In the last Sunday mass speech, Fr Antony was asking people to send 10% of your savings (After all expenses, whatever you are left with) to church. And he was openly cursing and threatening people for not doing so.
Comment: Acha, we all contribute 10% or more. We work very hard and we offer more than 10% of our final savings to church. Frankly, most of us do not even have a saving and we still offer and give thousands to “Church”. So if we look into our savings alone, we are probably in the 50% category.
Fr Antony was saying, he sent his 10% of his allowed income, which is equivalent to $65 per month was send to some institution. Are you dare to offer or rather contribute your extra income to the church fund, which you gain via appearing in BDay parties, blessing occasions etc?
I really want to thank you and congratulate you for the efforts you put together to build a beautiful church. Indeed the church is beautiful. A promised 4.5 Million Church completed with a cost of 9.6 Million Dollars. Wow.. It’s better to be beautiful…
It’s you, and you are very much part of the whole blame of our current situation. You promised a 4.5 Million Church and we were witnessed to that. And in the end, you built us a church with an excess baggage of 5.5 Million Dollars on top of the promised 4.5 Million Dollars. Your so called supporters helped you built this “UnNcessary” luxuries. You bought the nearby properties for huge premium and they are irrecoverable money wastage and your foolishness caused a lots of money to the community.
1. Construction Committee wanted Granite in the church. Acha, there is only 10% of the church is walkable and you needed granite ONLY in the place where people walk. Instead you and the construction fundas put granite everywhere. An unnecessary spending for 500K or more.
2. The office building upstairs – There was NO NEED of a second floor altogether. Not even 2% of the people get the benefit from these upstairs offices. I would you’ve put another 2 Million for the second floor and it’s infrastructure. Why was these money spent unwisely?
3. The Basement – A NO USE 16000 Sqft luxury. It must have coasted us another 1.75 Million dollars to have the current basement built. The 1.75 Million for “Making people socialize or selling “Bonda and Coffee”. We needed only the old church for socialization. But under your guidance we spent another 1.75 Million or more.
4. The “Stained Glasses” – Please DO NOT EVER say stain glasses. The glasses in our church are plastered glasses over a picture. They ARE NOT stained glasses. If you want to see stained glasses, please go look at St Jude Church.
5. You made us purchased land and houses near to the church saying you needed a place to stay. But you never did. You are still living in the old place. Another spending of 300K plus.
6. You wanted the Doms on the top of our church. Not one dome – There are three domes. I am sure many of our people don’t even know there are three domes because nobody can even see them. What an architectural beauty? People can’t even see them. Another lavish unnecessary spending of 600K may be for this custom round domes' architecture.
With the above listed things itself, you caused Syro Malabar a lot of money (Close to 5 Million) where you could have done a better job if you were brave enough to take your own decisions.
Now.. Instead of cursing the public for not receiving money, perhaps follow the below suggestions and who knows, people will get jobs and they will start contributing more.
1. Pray for the people who have lost the jobs. Instead of the priests’ prayer that’s more appropriate and relevant.
2. Ask Bishop to sell his 2.2 Million house and buy a house for .5 Million. You can use that 1.7 Million for many other important things.
3. It coasted Syro Malabar Church 30K or more to install the round Sheela in our church. Remove the “Sheela” from our church and sell it for 25K.
4. Put the other money which you and other priests earn via blessing etc. According to your last speech you are allowed to get only $650 per month for your personal usage. It will be awesome if you can keep the extra income towards our church fund rather than cursing the public. Please be a model before you start cursing others. The same statement applicable to Fr Shasseri too. If you are from a well to do family, please take a minimum of 5K membership to a Max of 1 Million in our Syro Malabar church that way, Fr Antony will save some energy after the mass. He is so tired of all these cursed every week. To both of you priests, I agree with you on the discipline, which you are trying to implement in our church. It’s good and needed. Kudos on that part. So far Fr Shasseri is awesome in that part. He does a great job with kids. I must admit that. We do not have any problem you are driving BMW or other luxury cars. (I am not sure Fr Sasseri drives a BMW. If not I am sorry.) May be Priesthood is no more a symbol of simplicity anymore. And if you have rich relatives, you can very well own any type of cars or any type of life. Unfortunately, many of the people do not have relatives like you priests. Please understand one thing. When you drive BMW, we also have the desire to drive Benz and BMWs too. And if we do so, we will NOT have any money to contribute to church. So I wish all readers more energy and blessings to make more money and that way we can contribute more to our church. The church is for us and our kids. And I am all for a better future for our kids.
The above is constructive criticism and there could be some part which may not be 100% right. Take the best out of it and make use of it. Jesus the Lord, please bless us all
Comment: Acha, we all contribute 10% or more. We work very hard and we offer more than 10% of our final savings to church. Frankly, most of us do not even have a saving and we still offer and give thousands to “Church”. So if we look into our savings alone, we are probably in the 50% category.
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Fr. Thundathil |
I really want to thank you and congratulate you for the efforts you put together to build a beautiful church. Indeed the church is beautiful. A promised 4.5 Million Church completed with a cost of 9.6 Million Dollars. Wow.. It’s better to be beautiful…
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Fr. Sasseril |
Fr Antony’s (Head of construction committee) Foolishness in Syro Malabar Chicago.
1. Construction Committee wanted Granite in the church. Acha, there is only 10% of the church is walkable and you needed granite ONLY in the place where people walk. Instead you and the construction fundas put granite everywhere. An unnecessary spending for 500K or more.
2. The office building upstairs – There was NO NEED of a second floor altogether. Not even 2% of the people get the benefit from these upstairs offices. I would you’ve put another 2 Million for the second floor and it’s infrastructure. Why was these money spent unwisely?
3. The Basement – A NO USE 16000 Sqft luxury. It must have coasted us another 1.75 Million dollars to have the current basement built. The 1.75 Million for “Making people socialize or selling “Bonda and Coffee”. We needed only the old church for socialization. But under your guidance we spent another 1.75 Million or more.
4. The “Stained Glasses” – Please DO NOT EVER say stain glasses. The glasses in our church are plastered glasses over a picture. They ARE NOT stained glasses. If you want to see stained glasses, please go look at St Jude Church.
5. You made us purchased land and houses near to the church saying you needed a place to stay. But you never did. You are still living in the old place. Another spending of 300K plus.
6. You wanted the Doms on the top of our church. Not one dome – There are three domes. I am sure many of our people don’t even know there are three domes because nobody can even see them. What an architectural beauty? People can’t even see them. Another lavish unnecessary spending of 600K may be for this custom round domes' architecture.
With the above listed things itself, you caused Syro Malabar a lot of money (Close to 5 Million) where you could have done a better job if you were brave enough to take your own decisions.
Now.. Instead of cursing the public for not receiving money, perhaps follow the below suggestions and who knows, people will get jobs and they will start contributing more.
2. Ask Bishop to sell his 2.2 Million house and buy a house for .5 Million. You can use that 1.7 Million for many other important things.
3. It coasted Syro Malabar Church 30K or more to install the round Sheela in our church. Remove the “Sheela” from our church and sell it for 25K.
4. Put the other money which you and other priests earn via blessing etc. According to your last speech you are allowed to get only $650 per month for your personal usage. It will be awesome if you can keep the extra income towards our church fund rather than cursing the public. Please be a model before you start cursing others. The same statement applicable to Fr Shasseri too. If you are from a well to do family, please take a minimum of 5K membership to a Max of 1 Million in our Syro Malabar church that way, Fr Antony will save some energy after the mass. He is so tired of all these cursed every week. To both of you priests, I agree with you on the discipline, which you are trying to implement in our church. It’s good and needed. Kudos on that part. So far Fr Shasseri is awesome in that part. He does a great job with kids. I must admit that. We do not have any problem you are driving BMW or other luxury cars. (I am not sure Fr Sasseri drives a BMW. If not I am sorry.) May be Priesthood is no more a symbol of simplicity anymore. And if you have rich relatives, you can very well own any type of cars or any type of life. Unfortunately, many of the people do not have relatives like you priests. Please understand one thing. When you drive BMW, we also have the desire to drive Benz and BMWs too. And if we do so, we will NOT have any money to contribute to church. So I wish all readers more energy and blessings to make more money and that way we can contribute more to our church. The church is for us and our kids. And I am all for a better future for our kids.
The above is constructive criticism and there could be some part which may not be 100% right. Take the best out of it and make use of it. Jesus the Lord, please bless us all
Dear Blog Editor:
Plese do not say "Beautiful Church" anymore in the blog. This is a beautiful cathedral in the eyes of the Zero Malabar leadership. The beauty of a church is not in its building but in the "community of the faithful". Do we have a community of faithful here? We had one about 8 years ago. NOT any more; what we have is a "CROWD of people".
I personally do not think FR.Anthony is a money mided person. I do not know about fr.sasseeril. But the Zero Malabar leadership blew up a lot of money lavishly.
Honestly, I am loosing my christian faith, just because of the bishop and priests here.
As you correctly stated: "Priests are not symbol of sacrifice" anymore. They are symbol of richness, power and DICTATORSHIP.
You said fr. sasseril have done a good job disicipling kids. Have you talked to parents and teenage children and got feedback? Do so - then you might change your opinion.
I want to ask again and again: (1) Where is the souvinior of the inogoration of this "Beautiful Cathedral"? (2) Where is the much awaited directory? You must hold Fr. Anthony, Andres and Chamakkala accountable.
More later.
വഴിയും സത്യവും ജീവനും അവനിലുടെ മാത്രമേ ലഭിക്കു
ഞങ്ങളുടെ ഗാര്ലാണ്ട് പള്ളിയില് തൂങ്ങപ്പെട്ട കുരിശുരൂപമല്ലാതെ മറ്റൊന്നും തൂക്കാനും അതിനെ വണങ്ങാനും ഞങ്ങള് തയാറല്ല .
കണ്ട പേര്ഷ്യാക്കാരുടെ കുരിശെന്ന് അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന പേര്ഷ്യന് കുരിശിനെയും മാനിക്കെയനെയും പവുലവി ഭാഷയെയും ഒക്കെ വലിച്ചുകൊണ്ടുവന്നു അല്ത്താരയില് വച്ച് പള്ളി അശുത്ത മാക്കാന് ഞങ്ങള് അനുവദിക്കില്ല .
ഞങ്ങളുടെ വിയര്പ്പാണ് ഈ പള്ളി , അല്ലാതെ ആരുടേയും കുടുബസ്വത്തു കൊടുത്ത് വാങ്ങിയതല്ലപള്ളി .
ഇശോമിശിഖ കുരിശില് മരിക്കുന്നതിനുമുന്പു സ്ഥാപിച്ച വി . കുര്ബാനയെന്ന വലിയ പ്രാര്ത്ഥന ദിനംതോറും നമ്മുടെ പള്ളികളില് അനുഷ്ടിച്ചുവരുന്നു .
ആ പ്രാര്ത്ഥന സ്ഥാപിച്ച കര്ത്താവിന്റെ രൂപമില്ലാത്ത കുരിശു ഒരു കാരണവശാലും പള്ളിയില് സ്ഥാപിക്കാന് പാടില്ല .
ഈശോയുടെ പീടാനുഭവം കുരിശു മരണം ഉയര്പ്പ് ഇതൊക്കെ പ്രതിനിധാനം ചെയ്യുന്ന വി . കുരിശു മാത്രമേ പള്ളിയുടെ അല്ത്താരയില് സ്ഥാപിക്കാന് പാടുള്ളൂ .
ആ കുരിശില്നോക്കി പ്രാര്തിക്കുമ്പോള് ഒരു വിശ്വാസിക്ക് ഉണ്ടാകുന്ന അനുഭൂതി അനുഭവിച്ചു തന്നെ അറിയണം .
അതറിയണമെങ്കില് യേശുവിനെ ഏക ദൈവമായി അന്ഗീകരിക്കണം, വഴിയും സത്യവും ജീവനും അവനിലുടെ മാത്രമേ ലഭിക്കു.
യേശുവിനെ മാത്രം ഏകദൈവമായി സ്വീകരിച്ചു അവിടുത്തെ ആരാധിക്കണം .
Why do we give 10% for this gang? GIVE IT TO THE POOR AND NEEDY and don't be stupid.
DO you know how the money is spent? I don't. That's the mystery of our faith?
Please understand one thing.
When you drive a BMW,
we also have the desire to drive Benz and BMWs too.
And if we all buy BMW, we will NOT have any money left to contribute to church. Is that OK Sasseril?
എടാ മോനെ തോമ്മേ,നീ ആരെയൊക്കെ തമ്മില് തല്ലിക്കാന് നോക്കിയാലും അത് പുറത്തു വരും.അത് ഇന്നല്ലെങ്ങില് നാളെ നിനക്ക് തന്നെ പാര ആയി തിരിച്ചു വരും.നീ അതിനു വേണ്ടി നടത്തിട്ടുള്ള കേനികളും സുത്രങ്ങളും എല്ലാര്ക്കും മനസിലാകും.
So Be a very good boy.No need to worry about anything other than your own things.We will run this church and you dont need to put your hand there.
Please be away from politicks in Church.
എടാ മോനെ തോമ്മേ,നീ ...
എത്ര തവണ ഓരോരുത്തരേ നുണകള് പറഞ്ഞ് പറ്റിക്കന് പറ്റും!
ക്ലാവര് കുരിശും ശീലയും തൂക്കുവാന് വേണ്ടി സ്വന്തം അപ്പനേപോലും തളളിപറഞ്ഞ നിന്നേ ആര്ക്ക് വേണം!
നീ പൊതുജെനത്തിന്റെ മുന്നില് എന്നും ചതിയനും നുണയനും ആണ്!
മറ്റുളളവരെ അങ്ങോട്ടും ഇങ്ങോട്ടും തല്ല്പിടിപ്പിക്കല്ലേ നിന്റെ മറ്റോരുപണി!
ആദൃം തോമ്മ സ്വയം നന്നായാല് കോപ്പലുപളളിയും പൊതുജെനങ്ങളും നന്നായിപോയേനേ! എടാ മോനെ വട്ടന് തോമ്മ, നീ ...എന്ന് നല്ലവനാകും? സ്വന്തം അപ്പനേ ഓര്ത്തേങ്കിലും സ്വയം നന്നാവാന് നോക്ക് വട്ടന് തോമ്മേ!
ഗാര്ലാന്ഡ്ലെ പുതിയ ദേവാലയത്തില് ജനഹിതത്തിനു വിരുദ്ധമായി, അവരെ കബളിപ്പിച്ച്, ക്ലാവര് കുരിശും ശീലയും തൂക്കുവാന് വേണ്ടി, പൊതുയോഗം ആറേഴ് മണിക്കൂറോളം എന്തിനാണ് നീട്ടികൊണ്ടുപോയത്?
ജനത്തിന് ക്രുശിതരൂപം മാത്രം മതിയെന്ന് പറഞ്ഞിട്ടും ക്ലാവര് കേറ്റുവാന് ഫാ.ജോജി പഠിച്ചപതിനേട്ടടവും നോക്കേണ്ട വലിയ കാരൃമുണ്ടായിരുന്നോ?
ഗാര്ലാന്ഡ്ല് പളളിപണിയുന്നത് ചിക്കാഗോയില് കിടക്കുന്ന അങ്ങാടിയത്ത് പിതാവിന് വേണ്ടിട്ടോ, ഗാര്ലാന്ഡിലേ പോതുജെനങ്ങള്ക്ക് വേണ്ടിട്ടോ! നല്ല അപ്പന്മാരാണെങ്കില് മക്കള്ക്ക് വേണ്ടത് വാങ്ങിച്ചുകൊടുക്കും!
അങ്ങാടിയത്ത് പിതാവ് നല്ല അപ്പനായിരുന്നേങ്കില് മക്കള്ക്ക് വേണ്ടത് ക്രൂശിതരൂപം മാത്രം മതിയെന്നുപറഞ്ഞിട്ടും എന്തുകൊണ്ട് ക്ലാവര് കുരിശും ശീലയും കൂട്ടത്തില് പിടിപ്പിക്കാന് പരിശ്രമിക്കുന്നു. ഇനിമേലില് അങ്ങാടിയത്ത് പിതാവ് ക്ലാവര് കുരിശും ശീലയും അടിച്ചേല്പ്പിക്കുകയില്ല എന്ന്പറഞ്ഞിട്ടും ചെയുന്നത് അതുതന്നേയാണല്ലോ പിതാവേ?
To the cathedral Vicars,.
The Chicago diocese misused the faithful and their hard earned money in the name of Bellwood (HELL WOOD) Cathedral. Since last 4 years you were looting the Syro Malabar community in USA.
Fr. Antony and the Bishop may have another plan to cover the entire cathedral with another pegan cross of their unbelief.
What is the status his Directory-photo project? If you say something in front of Holy Altar, please be sincere to your speech and prove it yourself and show words in action.
Did your announced/informed faithful about the selling of the cathedral property in Berkley? We have every right to know that.
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