Keep Faith, inspire the Faithful, expose Clergy abuse and arrogance - this is our Mission

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I Am Not An Anonymous Letter-Writer-Tom Varkey

Dear Friends of the Crucifix and Others,

I am appalled to see some of the respondents to my article "The Battle Over Crucifix Shifts from Alphonsa Church to the Entire Catholic Church" addressing the Crucifix issue, accusing me of writing "oomakkathukal" (anonymous letters) in the past. The fact is that never in the past have I done it – not even once.
The reason why you bring such allegations against me is given in Jn. 8:44 by Jesus Himself. Being a lover of the Crucifix, I love you too much even to enter here what Jn. 8:44 says. Therefore, I let you find out for yourself. All what I can say is that according to Jesus, ‘from the fruit, you shall know the tree’. Not making false accusations is not typically something the supporters of the Crucifix would do although there may be rare exceptions. And the reason is that we take our marching orders from the one hanging on the Crucifix. Our marching orders are found in 1 Pet. 2:12: “Live such good lives among the pagans that though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.” If we also falsely accuse, we will bring dishonor to the one we see on the Crucifix. It will also defeat the very purpose for which we are fighting the Crucifix Battle.

For those of you who falsely accuse and use vulgar language in the comments that you write in this blog, I have a stern warning for you from the Lord Jesus Christ taken from Mt. 12:36: “I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken.” If this is true, just imagine what kind of punishment you will have to face for false accusations and slander which are not only careless words but are carefully designed character assassination tools! My humble advice to you is to always remember what the Super Apostle Peter says to us in 2 Pet. 3:13-14: “In keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth the home of righteousness. Since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.” Now you know why my partners and I fight so hard FOR the Crucifix and AGAINST the so-called Satanic Mar Thomas Cross which our Syro Malabar Catholic authorities are thrusting upon us and ramping down our throats. It is nothing short of a war between the forces of good evil headed by Jesus Christ and Satan respectively. Probably this is why the followers of Mar Thoma Cross raise false allegations on others as the commentators in this blog have done accusing me of writing oomakkathu and perhaps also why His Excellency Mar Jacob Angadiath made so many false allegations against Rev. Fr. Sajy all in the name of defending the Mar Thoma Cross.

Last but not the least, can I make a humble plea to everyone writing comments on this blog? Let us refrain from slandering and mudslinging others. Let us write comments on this blog which are informative, educational and edifying (for building up others and not for tearing down others). Let us not vulgar language (thery) while writing about anyone much less the Church authorities. By this I do not mean that we have to follow their misguided directives with regard to the Crucifix and other matters which are against the Word of God. I hope that at least some of you will take this advice seriously and act on it. Thank you and God bless you and see you shortly in Garland for the next Battle against Satan and His detestable idol, the Mar Thoma Cross – Tom Varkey, Parishioner of St. Alphonsa Church, Coppell, TX, USA
July 1, 2010 9:54 PM


Anonymous said...

God bless you and see you shortly in Garland for the next Battle against Satan and His detestable idol, the Mar Thoma Cross;



Anonymous said...

Dear Coppell Brothers,

ഞാന്‍ Phoenix ലെ അടുത്ത കൈക്കാരന്‍ ആകാനുള്ള കരുനീക്കങ്ങള്‍ നടത്തിക്കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുകയാണ്. അച്ചന് ഒരു ipad വാങ്ങികൊടുത്താല്‍ ഉടന്‍ nominate ചെയ്യും. Utility bill ഇനി ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നത് ബുദ്ധി അല്ല. വേറെ വിദ്യകള്‍ വല്ലതും ഉണ്ടോ കാശു അടിച്ചുമാറ്റാന്‍ ?

Anonymous said...


Have you heard “എലിയെ പേടിച്ച് ഇല്ലം ചുട്ടു” this is what happened to SMC in Phoenix. (to expel a Syro-Malankara noble man with backborne from SMC church)

J. Chirayath said...

I have to admit Mr. Tom Varkey has the courage of his convictions. He was man enough to express his opinion openly. This, in my opinion, is what is lacking in our community. He was not afraid to disclose his identity. I hope more people will follow his example.

Anonymous said...

എത്താത്ത മുന്തിരിങ്ങ പുളിക്കും
അവള് night ഡ്യൂട്ടിയും കഴിഞ്ഞു വന്നു ഞാന്‍ ഉണ്ടാക്കിയ breakfast കഴിച്ചു ബൈ ചേട്ടാ എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു അവള് ഉറങ്ങാന്‍ പോയി. കുട്ടികള്‍ സ്കൂളില്‍ പോയിക്കഴിഞ്ഞു അവളുടെ

അടി വസ്ത്രങ്ങള്‍ കഴികി ഉണക്കാന്‍ ഇട്ടിട്ട് രണ്ടു സ്മാള്‍ അടിച്ചു കഴിയുമ്പോള്‍ എഴുതാന്‍ ഒരു മൂഡ് വരും.

ഇവിടെ എഴുതുന്നവര്‍ എല്ലാം സ്ഥാന മോഹികള്‍ ആണ്. നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക്‌ സ്ഥാനം കിട്ടാത്തത് കൊണ്ടല്ലേ കിടന്നു കുരകുന്നത്. ഞാന്‍ ഗള്‍ഫ്‌ ല്‍ നിന്ന് Phoenix ല്‍ എത്തി രണ്ടു വര്‍ഷത്തിനുള്ളില്‍ പരിഷ് കൌണ്‍സില്‍ മെമ്പര്‍ അയി. പിന്നീടു കൈക്കാരന്‍ അയി. അതിനു യോഗം വേണം. എടാ നിനക്കൊന്നും മില്‍മ ബൂത്ത്‌ നടത്താനുള്ള യോഗിയത പോലുമില്ല.

Anonymous said...

Mr Tom Varkey,Can you please tell us about your opinion on the languages using by your supporters in this blog. Can you agree with them about personal abuse , VERY VERY BAD LANGUAGE(Vattan,pottan, chana, korangan,chanthupottu,F word,and other nasty languages.)
You think Jesus like that? Do you think this the right way to promote Crucifix? You and your supporters fight for Crucifix non christian way.I want your answer.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate Tom Varkey openly writing his letter.

If we had more Tom Varkey's then we would not have reached the current situation.

When church leaders were acting for their personal and financial benefit only, if people speak and act like the voice and Tom Varkey they would stop this.

I sincerely wish I could do that. but being a brother of a Bishop, and many priest and nun in the family, I cant openly say these. But, whenever I get a chance I express my thoughts to them. I understand that Bishop Angadi is a minority among the Syro Malabar Bishop. Most of them do not say anything because of Chicago Bishop's dollar back-ground.

May God give all of us the courage to speak for our belief and truth.

Anonymous said...

So how you use ur ssn for church?

Church got a tax id number.


Dont be a pottan in your life.

And dont thind all this people are pottans too.There will be some chanthu pottu people to say "yes " to you.But dont count all of us in that.

Anonymous said...

Did he write he is the property manager of St. Alphonsa Church?

Who gave him that title?

Reji needs to answer why he put both his home and church account together in this application?

Was it to pay both using the same church bank account?

Anonymous said...


It is quiet obvious that the persons who acused you of writing OOMAKATH hates your GUTS. You stated the FACTS.

Even Bishop Angadiath is afraid of the TRUTH.
These evil people will say anything about people who disagree with them and who stand in their way while they are trying to impose uncatholic ideologies on GOD's children in an unchristian way.




Anonymous said...

False Allegations by Claver people

The followers of Mar Thoma Cross raise false allegations on others as the commentators in this blog and accusing Mr. Tom Varkey of writing oomakkathu and don't forget the letter Bishop wrote against Fr. Saji accusing him of many wrong doings to cover up crucifix installation firing of a priest by Bishop.

Perhaps also this is why His Excellency Mar Jacob Angadiath made so many false allegations against Rev. Fr. Sajy all in the name of defending the Mar Thoma Cross.

This pagan cross is the problem!!!!

Anonymous said...

കല്‍ദായ വല്കരന്മാരെ നമ്മുടെ സഭയില്‍ നിന്നു പുറതാക്കുകുകയോ ഇവര്‍ സ്വയം കല്‍ദായ പ്രോടസ്ടന്റ്റ് സഭയില്‍ ചേരുകയോ ചെയ്‌താല്‍ നമ്മുടെ സീറോ മലബാര്‍ കത്തോലിക്ക സഭ ഇനിയും പ്രശ്നങ്ങള്‍ കൂടാതെ വളരും എന്ന് തന്നെ നമുക്ക് കരുതാം

Anonymous said...

Now the fight goes on to Garland:

Next Battle against Satan and His detestable idol, the Mar Thoma Cross is going to start in Garland Church soon, if Bishop didn't learn from Coppell and Houston you going to learn what true Catholics want in their church alter.

And don't forget the media is ready and we will expose you to the whole world Bishop, of all your evil doings in the Catholic church and acting like a protestant Bishop.

Anonymous said...

പുനരുദ്ധാരകനായി ബിഷപ്പ് അങ്ങാടിയത്ത്.

ഇരുപതാം നൂറ്റാണ്ടിന്റെ അവസാന പാതത്തില്‍ മാര്‍ പവ്വത്തില്‍, അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ കുട്ടി സ്രാങ്ക്‌ മാര്‍ പള്ളിക്കാപ്പരമ്പില്‍ എന്നിവര്‍ രംഗപ്രവേശം ചെയ്യുന്നത്.

അവര്‍ കേരളത്തിലെ സീറോ മലബാര്‍ വിശ്വാസികളുടെ തൊണ്ടയിലൂടെയും ആസനത്തിലൂടെയും ശീലയും താമരക്കുരിശും കുത്തിയിറക്കാന്‍ നോക്കിയിട്ട് കാര്യമായ വിജയം കണ്ടില്ല.

അങ്ങനെ മടുത്ത്‌, തളര്‍ന്നു അവശരായി, നിരാശരായി അവര്‍ ഇരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ദാ, വരുന്നു, കല്‍ദായ സഭയുടെ പുനരുദ്ധാരകനായി നമ്മുടെ ബിഷപ്പ് അങ്ങാടിയത്ത്.

വടക്കേ അമേരിക്കയുടെ മുഴുവനും അധിപതിയായ അങ്ങാടിയത്ത്, സാമാന്യ മര്യാദയോ, സംസ്കാരമോ, സത്യ സന്ധതയോ തന്റെ കല്‍ദായ വല്‍ക്കരണ പ്രവര്‍ത്തനങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് തടസ്സമാകാന്‍ ഒരിക്കലും അനുവദിച്ചിട്ടില്ല. .

തന്റെ (അന്ധ) വിശ്വാസം ഏത് വിധേനയും സത്യ വിശ്വാസികളില്‍ അടിച്ചേല്‍പ്പിക്കുക. കളവു, വഞ്ചന, ചതി, നുണ, എന്ന് വേണ്ട എന്ത് കൊള്ളത്തരം ചെയ്തായാലും അമേരിക്കന്‍ സീറോ മലബാറുകാരെ തന്റെ ചുവപ്പ് ശീലകൊണ്ടു മറച്ചു താമരക്കുരിശിനെ ആരാധിപ്പിക്കുക.

ഈ ശീലയുടെ അര്‍ത്ഥം ആരാഞ്ഞ ഐഷ എന്ന യുവതിയോട് ബിഷപ്പ് പറഞ്ഞത് സ്മരണീയമായ ഒരു സത്യമാണ് : "ഈ ശീല മാറ്റിയാല്‍ മാത്രമേ നമുക്ക് സ്വര്‍ഗം കാണാന്‍ പറ്റുകയുള്ളൂ."

Anonymous said...

Vattan കൈക്കാരന്‍ അയി. അതിനു യോഗം വേണം.

എടാ Kudiya നിനക്കൊന്നും മില്‍മ ബൂത്ത്‌ നടത്താനുള്ള യോഗിയത പോലുമില്ല.

Bishopinte/koupante/Vinodiniyude അടി വസ്ത്രങ്ങള്‍ കഴികി ഉണക്കാന്‍ ഇട്ടിട്ട് രണ്ടു സ്മാള്‍ അടിച്ചു കഴിയുമ്പോള്‍ vattan thomacku എഴുതാന്‍ ഒരു മൂഡ് വരും.

Then we will see all nasty blog entries

Anonymous said...


If Bishop and his Mar thoma cross supporters can do all these ugly things behind the scene to a priest, they even accused him of stealing money, then no one can blame the others if they use bad word against the position seekers sided with him in the character assasination of a real preist.

So stop doing evil politically instigating stuff in the church and pretend like you are good boys, then all will calm down.

Anonymous said...

ഈ ദേവാലയം ജനങ്ങളുടെതാണ്‌.

അള്ളിപ്പിടിച്ചു കയറി, ജനങ്ങളെ ഭരിക്കാന്‍ കച്ചകെട്ടി നില്ക്കുന്ന കുട്ടിനേതാക്കള്‍ ഓര്ക്കുക.

കാലം മാറി.

പൊതുജനതാല്പര്യത്തിനു വിപരീതമായി ഒരു സര്‍ക്കസും നടത്തുവാന്‍ ഈ ഇടവകയിലെ ജനങ്ങള്‍ അധികാരികളെ അനുവദിക്കില്ല.

അള്‍ത്താരയില്‍ കയറിനിന്നു നാട്ടുകാരെ തലങ്ങും വെലങ്ങും ചീത്ത വിളിച്ചിട്ട് ഒരു തരം വളിച്ച മഞ്ഞച്ചിരി പസ്സാക്കിയതുകൊണ്ടു കാര്യമൊന്നുമില്ല.

garland pothuyogam said...

മറ്റു അച്ഛന്മാര്‍കുകുടി അപമാനമാവുവിതം കാശിനോടുള്ള കൊതിമുത് നമ്മുടെ സഫയെയോ മനുഷ്യബന്ധ
ങലെയോ വില കല്പികത കള്ളന്‍ സ്കറിയ സോന്തമായൊരു വെക്തിതമോ , ചെയുന്ന ജോലിയോട് അല്മാര്‍ത്തതയോ ഇല്ലാത്തത്കാരണം രുപതകൊരു തീരാബാധിധയാണ് എന്നുള്ള സത്യം കൊച്ചുകുഞ്ഞിനുപോലും അറിയാവുന്നതാണ് . സൊന്തം മനാസഷിയോട് ബഹുമാനമില്ലാത്ത സക്കരിയെ ചെല്ലുവിളീ പടിപിക്കാന്‍ നമ്മുടെ ഉപയോകശുന്യനായ പിതവിനുപോലും കയിവിരകും , കാരണം കള്ളന്‍ സക്കറിയയെ അമേരികയില്‍ കൊണ്ടുവരാന്‍ , സക്കറിയയുടെ സ്വന്തം പെഞ്ഞളുടെ കയില്‍ നിന്നും പെതാവ് എന്നി മെടിച്ച ഡോള്ലെരെന്റ്റെ ഖാനം കൂടുതലാനത്ത്രെ...
ഗാര്‍ലാന്‍ഡ്‌ പള്ളിയുടെ ഫണ്ടില്‍ ക്രീത്രിമം കണ്ടതിനെ , പോതിയോകത്തില്‍ ചോദ്യം ചെയിത ബഹു. പോള് ചേട്ടനെയും, ബഹു.ബാബുസറിനയൂം hate സ്പീച്ച് വഴി പരസ്യമായി അവഹെളിച്ചത്‌ വഴി, അമേരിക്കന്‍ ഫരണഖടന ഏതൊരു പവുരനും ഉറപ്പ് നലുന്ന
1st amenmends വയലേഷന്‍ ചെയ്തു എന്നത് ,ജയിലില്‍ പോകുവാന്‍ വരെ ,സീരിയസ് ആണെന്ന് വിവരമില്ലാത്ത കള്ളന്‍ സക്കറിയ അറിയാതെ പോയത് ഒരു പുതുമ അല്ല , വെറും കുറച്ചു മലയാളികല്‍ മാത്രമാണ് ഇ ലോകം എന്ന് കരുതുന്ന മട്ടയനായ സ്കറിയ
നിയമത്തിനു മുന്നില്‍ കൊണ്ടുവരാന്‍ നമ്മള്‍ ഒറ്റക്കെട്ടായി നിന്നെ മതിയാകൂ.. അതിനു നമ്മുടെ പിതാവിന് പറ്റാത്തത് I RS നു കഴിഉം.
ഗാര്‍ലാന്‍ഡ്‌ പള്ളിയുടെ 2004 -2008 വരെയുള കണക്ക് ഞങ്ങള്‍ ഓഡിറ്റ്‌ ചെയിതപ്പോള്‍ $ 67,000 ഡോളര്‍ ആണ് കണക്കില്‍ കാണികാതെ
സക്കറിയ മുക്കിയത്, ഇതില്‍ കണ്‍വെന്‍ഷന്‍, പാര്‍ക്കിംഗ് ലോ ട്ടും നിര്‍മാണമാണ് സക്കറിയയ്ക്ക് കൂടുതല്‍ ഉപകാരം കിട്ടിയത് ..

garland pothuyogam said...

ഗാര്‍ലാന്‍ഡ്‌ പള്ളിയുടെ 2004 -2008 വരെയുള കണക്ക് ഞങ്ങള്‍ ഓഡിറ്റ്‌ ചെയിതപ്പോള്‍ $ 67,000 ഡോളര്‍ ആണ് കണക്കില്‍ കാണികാതെ
സക്കറിയ മുക്കിയത്, ഇതില്‍ കണ്‍വെന്‍ഷന്‍, പാര്‍ക്കിംഗ് ലോ ട്ടും നിര്‍മാണമാണ് സക്കറിയയ്ക്ക് കൂടുതല്‍ ഉപകാരം കിട്ടിയത് ..അതുകൊണ്ടാണ്
പുതിയ പള്ളി പണിയാന്‍ സക്കറിയ തിടുക്കത്തില്‍ ഓടിനടന്നതും ഇടവകക്കാര്‍ ഓടിച്ചതും, ഞങ്ങളുടെ ഡോളര്‍ മോഷ്ട്ടിച്ചു നാട്ടില്‍ ചേട്ടന്
കോടികള്‍ മുടക്കി സ്ഥലം മേടിച്ചു കൊടുത്തതും ..
പരിപവേനമായ വൈദീകന്റെ സ്ഥാനം ,കാശു ഉണ്ടാകുവാന്‍ അച്ചന്‍അയ കള്ളന്‍ സക്കറിയ GARLAND പള്ളി നശിപ്ച്ചു..നമ്മു ലെ
തമ്മിലടിപിച്ചു,ഡോളര്‍ സമ്പാദിച്ചു , മുന്‍ ഇടവകയായ നബ്യകുളം പള്ളിയില്‍ നിന്ന് ലക്ഷങ്ങള്‍ മോഷ്ട്ടിച്ചു..ഇടവകര്‍ കണ്ടുപിടിച്ചപ്പോള്‍
സ്വന്തം വീട്ടുപെരായ കിണര്‍കുത്തികാല എന്നത് മാറ്റി തോട്ടുവേലിയായി...നമ്പ്യകുളതു അന്നെഷിച്ചാല്‍ ഇതു സത്യആണെന്ന് അറിയാന്‍
,ലോകും മുഴുവന്‍ഓടിനടന്നു JUBILE ഉടെ പേരില്‍ കാശു വരിയ സക്കറിയ ഗാര്‍ലാന്‍ഡ്‌ പള്ളിയുടെ ഒരു raffle ടിക്കറ്റ്‌ പോലും എടുത്തില്ല
ഒരുമയോടെ കഴിഞ്ഞ നമ്മളെ മറ്റുള്ളവരുടെ നൊണയും കൊതിയും പറഞ്ഞു തമ്മില്‍ കലഹിപിച് നാണംകേട്ട കള്ളന്‍ സ്കറിയ സൊന്തം
കീശ വീര്‍പ്പിച്ചതല്ലാതെ നമ്മുടെ പള്ളിക്ക് ഒരു ഒപകാരവും ക്ട്ടിയില്ല. സ്ഥാനമാനള്‍ക്ക് വേണ്ടി മാത്രോം പള്ളിയില്‍ വരുന്ന രാജുവിനയൂം
ടോമിയയൂം ,ചെറിയാനെഉം , മോഷ്ട്ടിക്കാന്‍ കുട്ടുനിന്ന ,കൊട്ടും സുട്ടു ഇട്ട് GENTLE MAN ആയിചമഞ്ഞു നടക്കുന്ന A V യെയും പോട്ടന്മ്മരകി JUBILE നടത്തിപിച്ചു $ 12 000 ഡോളര്‍ tax -free മേടിച്ചിട്ട് I R S നെ കളിപ്പിച്ചു. പള്ളിയില്‍ ഇതിനു രേഖയുണ്ട്. സ്ഥാനമാനള്‍ക്ക് വേണ്ടി എന്തും നക്കികൊടുകുന്ന നട്ടെല്ല് ഇല്ലാത്ത ഇ കയിക്കരന്മ്മാരെ ഞഞള്‍ പരമ പുച്ഛത്തോടെയാണ് കാണുന്നതെന്നു ഇ വിട്ട്ടികള്‍ അറിയൂണ്ടോ ? നാടിനും വീടുനും കൊള്ളാത്ത ഇ നാണം കേട്ടവന്മാര്‍ RETIRE ചെയാന്‍ സമയം ആയില്ലെ ?
സ്ഥാനമാനള്‍ക്ക് വേണ്ടി വിടിന്റെ മുറ്റത്തുള്ള പള്ളിയില്‍നിന്നും അട്ടി ഇറകി ഇപ്പൊള്‍ GARLAND ല്‍ കുടിയേറി പെറ്റുകിടക്കുന്ന ബെന്‍സി പോലു ള്ളവര്‍ക് നാണമിലേ ഇത്രയും കുടുംബത്ത് കയറ്റാന്‍ കൊള്ളാത്ത BORN CRIMINAL അയ
സക്കറിയയെ സോന്തം വീട്ടില്‍ ‍ കിടത്തി ഉറക്കാന്‍!!!

Anonymous said...

Veshyayude charitra prasangam !

Anonymous said...

Part 2 by Tom Varkey

His Excellency Mar Jacob, misguided by the handful of bishops with regard to the truth about the Crucifix has forgotten that God gives wisdom to those who are humble and willing to obey God whereas He fills the hearts of those who are disobedient with darkness as we read in Jer. 13:15. In Mt. 11:25 Jesus says: “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” Jesus reveals the mysteries of the kingdom not to the hierarchical higher-ups but to those who are humble and willing to obey the Word of God. No wonder God asks through prophet Jeremiah in Jer. 8:9: “Since you have rejected the word of the LORD, what kind of wisdom do you have?” Going after the Mar Thoma Cross does not bring glory to God as it is only a man-made creation and therefore a mere idol. Therefore God has filled the hearts of the followers of the Mar Thoma Cross with darkness as we read in Jer. 13:15 which says: “Give glory to the LORD your God before he brings the darkness, before your feet stumble on the darkening hills.”
The Bishop as well as the other misguided Bishops in the Syro Malabar Church fail to understand a very important calling that we have from Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself which we read in Lk. 11:27-28: “As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” He replied, “More blessed are those who hear the Word of God and obey it.” How can a Christian be so unwise as to ignore or even understand the unfathomable greatness of such a high calling as to occupy a higher seat in heaven than Mary, the Mother of Jesus? Oh, yeah, I get it! If we disobey God’s commandments we become less wise than even a donkey, one of the dumbest animals we come across in our world irrespective of our position in the Christian world – whether we are an ordinary Christian, a deacon, priest, Bishop or the Pope!! No wonder Jesus said in Jn. 8:31-32: “If you obey my teaching, you … will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” But not until … God bless you all – you, the most precious children of the glorious Crucifix!

Anonymous said...

Part 2 by Tom Varkey

His Excellency Mar Jacob, misguided by the handful of bishops with regard to the truth about the Crucifix has forgotten that God gives wisdom to those who are humble and willing to obey God whereas He fills the hearts of those who are disobedient with darkness as we read in Jer. 13:15. In Mt. 11:25 Jesus says: “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” Jesus reveals the mysteries of the kingdom not to the hierarchical higher-ups but to those who are humble and willing to obey the Word of God. No wonder God asks through prophet Jeremiah in Jer. 8:9: “Since you have rejected the word of the LORD, what kind of wisdom do you have?” Going after the Mar Thoma Cross does not bring glory to God as it is only a man-made creation and therefore a mere idol. Therefore God has filled the hearts of the followers of the Mar Thoma Cross with darkness as we read in Jer. 13:15 which says: “Give glory to the LORD your God before he brings the darkness, before your feet stumble on the darkening hills.”
The Bishop as well as the other misguided Bishops in the Syro Malabar Church fail to understand a very important calling that we have from Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself which we read in Lk. 11:27-28: “As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” He replied, “More blessed are those who hear the Word of God and obey it.” How can a Christian be so unwise as to ignore or even understand the unfathomable greatness of such a high calling as to occupy a higher seat in heaven than Mary, the Mother of Jesus? Oh, yeah, I get it! If we disobey God’s commandments we become less wise than even a donkey, one of the dumbest animals we come across in our world irrespective of our position in the Christian world – whether we are an ordinary Christian, a deacon, priest, Bishop or the Pope!! No wonder Jesus said in Jn. 8:31-32: “If you obey my teaching, you … will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” But not until … God bless you all – you, the most precious children of the glorious Crucifix!

Anonymous said...

Part 1 of the Article

Is An Obedient Donkey Wiser than a Disobedient Bishop?
By Tom Varkey, Parishioner of St. Alphonsa Catholic Church

Is An Obedient Donkey Wiser than a Disobedient Bishop? You bet! If the story in the Bible described in Num. 22 is any indication, the answer is a whopping “Yes”. First of all, let me start off with a disclaimer that the title of this article is not in any way meant to disrespect our Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath. I am only using one of the most interesting stories in the Bible to illustrate my point. In fact, this axiom is applicable to every Christian who is disobedient to the Word of God and not merely to our beloved Bishop Jacob alone.
Getting down to the story – the story of an obedient donkey appears in Num. 22. In this chapter of Numbers, a disobedient prophet, Balaam goes with the princes of Moab to curse the Israelites for a hefty monetary reward which he is promised in return. But when he went, the Lord was very angry with Balaam. Therefore in Num. 22:28 God opens the mouth of the donkey and the donkey speaks to the prophet when he started beating the donkey for refusing to move on. In v. 32 the LORD rebukes Balaam for beating the donkey and indirectly compliments the donkey for doing the right thing in reverent obedience to God. In the interest of space, the gist of the story is that God rebukes Balaam for his disobedience and commends the donkey for acting obediently thereby displaying more wisdom than the deviant prophet.
Applying the story to what is happening at St. Alphonsa Catholic Church in the US, the Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath is in the place of Balaam, the prophet who refuses to listen to the Word of God as well as to the advice of the many God-fearing Catholics at St. Alphonsa Catholic Church acting in the place of the donkey in the story including this humble parishioner. We all have repeatedly pleaded with him to admit his mistakes in firing an innocent priest, Rev. Fr. Sajy for standing up for truth and the Crucifix and other mistakes surrounding this scandalous event. The ball is in his court but he stubbornly refuses to budge.
Jude in his tiny epistle in the Book of Jude, v. 11 passionately warns us Christians from committing the same fatal error which Balaam, the prophet made as we saw above. In Prov. 29:1 we read: “A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed without remedy.” I for sure along with all the supporters of the Crucifix will never want our dear Bishop to be destroyed. This is one reason why we are pleading again and again with the Bishop to reverse his course; the other reason being the restoration of peace and harmony not only at St. Alphonsa Church but in the whole Syro Malabar Church.

Tom Varkey said...

We Must Destroy the Mar Thoma Cross to Save SMC
By Tom Varkey, Part 3

Church is in grave danger. This alone is enough reason to eradicate the Mar Thoma Cross entirely from our places of worship at all cost.
Going back to the issue of venerating statues of various kinds in our churches, it is in direct violation of God’s commandment in Ex. 20:4. By replacing the Crucifix with the Mar Thoma Cross, we will be escalating our level of disobedience towards God by removing from our places of worship what Jesus is asking us to keep to make room for erecting something which is merely a creation of man which we call an idol when it is kept in the place of worship to be venerated or worshiped.
In Josh. 7:12 God said to Joshua: “I will not be with you any more unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.” Keeping the Mar Thoma Cross and all other statues in our churches even if they are of Jesus Himself is against the Word of God and therefore they are mere idols detestable to God. Since the statues of Mary and other saints have been in our churches for centuries and centuries in the past, it is neither practical nor is it advisable to remove them overnight. But now that we have the opportunity to stop the Mar Thoma Cross before it takes widespread hold in our churches, we should seize this opportunity and do it at all cost and as soon as we possibly can. This should be our highest priority in the here and now. As a second priority in the days and years to come, gradually we should remove all the other statues from our places of worship so that we can worship God in truth and Spirit by removing anything that is expressly prohibited by the Word of God.
The reason why I am saying that the removing of statues should be done gradually is that praying to the saints and Mary has some clear-cut benefits for those who have not grown deeply in the knowledge of the Word of God. Therefore, I would never say that we should immediately stop praying to the saints or Mary as the Protestant Christians say. At the same time, we have to understand its importance in relationship to the Word of God which clearly states that Christ is the ultimate reality and all other things and persons are nothing but shadows that help us to get to Jesus (Col. 2:17). If the shadow is near, the real person behind the shadow cannot be far off and therefore for those who have not had a good understanding of who God is based on the Word of God, praying to Mary and the saints may be of great value without which they may feel totally lost and incapable of making any progress in their spiritual lives. But our focus should shift more and more towards the study of the Word of God which is most essential to becoming true worshipers by ensuring that our worship is in truth and Spirit by making sure that it is in compliance with the truth of the Word of God.

Tom Varkey said...

Dear Blog Editor,

This is Part 5 of a 5-part article for posting. Each part is identified as 1,2,3 etc. in the beginning. Please post all the parts as one single article and remove any duplicate of any part. Thanks for all your help and your great service through this Blog Service. Tom Varkey.

We Must Destroy the Mar Thoma Cross to Save SMC
By Tom Varkey, Part 5

well with the Word of God and thus makes our worship “false worship” according to Jn. 4:23. The latest addition to the list of such objects is the Mar Thomas Cross. I invite everyone of you to fight against this trickery of Satan at all cost even at the cost of our own life before the anger of the Lord rages in our places of worship and in our lives as it happened in the case of Achan in the book of Joshua (Josh. 7), Rachel in Genesis (Gen. 31) and David in 2 Sam. 24. I cordially and passionately invite everyone to the battle ground in the weeks and months and years to come strengthened by the power of the Spirit of God who will fight for us if only we say “Yes” to God’s call and show up for the battle. It does not matter whether the battle ground is Garland, Chicago or Changanacherry. We will fight it out no matter what because the God of Jacob is our fortress and He will be with us to defeat and remove all idols from our places of worship for His own glory. “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15:57). Remember we are not to “boast in anything except the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal. 6:14) which is nothing other than the Crucifix. Praise and honor be to Him and to His most glorious Cross both now and For Ever.

Tom Varkey said...

We Must Destroy the Mar Thoma Cross to Save SMC
By Tom Varkey, Part 2
Coming to the matter of venerating a statue in our place of worship, did Jesus make an exception? The answer is “yes” since Jesus said in Jn. 3:14: “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life“. Thus the Crucifix is perfectly justifiable in our place of worship unlike any other statue. Jesus gives it to us as a means for us to attain our salvation using the analogy of the Israelites being healed from snake bites by looking at the bronze snake which Moses erected on a pole. There is also a second reason why Jesus made the Crucifix an exception and asked us to venerate it in our places of worship which is also based on the Word of God. The reason is that it is being given to us as a physical reminder of the salvation plan God carried out through the crucifixion and death of Jesus to redeem us. Does it have a parallel in the OT? Again the answer is “yes”. In Josh. 4:6-7 God tells the Israelites to keep 12 stones from the River Jordan as a memorial for ever to remind them of how God led them safely through the River Jordan so that all generations in the future years may revere God and obey His commandments. Thus the Crucifix alone is the only statue in our Catholic churches that passes the two-pronged Word of God compliance test. Since the advocates of the Mar Thoma Cross seek to replace theCrucifix with the Mar Thoma Cross, it is a great evil which makes our worship “false worship” since it is not in agreement with the Word of God.
Further, the Mar Thoma Cross poses a real threat for the entire Syro Malabar Church. A handful of bishops in the Syro Malabar Church want the Crucifix to be replaced with the Mar Thoma Cross. No matter how cleverly they craft their arguments in favor of treating it on equal footing with the Crucifix, they will only remain as shallow arguments since the Mar Thoma Cross does not pass the Word of God Compliance Test. Remember only Jesus who is Himself God can modify God’s Word. Jesus has done it in the case of the OT commandment which prohibited the making of any statues or images as found in Ex. 20:4. If we have the Mar Thoma Cross in our places of worship, our worship cannot be true worship since we are not worshiping in truth which is an essential element of the kind of worship pleasing to God according to Jn. 4:23.
Looking at the Mar Thoma Cross from another angle, it also poses a serious threat to the entire SMC and the Catholic Church as a whole. The advocates of the Mar Thoma Cross who constitute less than 0.5% of the Catholic population are trying to remove the Crucifix which the remaining 99.5% of the Catholic Church uphold. In Mt. 12:25 Jesus said: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” Thus if we do not stop the proponents of the Mar Thoma Cross, the entire Catholic

Tom Varkey said...

We Must Destroy the Mar Thoma Cross to Save SMC
By Tom Varkey, Part 4
When we do the above, then automatically our focus will fall less and less on Mary and the saints and slowly we will be able to remove all statues from our places of worship. This is a matter of high priority down the road. Because in Ps. 23:1 we read: “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing that I shall want.” If we feel that we lack anything if we do not pray to Mary and the saints, then what it means is that we do not believe in Jesus’ name fully and completely. His name means who He is and all what He is. Only to those who believe in His name God gives the power to become children of God (Jn. 1:12). Therefore, it is extremely important that we should learn the Scriptures to know who Jesus really is based on the Word of God. But right now getting the Mar Thoma Cross out of our churches should be our highest priority for all Syro Malabar Catholics. The alternative will be for us to flare up the anger of God if we fail to take these two extremely important steps for becoming the true worshipers that Jesus refers to in Jn. 4:23. We should take to heart the warning that God gives us in Josh. 7:12: “I will not be with you any more unless you destroy whatever is dovoted to destruction.” There are many examples in the Bible where God punished idolatry.
One example is where God punished Rachel, the most favored of the half a dozen or so wives of Jacob because she carried with her the idols belonging to her father Laban (Gen. 31:34). The fact that God loved Jacob to the extent of making him one of greatest fathers of our faith did not stop Him from taking severe action against Rachel by killing her following the birth of her second son Benjamin.
Some of you may say, “Well, it is the Bishop and our spiritual leaders who are responsible for imposing on us these idols and placing them in our churches in disobedience of God and therefore, why should we have to fear of its consequences?” I have bad news for you. In 2 Sam. 24:10-15 we read how the sin of pride in David caused the death of 70,000 innocent men. God punished David for his sin of pride by slaughtering 70,000 men and all he did was pridefully ordered his commanders in Israel to take a census of the solders capable of fighting. If God punished the greatest leader of Israel just for acting out of pride even though the sin may seem to us a rather insignificant and casual one from our point of view, certainly not one deserving the death of so many people, then definitely God will punish us for keeping the Mar Thoma Cross in our churches which is inconsistent with the Word of God and a rebellious act in defiance of His Word.
Judging from the incident above, I am sure that the entire Syro Malabar Church in particular and the whole Catholic Church in general will have to pay a hefty price for our idolatry. So let us fight tooth and nail against the veneration of anything in our churches which does not sit

Tom Varkey said...

We Must Destroy the Mar Thoma Cross to Save SMC
By Tom Varkey, Part 5
well with the Word of God and thus makes our worship “false worship” according to Jn. 4:23. The latest addition to the list of such objects is the Mar Thomas Cross. I invite everyone of you to fight against this trickery of Satan at all cost even at the cost of our own life before the anger of the Lord rages in our places of worship and in our lives as it happened in the case of Achan in the book of Joshua (Josh. 7), Rachel in Genesis (Gen. 31) and David in 2 Sam. 24. I cordially and passionately invite everyone to the battle ground in the weeks and months and years to come strengthened by the power of the Spirit of God who will fight for us if only we say “Yes” to God’s call and show up for the battle. It does not matter whether the battle ground is Garland, Chicago or Changanacherry. We will fight it out no matter what because the God of Jacob is our fortress and He will be with us to defeat and remove all idols from our places of worship for His own glory. “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15:57). Remember we are not to “boast in anything except the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal. 6:14) which is nothing other than the Crucifix. Praise and honor be to Him and to His most glorious Cross both now and For Ever.

Tom Varkey said...

We Must Destroy the Mar Thoma Cross to Save SMC
By Tom Varkey, a Parishioner of St. Alphonsa Catholic Church, Coppell, TX, USA
Some of my Syro Malabar Catholic friends may be wondering why I am so vehemently opposed to the Mar Thoma Cross. Therefore I thought I will make myself clear. Based on the Word of God, I truly believe that Mar Thoma Cross is a manipulation of Biblical truth cunningly orchestrated by Satan to allure us away from true worship. In Jn. 4:23 Jesus said that “true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” This means that our worship should be in accordance with the Word of God which alone is truth (Jn. 17:17). If we don’t, then our worship does not please God.
Centuries ago there was a mega manipulation of truth within the Catholic Church when it introduced statues of various kinds including those of Christ Himself, Mary and the saints. When I say this, I know I am raising a lot of eyebrows since this tradition within the Catholic Church has been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years in the past. Many may even call me anti-Catholic. But the reason why I say this is that in Ex. 20:4 God asks us “not to make images of anything in heaven above or on earth or in the waters below.”
This being said, why am I supporting the Crucifix which is also a statue since it has the image of the body of Christ on it even as I oppose other statues? This needs an explanation which involves a general rule of thumb for applying the Word of God in the Old Testament and the New Testament to our lives. The rule is that when a commandment in the Old Testament is modified by Jesus, its modified version in the NT replaces the old version in the OT. Remember Jesus said in Mt. 5:17: “I have not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets but to fulfill them.” An example would be Mt. 5:38 where Jesus says: “you have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you … if someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.” Being God, Jesus alone has the right to modify any commandment in the OT. Therefore we are now bound to obey the modified version of the commandment on love as Christ modified it. The Mosaic law under which if someone gouged out one of my eyes, it was okay to gouge out one of his eyes is therefore no longer valid.
Another example would be Mt. 5:27-28 where Jesus says: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery’... But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Thus Christians are now bound to keep this modified version of the commandment on adultery by abstaining even from looking lustfully at a member of the opposite sex as it constitutes adultery under the new law taught by Jesus even though polygamy was permitted and practiced in the OT as we read in the life of David.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Tom Varkey?

Tom Varkey said...

Is His Excellency and Supporters Religious Terrorists and Anti-Catholic?
By Tom Varkey – (Continued)

Therefore, it is quite evident from the above facts that the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross are not only religious terrorists but also anti-Catholic because they do not want to obey the Pope and want the most Catholic thing in a Catholic church -- the Crucifix to be removed from the church. Ironically, now-a-days, all the priests who preach at St. Alphonsa Catholic Church in their homilies and retreat sermons preach to the congregation telling them how they should listen to their authorities even though they themselves are totally unwilling to obey the Pope! Not only that they themselves will not obey the Pope, but they will not allow the faithful to obey the Pope either!
In Jude 19, we read that those who bring division in the church are those who do not have the Holy Spirit. We also read in Rom. 8:9: “Those who do not have the Spirit of Christ do not belong to Christ.” If this is so, it is not rocket science to figure out who they belong to if they do not belong to Christ. No wonder the Chicago Bishop and the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross work day and night to bring down the true Cross of Jesus Christ so that they can replace it with their idolatrous Mar Thoma Cross in its place. There is no doubt that these forces work for Satan and that they are both religious terrorists as well as anti-Catholic. It hurts me a lot in saying this because as a personal friend, Bishop Angadiath is close to my heart and I do cherish a lot of sweet memories from the past when he was Fr. Jacob at St. Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church in Garland, TX. But this is the truth and I have to say it because I want to be identified with truth because to me it is a matter of my eternal salvation.
Another clear-cut evidence is the fear and confusion and pain that the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross have caused for the rest of the Syro Malabar Catholics and the rest of the entire Catholic Church over the past 30 years or so. No doubt, this has been very much like the fear and confusion and pain that the Islamic fundamentalists cause to the Western countries as well as to their own fellow Moslems within the Arab countries. Looking at the chaotic scene across the Syro Malabar Church landscape, I am reminded of the grieving heart of God through the Prophet Jeremiah expressed in Lamentations 4:1: “How the gold has lost its luster, the fine gold become dull! The sacred gems are scattered at the head of every street.” How sad that the Syro Malabar Catholics who are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth have become a disgrace to God’s Holy Name and a nagging pain to the weeping heart of God by becoming religious terrorists! Let us pray for our brothers and sisters who have gone astray even as we fight to hold on to the precious Crucifix which is the symbol of our salvation!

Tom Varkey said...

Is His Excellency and Supporters Religious Terrorists and Anti-Catholic?
By Tom Varkey, Parishioner of St. Alphonsa Church, Coppell, TX, USA

Based on the Word of God and what the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross do to promote their idolatrous Mar Thoma Cross, the answer is a whopping ‘yes’. Well, what is it that terrorists do that make them terrorists? For one thing, they have absolutely no regard for the feelings of others nor for their basic human rights. In the case of the Alphonsa Catholic Church, even though 90% of the parishioners wanted the Crucifix in their church, the Chicago Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath and his handful of supporters stubbornly insisted on placing only the Mar Thoma Cross in the church sanctuary. When the parishioners and Fr. Sajy would not go along, the Bishop fired Fr. Sajy sending him back to India and then froze the bank account of the church. This kind of callous disregard for the rights and feelings of others is typical of terrorist behavior.
What else do they do which is characteristic of terrorist behavior? They sometimes display utterly contemptuous and sacrilegious behavior even for the most sacred things of God to the point of totally desecrating even the bread and wine used for the Holy Mass. I am sure even though it did not get much publicity, some of you may be aware of what a bunch of supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross did a few years ago to a bishop in Kerala (one of the supporters of the Crucifix) as he was getting ready for saying the Mass. I am sure murder was in their mind. But fortunately, the Savior on the Crucifix for which he stood for saved him from death so that he could tell his story to others like you and me. If this is not terrorism what else is?
How are the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross anti-Catholic? In a Catholic church, there is nothing more Catholic than the Crucifix. Yet the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross want it to be taken down so that they can install their Mar Thoma Cross which is nothing but an anti-Biblical man-made symbol in its place. If that were not enough, they want to hang a veil to cover the Crucifix even when they occasionally, unwillingly though, agree to place the Crucifix side by side with the Mar Thoma Cross when they are not able to overcome the pressure from parishioners. How much more anti-Catholic than that can they be? That too in spite of the fact that in January 2010, the Pope had strongly recommended displaying the Crucifix in the central location of the sanctuary during the Holy Mass (published in the Website The Pope wants this to be done so that the Crucifix can be venerated as the symbol of our salvation which Jesus earned for us by His dying on the cross.

Tom Varkey said...

Syro Malabar Synod: Claiming to be Wise, Will they Become Fools?
By Tom Varkey, Parishioner of St. Alphonsa Church, Coppell, TX, USA
In 1 Kings Chapter 18 of the Bible, we see how the Israelites were vacillating between Jehovah, the true God and Baal, the false God. For fear of the people majority of whom were worshiping Baal, the Israelites hesitated to follow Jehovah completely and wholeheartedly. So in 1 Kings 18:21 Elijah asked his fellow Israelites: “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” Exactly this state of indecisiveness is plaguing today’s Syro Malabar Church. Even though more than 90% of the Syro Malabar Catholics want the crucifix, which is a God-given gift to humanity as the symbol of man’s redemption and meant to serve as an instrument of his salvation, they are afraid to stand up against a handful of influential bishops in the Syro Malabar Church who have dominated and terrorized the whole Syro Malabar Church. They have allowed these Mar Thoma Cross terrorists to roam freely and replace the sacred Crucifix with their idolatrous cross, desecrating the places of our worship converting them into havens for Baal, the false god!
In 2001 when Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil visited Dallas, this humble parishioner invited him for a meeting in which about 15 of the supporters of the Crucifix participated. We asked him to intercede on behalf of the parishioners of the Syro Malabar Church in Garland, TX to have the Crucifix installed in the church sanctuary. Being fearful of incurring the rancor of the newly elected Bishop Angadiath and his ill-advisers, Cardinal Vithayithil caved in to their pressure. He washed his hands saying that Chicago Diocese is outside his jurisdiction. Like Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil, we have a lot of spiritual wimps today within the ranks of the Malabar Church who are afraid to assert their authority for fear of losing their popularity among the Mar Thoma Cross addicts. Instead of acting with boldness assertiveness, they shy away from their responsibility. The power vacuum created by the inaction of these wimpy leaders is being exploited by the enemies of the Crucifix like Bishop Powathil and others to advance Satan’s agenda by promoting his Satanic idol, the Mar Thoma Cross.
A similar thing happened at the Synod meeting last time when it met. Instead of standing up for the Crucifix which alone is Biblically-based and therefore truth-based, the leaders who were charged with the responsibility of decision-making simply stepped out of the way. Leaders like Cardinal Vithayathil mistakenly thought that making compromises on truth by not standing up for Jesus Christ and his Crucifix was a virtue. They forgot that there is no substitute for standing up for the truth like Elijah stood up for the living God even when he was far outnumbered by the 900 Baal prophets. The result was that at the end of the Synod meeting, the Bishops jointly issued a communiqué which stated that the Crucifix and the

Tom Varkey said...

Syro Malabar Synod: Claiming to be Wise, Will they Become Fools?
By Tom Varkey (Continued -- Page 2)
Mar Thoma Cross are both equally worthy of veneration in our churches. This is equivalent to saying that there is no difference between Baal, the false God and Jehovah, the true God. They forgot the fact that Elijah disproved this outrageous myth by killing all the prophets of Baal all by himself proving that no idol can be a match for the power of the Living God and his truth!
It is high time that the Church of Jesus Christ today woke up to the truth of what is going on in the Syro Malabar Church as millions of misguided believers led astray by their misguided leadership are perishing for all eternity. We are seeing the actual fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy about the blind leading the blind. Satan has hurled our moral compass that is supposed to give us spiritual direction based on the Word of God into the bottom of the Arabian Sea or the Atlantic Ocean in the case of those of us who live in America. As a result, we are groping in darkness going from bad to worse in our spiritual life as more and more churches find the Mar Thoma Cross at the center of their worship.
In Rom. 1:22 we read: “Claiming to be wise, they became fools” referring to mankind’s idol worship when they exchanged the glory of the living God for the image of reptiles and birds and other animals as we read in Rom. 1:23. We are seeing more and more of this kind of desecration of our places of worship with the images of birds and reptiles and other animals. If you don’t believe me, just look at the pastoral hat (called a mitre) worn by His Excellency Bishop Angadiath and the other Syro Malabar Bishops. For example, the miter of Mar Angadiath has the picture of two peacocks on the front!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, once idolatry sets in, there is no limit as to how far it will take us because Satan is in control of idol worshipers. Don’t be surprised if in the coming days and years, if we see more and more animals displayed on priestly vestments like the peacocks, cows, buffalos … what not! Our misguided church leaders who go after the Mar Thoma Cross have suddenly realized that these pictures are more ‘cute’ than the Crucifix and have started introducing them one by one into our places of worship. One of these days, they will think of a ploy to even link these animals with St. Thomas and argue that they found something in the tomb of St. Thomas that had the picture of a peacock, etc. … you know where I am going with this! Welcome to IDOL WORSHIP IN FULL BLOOM!! No wonder Paul said in Rom. 1:22: “Claiming to be wise they became fools.”
At this juncture, the burning question being asked is: Is the Syro Malabar Synod scheduled to meet this month in Kerala going to stand up for the real cross of Jesus Christ or will they once again follow the path of idolatry as the previous Synod did by endorsing the Mar

Tom Varkey said...

Syro Malabar Synod: Claiming to be Wise, Will they Become Fools?
By Tom Varkey (Continued -- Page 3)
Thoma Cross Idol as a viable alternative for the Crucifix giving it the same importance as the Crucifix?
Another question is: Will Fr. Jojy in the Garland Church in Dallas, TX stubbornly insist on holding to the Mar Thoma Cross Idol even though it is so wrong based on the Word of God? If he does, then those who hang on his coat tails are going to learn the hard way the lesson which all supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross should have learned by now: that Baal can never prevail over Jehovah, the living God. It can never prevail also over the Crucifix which springs up from the depths of a sinful world as its Savior hangs on it giving life to its inhabitants! What springs up from a lotus can never be a match for the Crucifix even by a long shot because it is an idol. What springs up from a lotus has a name, and its name is Goddess Saraswati and like its counterpart -- the Mar Thoma Cross, it has no power for anything because it is merely a pigment of man’s imagination. May God bless you all in your continued fight for the Crucifix.