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Thursday, February 10, 2011

What is Parish Council?

This article was published in the February edition of Soul & Vision, a monthly internet based news letter
[ Professor. Jacob Srampickal is director of the center for Social Communications at Pontific al Gregoria n University , Rome]
"Our parish priest is a very learned man . He knows everything . He tells us what to do and we just follow him", said an elderly lady . "Our parish priest is an autocrat. He doesn't want our opinions. He won't allow others to do anything , he fears others can mess up everything" another said. "In our parish , when we come up with a suggestion , or an opinion , the priest is keen to find out who came up with the suggestion. Unless he knows who did, he would not like to proceed ". "In our parish the parish priest takes all the decisions. He has a few favorites who execute all his decisions," an young lady quipped in .

The above are comments I collected in one of my pastoral communication classes, in a North Indian parish , while talking on the importance of the Parish Pastoral Council (P P C ) in a parish , the most important unit that helps create community participation and a sense of belongingness in the parish is the PPC . And good communication is the basis of building an effective PPC . Participation of the members of the parish in the decision making and execution of all the activities of the parish is the central focus of the PPC . Canon law numbers 228, 536 and 537 speak highly of the necessity for PPC in every parish . Earlier, since I already established in this column that the purpose of communication is to enable participation and empowerment of the people and thus build strongly united community , let me look at the formation of PPC from a communication perspective .

Theological foundation :

Like in the apostolic times , people can still come together to share their everything , all their resources to build a community of love effectively (Acts 3 \1 2 ). PPC s emphasize the concept, that it is the people's parish , not of the priests. The priest cannot and must not run things his way , he is here for a short time, like a bird of passage , it must be the people who are responsible for running the parish and its various activities. PPC s can help the resources of the people to be made available to the parish community and the less privileged members cared for more , if an open and friendly atmosphere is built up in the parish .


The PPC is constituted of roughly 15 - 25 people depending on the size of the parish . PPC consists of representatives of the parish : from various ward s \ sectors, pious associations , religious, important institutions and of course , the parish priest, the non -voting assistant parish priests , etc . Gender equality may be maintained as much as possible . The members are normally elected for 3 years , every year one third being changed . A substitute for each member may also always be elected , who must come in case of the absence of the elected member.

Modus Operandi:

Anyone of these members may be elected president, not necessarily the parish priest. In these PPC meets, which is called every fortnight, every activity of the parish may be discussed . The agenda may be prepared in advance . Points may be supplied to the agenda by anyone of the members collected from those whom they represent.

Documenting the resources of the parish:

Resources include money, personnel, labor, special talents etc . The first priority of the PPC is to find the resources of the parish, document and update these periodically . These have to be made available for reference to the parishioners, through parish website or other ways.

Executive committee:

The PPC needs to have an executive committee of at least 4 people excluding the parish priest, and in emergency these may be given the power to change decisions in consultation with the parish priest. The Secretary must be an elected person, the assistants parish priest(s) if any, could be well utilized in this post.

Democratic decision making:

Never leave the final word to the parish priest as is often done. It is the duty of the members to be well informed of all the issues discussed. A 2 \3 majority or at least a simple majority (50% plus one) may be considered the decision point.

Duration of meetings:

The more the meetings, the more the participation. However, too many meetings may not possible. At least a meeting a month is a must.

Creating a community:

PPCs are attempts at getting the participation of the whole people in running the parish. Wide range of opinions collected from the parishioners help decisions to favor the faith needs of the people. For this reason, the parish priest may not be the chairman of the PPC and also not part of the executive committee, too. If in many parts of the world Catholics are leaving the church, it is mainly because they feel isolated from the activities of the parish. PPC can be an efficient means to re-evangelize them. "Pastoral councils often fail to function in an effective manner because parish priests are afraid that they won't be able to run the parish their own way. "I often wonder why they want to take over our parish and run their way" commented an elderly parishioner who was a PPC member for six years, with two terms. For all those priests who have been speaking endlessly in national and regional seminars on the importance of empowering the laity, setting up a PPC in the manner suggested above can be a bitter pill to swallow. They may suggest that it will destroy the church, but try doing it and they will see that the laity can be very responsible


Anonymous said...

മലയാളത്തില്‍ എഴുതിയാല്‍ അഭിപ്രായം എഴുതാമായിരുന്നു . ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് ആയതുകൊണ്ട് വിവരദോഷികള്‍ അഭിപ്രായം എഴുതട്ടെ . ബ്ലാ ബ്ലാ യുടെ അടുത്തുകൊണ്ടുപോയി കാണിച്ചു മലയാളത്തില്‍ പറഞ്ഞുതന്നാല്‍ എഴുതിയേക്കാം .അല്ലാതെ നിവര്ത്തിയില്ല

Anonymous said...

We need a translation to malayalam.Can you please do it?

Anonymous said...

parish Council emphasizes these concepts only,

1. that it is the people's parish,

2. not of the priests.

3. The priest cannot and must not run things priests way ,

4. he is here for a short time, like a bird of passage,

5. it must be the people who are responsible for running the parish and its various activities.

Every church members have the right to be in the parish council and general body supersedes everything within the parish.

That is the laity has only the power, not the priest.

Anonymous said...

Catholic faith matters should be decided by pure Catholics only.

Quality of Pagan Persian Cross Supporters.....

Most of the people supporting this pagan Persian Claver Cross are not true Catholic by birth

>>>>>>> OR <<<<<<<<<<<

they are crossbreeds somehow by marriage to other protestant denominations in Kerala.

Catholic faith matters should be decided by pure Catholics only.

Others just watch, we will make it right at any cost.

Anonymous said...


parish Council emphasizes these concepts only,

1. that it is the people's parish, NO BELONGS TO BISHOP AND POPE. YOU CAN MAKE USE OF IT.

2. not of the priests. I MANAGE IT

3. The priest cannot and must not run things priests way , ITS MY WAY AS LONG AS I AM THE BOSS

4. he is here for a short time, like a bird of passage, THERE IS NO SUCH A LAW. I AM HERE FOR !) YEARS WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?

5. it must be the people who are responsible for running the parish and its various activities. THEY CAN ASSIST ME AND OBEY MY ORDERS.

Every church members have the right to be in the parish council and general body supersedes everything within the parish. NO I KNOW HOW TO CONDUCT GENERAL BODY WITH THE PEOPLE I WANT.

That is the laity has only the power, not the priest. COME ON. GET REAL!

February 10, 2011 7:58 PM

yes said...

Dear Respected Blog Master,
It was a happy surprise for me to read the following instruction from you displayed prominently in front under the masthead of Voice Blog.
“Whatever be your views, we humbly request you to register them in a noble, dignified and civilized language. Vulgar and uncultured language is totally unfit for the kind of subjects we are discussing. We try our best to screen the views of readers before publishing them. Still it was brought to our notice by a respectable reader that many cheap comments are escaping our attention unwittingly and getting published. Therefore kindly use decent language. Others will not be published. Blog Master.”
Excellent! It is a welcome sign of hope for the better. Kindly accept my sincere congrats. Only allow me to make a few humble suggestions which you may accept or reject. If rejected kindly tell me why they are rejected.

Keep the appeal posted as a standing instruction on front page for all to see and read, not just for one or two days but as a permanent feature. Don’t be a toothless tiger. Execute what you promise to do. To make sure no indecent comment escapes your attention, rope in one or two helpers so that no vulgar language is allowed to get through. Don’t publish comments with a lot of objectionable black spots to cover ugly unprintable words which makes reading a torture.
How funny it would look to present Eve dressed in a fig leave only. Present her decently dressed or don’t present her at all. Every time bloggers name names and throw stones to wound or malign, please ask them not to play the coward hiding behind: Anonymous said. One who is attacked in public under your supervision has a right to defend himself and he can make you and those responsible answerable for aiding and abetting defamation and character assassination if that happens. How can any one whose reputation is tarnished be blamed if he files a libel suit?
There is no dearth of cowards everywhere. The need of the hour is men of vision, conviction courage and action, especially brave leaders and steady followers, Like the Raja so the Preja, like the General so the army, like the Leader so the follower, like the Pastor so the flock. You can’t jump on a horse and gallop in all directions. You have to choose the right direction first. This is my humble but considered view. At least think it over to help clean up the sullied image of Syromalabar Christians in US. james kottoor –