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Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Reply to the Bishop by Fax-Fr Kattackal

Dear Bishop Angadiath, Please don’t pressurize me to leave this Rectory, since I will be thrown into the street if I vacate from this residence.I cannot immediately leave for India for the reasons I have already explained to you ; I cannot come over to Chicago either, for the problem of climatic conditions, and for obtaining my Social Security benefits. Therefore there is no possibility of my vacating this Rectory where I have been living for the last four years as the founding pastor of this parish with its Rectory. Besides, there is no place for another priest in my Rectory. I welcome your new appointee. But where will he reside? The only solution is this: Let us build a modest residence in this Church Campus with due permission from the city; it may take a few months to accomplish that goal. Besides, the tradition in the American Catholic Churches is that the retired pastors are given adequate accommodation and a pension by the parish or diocese. As I will be getting social security and medicare, I won’t be a financial burden either, to this parish. So please don’t pressurize me to quit this Rectory and to be thrown into the street. As you know, any forcible attempt to evict me from this present Residence of mine would be illegal . Therefore I request you again, please desist from any attempt to evict me from this Rectory, my present Residence. I will not quit this Rectory; I have to reside here for some more years to avail myself of the Social Security Benefits, and helping others. Happy Feast of St.Alphonsa! Fr.Dr-Dr.Jacob Kattackal. July 27th 2010. The Vicar General Intervenes. Msgr George Madathiparampil, wise and prudent, the Right Hand of the Bishop, proposed a solution, namely, another Room/Rectory in the dancing hall; or some adjustment in my old Rectory. The second suggestion is accepted. Arrangement is made for the new Pastor in the second bed-room in my old Rectory, where there are toilet and shower facilities. My bed-room is in the western side of the Rectory. Soon, we can have a good extension room for the new Pastor. Thus, the present set- up is in perfect harmony with the Chicago-direction.


A faithfull parishner said...

റിട്ടയര്‍ ചെയ്താലും അമേരിക്കയില്‍ തന്നെ താമസിക്കണം എന്നുവെച്ചാല്‍ എന്ത് ചെയ്യും?.

ഐഡിയ നല്ലതാണു .എല്ലാ സിറോ മലബാര്‍ പള്ളിയുടെ കുടെയും ഓരോ ഓള്‍ഡ്‌ പ്രിഎസ്റ്റ് ഹോം.
പിരിവോട് പിരിവു മാത്രം പാവം മലയ്ളിക്ക്!

ചക്കരകുടത്തില്‍ കൈയിട്ടാല്‍ പിന്നെ വിടാന്‍ പറ്റുമോ?

Anonymous said...

i have difference of opinion regarding Fr. Kattackal's way of doing things. but he is a good soul who loves the people and work hard. He is over 80 and deserves a good boarding and lodging since he worked for the Syro church for five years. why don't they provide a room in Bishop's house since half of the people in bishop's house are always out? fr. kattakal is good in writing books and doing research. his talents can be used in those areas. he desrves humanitarian assistance and help. let us help him in this way. he loves cruxified Christ.

Anonymous said...

Fr. Kattackal, you cannot lie and mislead the community. There are factual errors in your letter. Let the readers understand these facts about you and your retirement. You kind of projected that Bishops’ action was unfair and you do not have any other place to go. By reading your writing I thought the same. I am fairly new here in California and go to the Orange county church for Sunday Mass for the last two years. I started talking to other people in the community about this “unfair” decision and found out something different and the history of Santa Ana Church. Bishop Anagadiath never appointed you as the vicar or an employee of the diocese or ever paid salary to you to get benefits as you mentioned... Palai Bishop released you to Orange county Latin Bishop, Tod Brown, for a year, at the request of Bishop Gregory Karattemprel, for the spiritual benefit of Orange County Malayalee community before the formation of the diocese of Chicago.
Bishop Tod Brown appointed you as the parochial Vicar to one of his Churches and terminated his service within the next three years. You worked as a guest priest in one of the Churches in LA diocese in your fourth year of service in the US. When Orange County community bought the church in the name of Syro Malabar diocese of Chicago, you transitioned yourself to Chicago Diocese. How can the four or five people you mentioned in your letter buy a church? There are hundreds of other families who donated for the first church and there by the $ 1.5 million church. The community knows that. Your stand is that “if I am the one going for shopping, I do not need to be paid”. From that time onwards, you started looting the church and the community. Where the money from the “Spanish Ministry?” You are wealthier than what we all think. You own a room and accommodation in an institution called SEERI in Kottayam, Kerala. This was paid and owned back at the end of 1990’s and was your retirement home. You are also a resort owner in Kerala. You acquired acres of land somewhere near Cochin airport, years ago. You did this by illegally wiring $26,000 from the church account...Can you deny that Fr. Jacob? The persons you mentioned are the ones who supported your transfer of church money during December of 2006...Can you deny that Fr. Jacob??? You cheated them too and invested all the money in your family trust. The parishioners know that your method of conversion is by a “short cut “method without any preparation...
Many of us witnessed you providing all sacraments at the same time. .
On your recent trip to India, you stopped at Japan and gave Holly Communion to a Japanese lady. It is not known when the lady had any other sacraments received. If we have a $100 bill you can get all seven sacraments in a day from you... Our Bishop Angadiath is at your mercy now. The bishop was more than fair in your case for being his you are asking him not to pressure you... The parishioners have the full support of the bishop in your case. Please “obey” the bishop’s order this time instead of finding silly excuses. Social security can be collected from India. You do not have to be here.
Fr. Kattackal, now you mentioned that you do not does not mind having another priest. If you stay at the church premises you will continue your back ally cheap ministry, like drug dealers. We do not want to see you around anymore. You are dividing the community for your own benefit. Please do not quote any bible passages any more... what you have done and written in your 80 plus years of life should be practiced by a greater virtue which your “obedience” to your superior Mar Jacob Angadiath...

Anonymous said...

Hey Dude, Comment #2

That is what bishop provided.

Bishop Angadiath' letter clearly states the options.

1.Retire and stay with Bishop at Chicago diocesean house.

2. Go back to Fr. kattackal's home diocese and Palai Bishop.
(kattackal was released to Bishop TOd Brown only for an year. Kattackal leagaly belongs to Palai diocese.

3. Live as Fr. kattackal wish as private life.

I am assuming the comment is from one of the Dudes' mentioned by Kattackal

Jay Joseph, Punyalan brothers, and Kunjumon.

Anonymous said...

വിത്ത് ഗുണം 10 ഗുണം ഗുരുവിന്ടെ ഗുണം ബിഷപ്പ് അങ്ങാടിക്ക് 10 മടങ്ങായി കിട്ടി !

Anonymous said...

Fr. Kattackal is trying to gather sympathy from the parishioners by sending a misleading letter to parishioners. How can he give the credit of buying the church to few people and forget others? Again this is a tactic of dividing the community and benefiting from it. If he really cares, he should do what the bishop asked him to do. Fr. Jacob please vacate the rectory for the new vicar Fr. Palackaparambil. There is no need for you to stay here. We cannot afford to build a new room.You have plenty of places in India, bank blance and retirement benifits.. Please, enough is enough of you..

Real Cathoilc said...

I am so damn surprised :)

Fr Kattackal had selcted Syro Malabar Voice to voice his opinions. Kuddos Voice. It's indeed an accomplishment.

As I mentioned before, do not focus on individuals now. Just keep the quality and do the God's job.

Real Catholic

Anonymous said...

Comment # 4

Please publish Bishop Angadiath's letter to the Kaikarans and parish concil members .

Orange county parishner,CA

Anonymous said...


Where are you ...? Still in Dallas ?

Will you please call Fr.Kattackal and advice Him to obey the SUPERIOR, and be nice to Fr. Augustine

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

@Comment 10

He is not a Hero....
He is becoming a big zero day by day...
Soon he'll be out of the rectory.

Anonymous said...

Please don't drive out Fr.Kattackal. Just give him a room. You don't have to give your big dollars. God shall provide.
He can work on evangelization staying in US.
There is no one as knowledgeable and committed as him.
if he goes back we miss a person who can defend the church against the Pentecostal and non-christian attacks.
Please have a vision for the church.

John said...

How come Rev. Pope John Paul II was never asked to retire and go to Poland after 80 years old and even was very ill. Vatican money is also collected from various parishes. You brethren read Mathew 16:19&23 to see what Jesus told Peter after presenting great position & power. Rev. Jacob Kattackal gave the leadership even this Syromalabar Church was to be begun in U.S.A. In addition to Rev. Kottackal did great effort to make the church in the way it is now.

Anonymous said...

Fr.kattackal is very brave and a true hero to other smc priests ,not the one in chicago ,they are money hungry jelous people. Jesus never fired any body .who is next to be fired by our sacread bishop and his small curia gang? ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR MIND ??? Is this a money making corporation or what ?????

Anonymous said...

Why the heck u guys want to make the transfer of a parish priest this much big issue....

He was given all sort of excuses... he ate the $ for all these years...

What was the source of $ behind the properties he bought in Moolamattam and other places.

What happened to the collection from the Sunday Spanish mass all these while. And the collection from various missions... where he went each Saturday... mostly with the gas expense from the church.

Do u guys still believe his story about the 26000$ wired to India...

Its true that we can wake a person who is sleeping... but not a person acting to be sleeping. Even-if u r stupid enough to believe his story... pls dont say it loud... (about u being stupid)

And finally... our rectory is not a motel.

So what is going to happen after 3 or 5 years when Fr Augustine is transferred. Do we have to accommodate 3 priests from that time....
R u guys trying to make this an old priest home.....

He is a great champion of Baptism... (maybe he is aiming Guinness book).... But he always comments about one of the parishioner who is in his black list as a Hindu (he chose Christ long time ago, and was active in the formation of the Orange county Church)