Crucified Jesus in Garland's new Alter.
We had paid 1.5 Million to Syro Malabar Bishop for the Church and he must be answerable to that. If not, we assume our 1.5 Million is paid towards Garland and we will take over that.

Anonymous said...

# 1 is saying Fr. Mathew started Malayalam Mass in Phoenix and the person who is writting under 'church" says that This priest don't have any thing to do with it , and it was Fr. Pottamal started Mass in Phoenix..
We need to know from the people from phoenix , who is right ? What is the truth.. Help the people who are reading it..

Anonymous said...

"Dear Coppel Catholics,
Catholic laymens association,koodaranhi,kerala-673604, a regd.organisation under central societies act, as part of its commitment to fight for the rights of laymens is ready to extend all sorts of legal assistance and guidance to the coppel and other parishners.
Contact:M.L George Maliyekkal,Secretary,Central executive committee,CLA

Anonymous said...

REPLY message # 14

you said


We say

"You keep on licking, ass kisser"



Anonymous said...

Bishop Angadiath

Is the SMC in USA church for all keralites or from Chagnanacherry/ Kanjirappally/Paala only people?

Is SMC faith from St. Thomas or from East.. as some historian are trying to instill in us?

The eastern church all did not receive their faith from Apostles, So why we call the cross marthoma cross ?

But Kerala did (Powethil, Did not we receive our faith from St. Thomas, then how are we planning to keep it..?

Did apostles preach different faith, or really Jesus was crucified and rose again?

And Is not Roman Catholic faith universal and Apostolic?

Anonymous said...

God gives wisdom about Crucifix

Mar Jacob, misguided by the handful of bishops with regard to the truth about the Crucifix has forgotten that God gives wisdom to those who are humble and willing to obey.

God whereas, He fills the hearts of those who are disobedient with darkness as we read in Jer. 13:15.

Anonymous said...

The Crucifix, cross with the corpus (Body of Christ) is an ancient symbol used within the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox churches, and Anglican churches.

The Prayer before the Crucifix is a Roman Catholic prayer to Jesus which is said while kneeling before a crucifix.

It is often said by Roman Catholics after Communion or after Mass.

The faithful receive a partial indulgence if they recite the prayer after Communion before a crucifix.

Let us all pray for our Bishop.

Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus,
while before Your face I humbly kneel and,
with burning soul,pray and beseech You
to fix deep in my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity;
true contrition for my sins, and a firm purpose of amendment.

While I contemplate, with great love and tender pity,
Your five most precious wounds,
pondering over them within me
and calling to mind the words which David,

Your prophet, said of You, my Jesus:
"They have pierced My hands and My feet, they have numbered all My bones. they have numbered all My bones."


Alternative version

Behold, O good and sweetest Jesus,
I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul
I pray and beseech Thee
to impress upon my heart
lively sentiments of faith,
hope and charity, with
true repentance for my sins
and a most firm desire of

Whilst with deep affection
and grief of soul
I consider within myself
and mentally contemplate
Thy five most precious wounds,
having before mine eyes that
which David, the prophet, long
ago spoke concerning Thee,
“They have pierced My hands
and My feet, they have
numbered all My bones.”

Jesus please save our Bishop.. Amen

Anonymous said...

reply # 21

Issac newtons law

Every action has an opposite reaction.

think about it???????

When Bishop abuse his power and use some people to play dirty politics inside the church, which is bought with the only money contributed by all parishioners, not even a penny contributed by Diocese or So called Bishop, and fire their priest for installing Crucifix in catholic church alter, then to cover it all, accuse this poor true priest for financial wrong doing.

What a world we are living in?

There are some people within us who say whatever Bishop says is right, but a day will come, when you will realize all these bad things Bishop did and you supported him, hope it won't be too late.

that is it folks, open your eyes wide, open your ears so that you can hear what others are saying, and use your brain to process what others are talking about, maybe you are kind of slow person.

When you use your brain and all your organs properly things will be more clearer to yo.

Then you will know why people are upset and saying bad things about Bishop and Diocese in particular.

Got it, no, read this whole thing again and again........ Amen

Anonymous said...

ഫാ വര്‍ഗീസ്‌ സൂക്ഷിക്കുക.

നിങ്ങളുടെ നില നില്‍പ്പിനായി

സഭാ മാതാവിനെ അങ്ങാടിയത്തിന് വില്‍ക്കാന്‍ ,

ഒറ്റു കൊടുക്കാന്‍, നിങ്ങള്‍ മുതിര്‍ന്നിരിക്കയാണ് എന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു..

അങ്ങയെപ്പോലെയുള്ള ഒരു സീനിയര്‍ വൈദീകന് അതിന്റെ ആവശ്യമുണ്ടോ?

ഏതായാലും അമേരിക്കന്‍ മീഡിയയോട് ആണുങ്ങളെപ്പോലെ മറുപടി പറയുവാന്‍ ഫാ വര്‍ഗീസ്‌ ഏത് നേരവും തയ്യാറായിരിക്കുക.

Anonymous said...

Coppell church has money in providence Bank?

If we have money in the providence bank account to pay mortgage payments for next three months, then all of us need only to pay very little.

So Please just pay only $20.00 per month per family to maintain church and pay church bills, nothing more is needed.

Whenever there is more money in the church bank account, that is the time Dioceses shows their power and muscle and play dirty political games in our church. keep them at bay.....

Diocese is using our money to buy more claver satanic crosses and purple color cheelaas.

CHURCH said...

Amen to #35,...Defender of SMC.. I could not agree more or express it better....let us not replace crucifix with cross.. Saints all have died because of it and Satan shiver when see it sees the love of Jesus for us.....but all we see in the SMC church(of Chicago) is "love for money" and keeping of the protectent faith... a cross with out Jesus,, or in other words resurrction with out Good Friday or suffering...

St. Thomas came to Kerala with Cruicifix and died because of it..So... am I to believe that St.Thomas came with just a cross and not the crucified Jesus?

Even St. Thomas will not do that as he states "I will not believe... unless I touch his body..St.Thomas touched and believed and said "My lord and My God"

Anonymous said...

Reply to number one. Fr. Mathew never started Malayalam mass in Phoenix. AZMCCarizona did it with Fr. Andrews help. fr. Mathew initially refused to say mass for the community since he was to busy to do it once month! but when he saw the crowd once he came to visit he wanted to become the leader ..When Fr. Andrews left he assigned Fr. pottemmel to do his job. but Fr. mat hew cleverly kicked him off with his politics. fr. Mathew along with some other power hungry people contacted smc in Chicago and called himself the person who established smc in Phoenix. his plans for retiring in USA with smc did not materialize. he was even looking to by a home in Phoenix to purchase. you reap what you sow. he is now in India.

Anonymous said...

The truth.. He was crucified 2000 years ago... this is what I heard from the faithful in Phoenix...

The Catholic church, under AZMCC, was started by few catholic faithful.. under the leadership of some missionary priests....(it was like the time when "Mabelee king" ruled the Kerala) first came the fr.Andrew.. handed the church community over to fr.Pottemelle (then there was a small priest... he did not get any part but he was 2 and half priest...(does any one knows his name?)..he said Mass for the people...

Then "Asura Lokhathen" the devan mar began to talk about the good reign of King Mahabeelee and they complined to the big Lord.. they let "Asurane mar" do whatever they want to do, they came and chased away the last good king and its faithful to down-world ...father Pottemel and his faithful people...were stepped on by the dirty feet.. eyuuuuuuuuuu

So came the reign of Chicago... the fr.Mathew was a third priest, but as I hear it, the chicago was not happy with him either and so they chased him too, just like chicago chased fr. Pottemel away..

Now there is a fourth priest came from Chicago(his name is also fr.Mathew) and more "gundas" now than ever before and the last I heard.. there are few holy people who are organizing retreat (seriously.. it isnot funny almost every week... oh no not as you are thinking more retreat... more money... no it is good for the people they say.. why you do not believe it.. come down to phoenix and check it out) for these "gundas" so that they may become at least good though not holy...(Because the gundas knows only ..eye for an eye..)

CHURCH said...

Hi Everyone in phoenix: Sorry if I did not give the deatils but please read the some history in :crucifix-battle-shifts-from-alphonsa"
# 72, 73 and 74 , there are lot more said in there.. good reading..

Anonymous said...

Dear #36,
Thank you for using decent language this time. You are accusing Bishop and about 95% of SMC priests for stealing peoples money and leading very bad life. But Like most of the SMC people, I don't think you are right .You just making stories and starting rumors! Don't confuse the faithfuls.Satan is working through you. That is why you are saying you will go to Garland church and create problem there!Shame on you!God will punish you for that.Most of the SMC faithfuls want peace.That is right! ALPANJANI APAKADAM VITHAKKUM.

Anonymous said...

Funny Achan.

Says naughty things inbetween baptism.

Anonymous said...

യേശുവിനെ [ദൈവ‍ത്തേ]വേതാപാ0o പഠിപ്പിക്കു‍ന്നാ അങ്ങാടിയത്ത് ബിഷപ്പോ ? സെന്റ് പീറ്റേഴ്സ് ബസലിക്കായും മാര്‍പ്പാപ്പയേയും ക്രൈസ്‌തവരല്ലാ എന്നും പരയുന്നാ ബിഷപ്പോ ? അയിസ് കട്ടകള്ളിയില്‍ പെയിന്റ്റ്‌ അടുക്കുന്നാ അങ്ങാടിയത്ത് ബിഷപ്പോ ? ക്രൈസ്‌തവസഭകള്ക്ക്[ക്രൈസ്‌തവര്‍ക്കെതിരേ] എതിരെ പിശാചിന്റെ തന്ത്രങ്ങളെപ്പറ്റി പഠിപ്പിക്കു‍ന്നാ അങ്ങാടിയത്ത് ബിഷപ്പോ? [ചെകുത്താന്‍ കുരിശ്] മാര്‍ത്തോമ്മ കുരിശിനെ പറ്റി പഠിപ്പിക്കു‍ന്നാ ബിഷപ്പോ ? ദൈവതെത തള്ളിപറയുന്ന അങ്ങാടിയത്ത് ബിഷപ്പോ ?ദൈവത്തിന്‍റെ കുരിശുരൂപത്ത വെറുക്കുന്ന അങ്ങാടിയത്ത് ബിഷപ്പോ ?

Anonymous said...

Year 2005 was a memorable year for all Malayalees in Phoenix. A flood of Malayalees from the Middle East emigrated to Phoenix and wandered aimlessly through the ‘Arizona Desert’. They lacked both spiritual and cultural guidance and were forced to sit through English mass lost in the foreign words. Thank God they were blessed with the all-mighty priest! He realized these poor immigrants lacked spiritual guidance and were lost in this new world called America. He organized a Malayalee Catholic community so these new Malayalees could be taken under his wing for guidance. He organized for Malayalees who had been in America for a great deal of time to assist the helpless immigrants in purchasing groceries, Toyotas (because we all know that’s the immigrant Malayalee-mobile!), and homes. It is fully because of him and his grace that these immigrants were able to survive. He organized this new mission/parish and assured the Malayalees’ spiritual needs were met. It would not come as a surprise if some of these Malayalees came to know him as Christ Himself coming back to Earth! Father was truly a blessing to Arizona and when he left the parish, all of Phoenix and the greater metro area grieved his loss. When it was announced he would be leaving the parish a grand mass was celebrated in his honor. Significant dignitaries were present, including Bishop Phoenix and Archbishop of Santa Fe. In fact, Archbishop read a letter from Rome, written by Pope Benedict XVI himself grieving the community’s loss of spiritual leader. Here is an excerpt from the letter:

"Er kann tatsächlich auf dieses Gemeinschaftsbestehen aus naiven Einwanderern selbst geworfener Teufel sein. Er hat nichts als Schaden zu diesem Kirchspiel zugefügt und es tatsächlich in zwei Hälften von bitteren Personen gespalten. Vom Moment ging er in diese bescheidene Kirche, die ganze Hölle brach lose."

Anonymous said...

The essence of a catholic mass is that the bread and wine offered on the table resembles and transfigured as the body of Jesus on the cross (Crucifix) which is installed in the prime location in the Altar. The Sacrifice of the Cross and the Holy Mass are same and we remember Lord Jesus Christ as Victim, Offerer, Mediator and the high priest during a mass. The Holy Mass is a celebration of the Paschal Mystery, that is, of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ the Lord. Therefore there is no alternative to a Crucifix in an Altar.

Claver cross is a man made stupidity and those who proclaim the glory of mar Thomas cross is really deviating the people from the gospel and them diverting faithful away from the Pascal Mystery which is a serious sin against Catholic Church. Currently the SMC-Chicago is seriously engaged in this stupid move because of their lack spiritual insights and satanic influence.

The Bishop Angadiath lost his credibility in USA among the faithful.

Anonymous said...

Bishop Angadiath, even if you are not giving us a rose that is okay, but do not harass us with your thorns.

We the faithful need to preserve our centuries old faith and tradition. Though foreign missionary influences strengthen the church in India, the whole Christendom knew from history that Indian Syro Malabar Church is indigenous in many ways as it was preached by the apostle St.Thomas in AD 52. The Bishop Angadiath is preaching that SMC is the sister church of the Chaldean church, what a stupidity.

For SMC-Chicago authorities the Claver cross is important than Jesus and Crucifix.

Anonymous said...

message# 43

message 32 was for you.

read it,your name is mentioned in it

Anonymous said...

Emergency forecast for Phoenix

The secrete meeting going around buying church was brought to the attention of people and there is a possible " eddivettu" in Phoenix this evening...
People just came back from vaccation especially the "Small commisioner " realize that the "Big commissioner" is playing the dirty game and furious about it.
The 'small commisioner " along with self proclaimed "spiritual leader" tried to play games against the "big commisioner" , in various occasion , including " Quatation for food" ,but the " small commisioner" continued to be a looser in this game. The 'big commsioner" is so far not aware of the "dual role" played by the self claimed 'spiritual leader". Watch out 'spiritual leader"..

Anonymous said...

If there was a fight between priests in phoenix during a mass ?
What was the reason AZMCC left the church?
Why parish councillors was not able to do any thing at that time ? Is there was no one with "back bone " in phoenix?

Anonymous said...

dear #51,

There is no point trying to lead a pack of fools. People with brains stayed out of the confusion. They were not power hungry. Now they have peace going to churches in the diocese of phoenix where they stay focussed on the Word of the Lord.

People who were intimidated by American churches where they can never be leaders and play politics are still with SMC.

Anonymous said...

#32 ,
Who is this WE? If you have a back bone reveal your name!Other wise don't make serious accusation against innocent people. I challenge you! "ALPANJANI APAKADAM VITHAKKUNNU!"

Anonymous said...

Dear "blog" Master"
Can you consider about having a seperate topic for phoenix.. Can you put every thing togther .

Anonymous said...

Hello friends,

Those who want to know the fact about the church in Phoenix, please read carefully comments # 40. Fr. Andrews was the first priest and when he left for Kerala, he temporarily handedover his duty to Fr. Mathew Planthottam.

Fr. Mathew is NOT the person who started this church in Phoenix.

Tom Varkey said...

We Must Destroy the Mar Thoma Cross to Save SMC
By Tom Varkey, Part 3
Church is in grave danger. This alone is enough reason to eradicate the Mar Thoma Cross entirely from our places of worship at all cost.
Going back to the issue of venerating statues of various kinds in our churches, it is in direct violation of God’s commandment in Ex. 20:4. By replacing the Crucifix with the Mar Thoma Cross, we will be escalating our level of disobedience towards God by removing from our places of worship what Jesus is asking us to keep to make room for erecting something which is merely a creation of man which we call an idol when it is kept in the place of worship to be venerated or worshiped.
In Josh. 7:12 God said to Joshua: “I will not be with you any more unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.” Keeping the Mar Thoma Cross and all other statues in our churches even if they are of Jesus Himself is against the Word of God and therefore they are mere idols detestable to God. Since the statues of Mary and other saints have been in our churches for centuries and centuries in the past, it is neither practical nor is it advisable to remove them overnight. But now that we have the opportunity to stop the Mar Thoma Cross before it takes widespread hold in our churches, we should seize this opportunity and do it at all cost and as soon as we possibly can. This should be our highest priority in the here and now. As a second priority in the days and years to come, gradually we should remove all the other statues from our places of worship so that we can worship God in truth and Spirit by removing anything that is expressly prohibited by the Word of God.
The reason why I am saying that the removing of statues should be done gradually is that praying to the saints and Mary has some clear-cut benefits for those who have not grown deeply in the knowledge of the Word of God. Therefore, I would never say that we should immediately stop praying to the saints or Mary as the Protestant Christians say. At the same time, we have to understand its importance in relationship to the Word of God which clearly states that Christ is the ultimate reality and all other things and persons are nothing but shadows that help us to get to Jesus (Col. 2:17). If the shadow is near, the real person behind the shadow cannot be far off and therefore for those who have not had a good understanding of who God is based on the Word of God, praying to Mary and the saints may be of great value without which they may feel totally lost and incapable of making any progress in their spiritual lives. But our focus should shift more and more towards the study of the Word of God which is most essential to becoming true worshipers by ensuring that our worship is in truth and Spirit by making sure that it is in compliance with the truth of the Word of God.