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Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Day of Celebration … A Day of Victory for the Crucifix

 – Tom Varkey

Tomorrow is a day of joyful celebration and a day of victory for our Savior who went to the Cross for our salvation and the salvation of all humanity. We have many reasons to celebrate tomorrow and let us do just that. It shouldn’t be a day for calling anybody a loser or to mock or humiliate anybody.
It is a day that should be spent in the spirit of prayer, praying for our Syro-Malabar Church, our Bishop and all our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. We the faithful in Coppell, no doubt, fought a good fight to have the Crucifix in our sanctuary and we succeeded. But we have to realize that it is Jesus who gave us the victory. Remember “the battle belongs to the LORD” (1 Sam. 17:47) and He will give us many more victories as we continue our battles going forward including the one soon to follow in Garland.

Tomorrow we should celebrate the way we stood as one group and fought and won. At the same time, we have to be also thankful to our Bishop for agreeing to consecrate the church and made this celebration possible tomorrow as a great Christmas gift for our St. Alphonsa Catholic Community. Like most of you, I am also greatly disappointed with his decision to inform the police. But let us give him the benefit of doubt and not read too much into this decision. On the other hand, if our Bishop has any hidden agenda through this action, I am sure it is going to be a great disappointment for him as was the calling of Police by his supporters on the day of our September General Body meeting on September 19th. We fight for a righteous cause and our “help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let our foot slip …” (Ps. 121:2-3). Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone and let us celebrate in a big way tomorrow as our beloved church is being consecrated to our Savior by our beloved Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath.


Anonymous said...

I am a Chicago Bellwood Member

As a true catholic, be always with Christ and be with his crucifix. Let us pray for our Syro Malabar church and the Good Lord is always with us.

Exodus 12:23" ==The Lord will pass through striking the Egyptians: and when he shall see the blood on the transom, and on both the posts, he will pass over the door of the house, and not suffer the destroyer to come into your houses and to hurt you."

1 Corinthians 1:23-24 == But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness; But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

Merry X’mas

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all the parish members who worked hard for this victory especially Jochan and family. Have a peaceful X'mas

Anonymous said...

Also, thanks to tomy, mathew, john, thomas, and their familes for their support through out this ordeal.