Keep Faith, inspire the Faithful, expose Clergy abuse and arrogance - this is our Mission

Monday, December 20, 2010

ബിഷപ്‌ അങ്ങാടിയത്തിന്റെ ഞെട്ടിപ്പിക്കുന്ന പ്രഖ്യാപനം

കോപ്പെലിലെ ദേവാലയ വെഞ്ചരിപ്പ് കര്‍മ്മങ്ങള്‍ മംഗളകരമായി നടന്നു. കൊപ്പെലിനെ ഇടവകയായി പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ചു.

ചടങ്ങുകള്‍ക്ക് ശേഷം ബിഷപ്‌ നടത്തിയ പ്രഭാഷണത്തില്‍ പറഞ്ഞ ചില സംഗതികള്‍ അവിടെ കൂടിയിരുന്ന ഭക്ത ജനങ്ങളെ ഞെട്ടിക്കുന്നതായിരുന്നു.

കൊപ്പെലില്‍ തനിക്കു തെറ്റ് പറ്റിയെന്നു അദ്ദേഹം പരസ്യമായി ഏറ്റുപറഞ്ഞു. അദ്ദേഹം സമൂഹത്തോട് അതിന് മാപ്പ് ചോദിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു.

എന്നാല്‍ ഇതിനു  ശേഷം നടത്തിയ പ്രസ്താവനയാണ് ഭക്തജനങ്ങളെ ഒന്നാകെ ഞെട്ടിച്ചത്.

"ഇനി അമേരിക്കയിലെ ഒരു പള്ളികളിലും മാര്‍തോമകുരിശും അള്‍ത്താരവിരിയും തൂക്കണമെന്നു ഞാന്‍ നിര്‍ബന്ധം പിടിക്കുകയില്ല. കേരളത്തിലെ സഭയില്‍ ഇതിനെപ്പറ്റി  തീരുമാനമാകാത്തതിനാല്‍ ആണ് ഈ പുതിയ തീരുമാനം." ഭക്ത ജനങ്ങള്‍ ആവേശഭരിതമായ ഹര്‍ഷാരവത്തോടെ ബിഷപ്പിന്‍റെ ഈ പ്രസ്താവനയെ സ്വാഗതം ചെയ്തു.

ബിഷപ്പിന്‍റെ ഈ പരസ്യ പ്രസ്താവന ഗാര്‍ലാണ്ടിനും ചിക്കാഗോക്കും നവോന്മേഷം പകര്‍ന്നിരിക്കുകയാണ്. ഗാര്‍ലാണ്ടിലെ പുതിയ ദേവാലയത്തില്‍ മാര്‍ തോമ കുരിശ് കയറുമെന്ന് ഇനി വിശ്വസിക്കുക വയ്യ. ചിക്കാഗോ കത്തീദ്രലില്‍ ജനങ്ങളെ കബളിപ്പിച്ച് ബിഷപ്പും കൂട്ടരും സ്ഥാപിച്ച മാര്‍ തോമ കുരിശും അള്‍ത്താര വിരിയും ഇതോടെ താഴെയിറക്കാനും അദ്ദേഹം തീരുമാനിക്കും എന്ന് ഇവിടുത്തെ ജനങ്ങള്‍ പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു. അതും  കൂടി നടപ്പാക്കുന്നതോടെ നമ്മുടെ സഭയില്‍ ഐക്യത്തിന്റെ പുതു പുത്തന്‍ അദ്ധ്യായം തുറക്കപ്പെടുമെന്ന് പ്രത്യാശിക്കാം.


Anonymous said...

Paalam kadakkuvolum NARAYANA NARAYANA.

Paalam = 1.5 million loan.

Anonymous said...

It is always nice to hear the good news. Please publish the video and sound recording of this grate moment in our church and Bishops Angadiath speech.

Anonymous said...

"കൊപ്പെലില്‍ തനിക്കു തെറ്റ് പറ്റിയെന്നു അദ്ദേഹം പരസ്യമായി ഏറ്റുപറഞ്ഞു. അദ്ദേഹം സമൂഹത്തോട് അതിന് മാപ്പ് ചോദിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു."

Then bishop should FIRE Kaduppan and sent him back to Kerala, bring back Fr.Saji and make him the Chancellor. Let Fr.Saji stay in Coppell. If he needs to be in Chicago, he can fly there. Afterall, the bunch in Chicago travels everywhere at the expense of diocese for no good reason.

Anonymous said...

Jesus kicked out the merchants from Synagogue. Later He was arrested by police and crucified by the evil minded people.

Bishop kicked out a noble priest for installing crucifix on the altar. Later he was crucified by the evil minded people.

Bishop's shinkidis managed to get a man arrested for standing up for the truth behind our faith. They then called police on the whole community. Good thing those few people in this parish are not powerful enough to crucify us.

It is unbelievable what those would do to have a meaningless title or to make a few extra dollars.

Truly shameful.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened today in Copel is a good sign .unless there is a major change with the administration there will be significant decline with the numbers of syromalabar faithful attending the Malayalam Churches in USA. Shame on every one Syro Malabar synod no taking any procative steps. rather than critizing people in Politics and saying that they are not a good leader , time for self critisism and do the amendment for the faith of the syromalabar people. Let it be a New Year resolution..

Anonymous said...

Looks like manny people missed the hidden message:

"ഇനി അമേരിക്കയിലെ ഒരു പള്ളികളിലും മാര്‍തോമകുരിശും അള്‍ത്താരവിരിയും തൂക്കണമെന്നു ഞാന്‍ നിര്‍ബന്ധം പിടിക്കുകയില്ല. കേരളത്തിലെ സഭയില്‍ ഇതിനെപ്പറ്റി തീരുമാനമാകാത്തതിനാല്‍ ആണ് ഈ പുതിയ തീരുമാനം"

What does it mean? Did anyone think about what can happen tomorrow?

"കേരളത്തിലെ സഭയില്‍ ഇതിനെപ്പറ്റി തീരുമാനമാകാത്തതിനാല്‍ ആണ് ഈ പുതിയ തീരുമാനം"

That means, when കേരളത്തിലെ സഭ realizes that the loans on USA church properties are paid off, they will come out with the decision to enforce the evil marthoma cross.

So, all of you crucifix supporters don't get too excited.

Anonymous said...

I think Bishop Remigius should appoint Fr. Chakkittamuryil as the Chanceller of Thamarassery. Let him prove his ability to run a Chancery. So we all need to call Bishop Remigius and demand this request.

Anonymous said...


Pay only the minimum to the diocese and to church to run their daily show and be generous to our favorite charitable and mission work elsewhere in the world for Jesus. Even without the SMC-Diocese, the faithful will sustain here in USA. The American churches and their Sunday Mass is far better and spiritually moving than our repeated lengthily Kurbana with selective bible readings without any rhythms init. OUR CHURCH BECAME MONEY MAKING SCHEME IN USA AND WE SHOULD NOT ENCOURAGE THIS ANYMORE.

Today, the Chicago Vicar talked bout the new parish council and he warns about people those who directly get into position in the church affairs for their own benefits and show ups. He did good job in that direction however he is still in darkness and living in the Dark Age of dead pagan Mar-thoma-Manichean Cross and ugly VIRI. How long he could mesmerize the faithful with his tricks in Bellwood. It is time for him to stage his leadership qualities towards the unity of SMC faithful in Chicago by removing the VIRI and the dead pagan cross from the cathedral altar. LET HIM SHOW SERVING THE LORD THAN HIS BOSS IN SMC-CHICAGO ARAMANA.

Anonymous said...

There was no announcement about Frisco ward issue by Bishop today. What is the final decision for Frisco? The commision promised earlier that Frisco will be part of Coppell Parish.

Anonymous said...

A few chunakkuttans in coppell demanded sorry from the bishop. They pushed the right buttons and they got it. I congratulate these chunakkuttans. I also congratulate them for torpedoing carol collections in Lewisville. Thank you for keeping the pressure where it is needed. I admire Jochan for several ideas and getting them executed.

Anonymous said...

"ഇനി അമേരിക്കയിലെ ഒരു പള്ളികളിലും മാര്‍തോമകുരിശും അള്‍ത്താരവിരിയും തൂക്കണമെന്നു ഞാന്‍ നിര്‍ബന്ധം പിടിക്കുകയില്ല. കേരളത്തിലെ സഭയില്‍ ഇതിനെപ്പറ്റി തീരുമാനമാകാത്തതിനാല്‍ ആണ് ഈ പുതിയ തീരുമാനം."

പിന്നേ ആരാണ് അമേരിക്കയിലെ പള്ളികളില്‍ മാര്‍തോമകുരിശും അള്‍ത്താരവിരിയും തൂക്കണമെന്നു ഞാന്‍ നിര്‍ബന്ധം പിടിച്ചത്?

പിതാവിന്‍റെ യെച്ചില് തിന്നുന്ന ഗര്‍ഭം കലക്കുന്ന കാവാലമോ! വട്ടന്‍തോമയോ! A V യോ! ജോൺ ജോയിയോ! പിന്നേ ആര്? അള്‍ത്താരയില്‍ നിന്ന് നുണകള്‍ പറയുന്ന കടുപപനോ, വിനോദോ, സക്രിയ തോട്ടിലേ വേലിയോ,ബ്ള ബ്ള ബ്ള യോ, അതോ അങ്ങാടിയത്ത് പിതാവോ?

ഈ ക്ലാവരും ശീലയും കളിക്കാര് ഇവരില്‍ ആര്?

Anonymous said...

ജോൺജോയിക്ക് കോപ്പേല്‍ പളളിയില്‍ പോലിസിനേ കൊണ്ടുവരുവാന്‍ അധികാരം കൊടുത്തത് ആര്?

കോപ്പേല്‍ പളളിയില്‍ അങ്ങാടിയത്ത് പിതാവിന്‍റെ അരയില്‍ ജോൺജോയി കെട്ടികൊടുത്ത diaper പൊട്ടിഒഴുകിയത് തൂടച്ചത് ആര്?

ചേന തലയന്‍ Av, ജോൺജോയി,വട്ടന്‍തോമ പിന്നേ ഇവന്‍മാരൂടെ ഭരൃമാരൂം ആണ് തൂടച്ചത് കൊടുത്തത്!

കോപ്പേല്‍ പളളിയില്‍ പോലിസിനേ കൊണ്ടുവന്നത്, അങ്ങാടിയത്ത് പിതാവ് കോപ്പേലുകാരെ പേടിച്ചട്ടോ? അതോ ദൈവത്തേ പേടിച്ചട്ടോ?

Tom Varkey said...

Dear Santa, Can you Deliver in Garland What You Promised Us in Coppell? -- Tom Varkey
After attending the Consecration Ceremony in Coppell yesterday, I was thrilled. If you are like me, I am sure you also felt that our beloved Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath sounded like an awesome Santa. Yes, he promised that he will not impose the Mar Thoma Cross anymore and anywhere in his diocese since the Kerala Church has not reached a consensus on this issue. For a moment, as an avid devotee of the Crucifix, I felt like a kid sitting on Santa’s lap listening to him telling me I can have whatever I wish for this Christmas. But soon my thoughts turned a little somber. Based on our Bishop’s promises in the past, his promises sounded a little far-fetched. So the question that is now swirling around in my head is: “Can our Bishop deliver in Garland what he promised us in Coppell?” Based on his record on keeping promises, like most of you I feel like he is somebody who lives in an unfamiliar territory like the North Pole while we live in Dallas, Texas.
To give us some reassurance, here is a question we are asking our Bishop Santa: Can you deliver in Garland what you promised us yesterday in Coppell? To restore our trust in you which suffered some serious set-back with the Fr. Sajy Chakkittamuriyil fiasco, here is what you need to do: 1) Tell Rev. Fr. Joji Kaniampadickal in the Garland church that he should not move the Crucifix in the Parish Hall. The parishioners in the Garland Church installed that Crucifix in the Parish Hall for it to stay – not to be moved to the new church or anywhere else. If he has no money to buy another crucifix to install in the new Church, I will get that money for him one way or other.
2) Tell Fr. Joji to hold fair elections to appoint a new Parish Council who will be sensitive to public opinion when it comes to implementing the wishes of the parishioners. Right now, what has happened in the Garland is not much different from what has happened in the Ivory Coast, Haiti or Iran where the elections have been manipulated by unscrupulous and greedy dictators. Fr. Joji has denied the parishioners their innate rights to choose their leaders for their community who will install the Crucifix which is what they want. He has handpicked his own cronies who have neither the integrity nor a conscience that will respect the wishes of their fellow parishioners. If Fr. Joji holds a referendum among the parishioners on this issue, this will become clear to him in a heartbeat.

Tom Varkey said...

Part 2 of Article "Dear Santa ..." by Tom Varkey

3) Announce in the church that he will install the cross that the majority of the parishioners want and not what he or you want. And be prepared to face a great shock – because what they want is not the Mar Thoma Cross. Sorry to disappoint you, Santa!
If you do the above, then we will trust in you once again. Otherwise to us you will become the Grinch who not only stole our Christmas but also our Crucifix. You will not be our Santa -- not even by a long shot. If you don’t deliver on the promise you made to us in Coppell, then we will wage a battle more fierce in Garland than the one you saw in Coppell. You will be convinced that Coppell was a cakewalk when you see our fight for the Crucifix in Garland. In addition to media attack and financial non-cooperation which we used as our weapons in Coppell, you will see legal action taking a center stage. But our greatest strength will always be this truth: “The battle belongs to the LORD” (1 Sam. 17:47). Legal action will be expensive both to you and to us. But you will have to reimburse our legal expenses when the battle for Garland is won and our diocese will be in worse shape than the bankrupt dioceses in the U.S. after losing the sex scandal cases.
Of course if you don’t keep your promise you made in Coppell, we will have a bad Christmas or two. But you will have a bunch of long and hot summers far away from your cozy and comfortable home in the North Pole shuttling back and forth from courthouse after courthouse. So here is your choice: you can continue to be the good Santa you have shown yourself to be in Coppell on December 19, 2010 or become the Grinch who stole both our Christmas and our Crucifix! We d not want to sound ungrateful to you for the noble character you displayed in Coppell. We immensely thank you for acting with nobility in Coppell yesterday. But you need to go further not for our personal glory or for any benefit our part but for the glory of our Crucified Savior which is at stake. We will defend it at any cost. Then everyone inside and outside the Syro-Malabar Church will know that “the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power” (1 Cor. 4:20). This power flows from the Savior who hangs on the Crucifix which you saw on display on Dec. 19, 2010 and will soon flow into Garland. Then you will be convinced beyond all doubt that the Mar Thoma Cross is nothing but an idol.

Anonymous said...

During the last Sunday announcements, Fr. Anthony, mentioned about the upcoming ward elections. He stated that we should elect people who are "obedient" to the church authorities, and who supports the clavar cross. Both the above conditions are questionable at the very least. I don't think Fr.Anthony has any credibility since he cheated people to build the cathedral.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday (Sunday) while driving to church, hundreds of Cathedral parishners, witnessed a heart-breaking scene - Kaduppan's dream empire being demolished. Chicagoans should demand an explanation and an appology from the Bishop for their hasty and immature decisions.
Please, let's unite and demand explanation from the bishop.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to congratulate these chunakkuttans: joseph, thomas, vattappan, mathew, thomachan, and their familes for putting on the pressure.