Keep Faith, inspire the Faithful, expose Clergy abuse and arrogance - this is our Mission

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Comment and Our Response

Comment by a Reader:

I am not against voice. But at times voice go to the extreme to criticize anything and everything that happens and close their eyes and protect some people.
When Anthony achan mentioned about the troubles it was our own American born youth not the CYM. Atleast please have the knowledge of the difference between American born youth (SMYO) and CYM. I am not saying the whole SMYO is trouble. Majority of them are great kids and they do great under the guidance of Jibu. My kid is in SMYO too. But definitely there were some kids who went the wrong way but I know our church was able to bring most of them back to the right track.Recently CYM had been very active under the best leadesrship of John and Lata Koola and now Gills. There are many fine young men and women in that group who are dedicating their time and service for us and our children. Have you noticed how much time they spent to decorate our church for the feast and many other occasions? And also they were spending time on registration process. Please do not discourage them because they have to carry own our ways and traditions. You could have criticized in a very positive manner as a suggestion rather than attacking them. Please see all the sides before you judge people.

When you criticize CYM for putting their name why wouldn't you say something about some big shots who gets away with anything and gets their names mentioned in every occasion. Open the so called souvenir and count how many times these big shots' pictures are repeatedly printed. See the Sunday bulletin and see the advertisement and find out how much money they have given for whole one year for getting the prime spot. Find out the real story about the case filed by Joshy Vallikkulam in our own church rather than twisting the story to protect his CPA brother in law. Very few people know the hateful rift between them. Find out the real story behind VG appointment. Myself and my friends wrote many comments to voice regarding the CPAs just to see how many of them gets published. We noticed whenever long CPA is mentioned, it never gets printed. What is the secret?

So please voice, be the truth finders not the fault finders. Leave our young brothers and sisters alone. I am not sying everyone of CYM members are perfect.Appreciate the work they do and talk about your concerns to the responsible authorities than ripping these young people in an open forum to make them look like group of bad people.

Thank you in advance for publishing this.

Our Response:

You are right. Almost all our posts are critical of our authorities and their actions. As for reporting positive things, sorry to say we haven't seen many.

We state categorically we are not anti-youth. But we sure are disappointed in them to a certain respect, mainly because Fr. Antony has been able to manipulate them and make them his own personal cheerleaders. (And it is our personal opinion that there should be only one organization for our youth. An integrated youth group will be greatly helpful to assimilate our young people some of them born in India and others in the USA.)

There is no question, Fr Antony has manipulated the youth for his benefit. He has used them as his booster club. The admiration is mutual. Fr. Antony has used every opportunity to praise and exalt the youth for every silly thing. So has the youth praised and exalted Fr. Antony. One classic example is the documentary about him produced by the youth.

Fr Antony used the gullibility of the youth to gloss over his life achievements, which if looked at critically, cannot be said to be that extraordinary. Any fool can build a church with over 11 million dollars in hand. But when you consider the sad fact that this brand new church is quite inadequate even for our existing community, that shows his this achievement is a failure and a waste of money as far as the community is concerned.

Any neutral and disinterested expert will tell you, this church does not justify the expense of 11 million dollars. There was so much waste and mismanagement in the construction, that it can only be called irresponsible. No member of the laity has been able to see the financial records pertaining to the construction of the church, even fraud can be suspected. 
As the above writer alleged, we are not in cahoots with the CPA's. We suspect church construction funds have been misappropriated by the authorities with the co-operation of the Core Committee. We dare any one of our community members to request the above said financial records from the authorities and ascertain no financial impropriety has taken place.

As for the legal action taken by Mr. Joshi Vallikkalam, we support his courageous action in this regard. We believe Fr. Antony behaved like the despot he is, to remove Joshi from his position and suspend the lay organization, SMCC, he lead. We also believe Fr Antony had a personal vendetta with Joshi. It is a known fact Joshi was fired by him for organizing a farewell party for his mortal enemy, Fr. Roy Kaduppil. The pettiness of Fr Antony knows no bounds and it is clearly illustrated by his actions in this regard.

But we disagree with Joshi for the fact that he filed the case against Fr. Shassheril, instead of the real culprit, Fr. Antony. It should be understood Fr. Shassheril wouldn't have done anything without the express orders of his boss. 

Again we state, we have no special interest to protect the CPA'sWe want our readers to rest assured their due day will come in the not distant future.


Anonymous said...

Give yummy junk food to our youth, they will follow you.

Make it easy on the youth, they will follow you.

Talk to them about movies and video games, they will follow you.

Take them to church and allow them to have friendship with the other sex, they will follow you.

Talk to them about the other churches where they will be treated as Indians from a less civilized part of the world, they will follow you.

Talk to them about Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and the difficult choices they have to make in life, they will walk away !

Anonymous said...

Mr.Blogger is absolutely correct in saying that Thundan has manipulated our YOUTH and "used" them for his personal gain. In return Thundan gave a few of the youth, some positions in the pastoral council. There is one youth in particular, who has no principles of his own, has benefited from Thundan's manipulations. This particular youth has been rewarded with some positions in the church. You judge for yourself, if this person is capable of holding such positions. Does he have any qualification to hold any responsible position?

Fr.Thundan in return gets his 'documentary' done the way he wants; Fr.Thundan gets a bunch of 'yes,yes' kids to sing praises and hosanna to him.

Folks, think! Is it all spiritual? Where is our morals?

Thundan has destroyed this community. It would take 10 Fr. Joy Alappattu, to rebuild this community - if Thundan does not interfere. By the way Angadi is no better.

So, YOUTH of this community. Beware, you think logically and objectively for yourself. Do not let yourself be manipulated by Thundan.

Anonymous said...

we are not anti-youth.

But we sure are disappointed in them to a certain respect, mainly because Fr. Antony has been able to manipulate them and make them his own personal cheerleaders.

There is no question, Fr Antony has manipulated the youth for his benefit.

He has used them as his booster club.

The admiration is mutual.

Fr. Antony has used every opportunity to praise and exalt the youth for every silly thing.

So has the youth praised and exalted Fr. Antony.

some big shots gets away with anything and gets their names mentioned in every occasion.

Anonymous said...

so what we suspected was right. Joshi and chamakkala are not in good terms. We noticed that during feast. I was told Joshi,his wife Jubey and children did not cooperate with Presidendi chamakkala or any church feast programs. His brothers were there and Joshi is a loner in the family. We tried to find out more and we heard that Chamakkala will not support Joshi's actions agaist priests and church and Joshi is angry at him.

Voice Reader said...

Dumbo Anonymous

Joshi - Chamakala - etc....

Voice does not care about their relationships and their enemity. We want all people to be in god terms.

Stop your personal attacks and if you have any questions - go and better ask the respective people directly. This is NOT the media to address such things.

Voice Reader.

Voice Supporter said...


Voice want our youth to follow respectful path.

Voice want our Youth to do the best things in their life.

Voice want our Youth to show courteous path to the younger generations.

Voice want our Youth to be Polite to elders and youngsters.

Voice want our Youth to be considerate to others.

Voice always wants the best for the YOUTH. And it's obvious that our posts and the time we spend on this blog clearly aiming for the best for the younger generation.

We objected the Onam Pookalam location in Syro Malabar Church Chicago. We did NOT object Pookalam or Onam and other things. Nothing personal against CYM and We are always supportive of the right actions by the CYM.

We remember that CYM used to do lot of nice things in the past too. When the church did not have the money and church did not have this many number of people, the memebers of the same CYM group did lots of good stuff which are definitely rememberable. Anyway thanks for the olden days (We like old)

The Pookalam matter, take it as a constructive critisism and let's move on.

And as Voice' one of the prime objectives, we will continue do our best to bring the best among our kids. And healthy critisism will be a part of it.

So - Be Creative - Be Supportive - Be Considerate - Moreover - Be Helpful to Others.

CYM or Cultual Academy
- Here are some points to note (Now don't start another fight for these. leave it oif you don't like it)

1. Help other people. Find a way to create a support group to help your peers or elders.

2. Don't waste Church's money at any cost whether it's decoration or other things. When you spend the money, please think as if you are spending from your pocket.

3. You did an excellent Thattukada during Perunnal. Take control of the coffee and tea and help the people to drink something nicer and better.

Voice Supporter

Anonymous said...

Dear voice reader,
"we want all people to be in good terms" Funny. Where were you when all the personal attacks were happening through voice and its readers all these years? Dont tell me voice does not care about relationships and enmity. Projections of enmities between people-people, people-priests and priests-priests were the highlights of many posts. I assume you are a friend of Joshi. You please find out the truth from him before you attack the "dumbo" anonymous.

Anonymous said...

You please find out the truth from him before you attack the "dumbo" anonymous.

This does not make any sense. When you wrote this sentance, the meaning of the whole paragraph is gone with it. Please don't make us confused.