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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Is Mar Angadiyath and His Supporters Religious Terrorists and Anti-Catholic?

AnonymousDeleteBy Tom Varkey, Parishioner of St. Alphonsa Church, Coppell, TX, USA
 Based on the Word of God and what the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross do to promote their idolatrous Mar Thoma Cross, the answer is a whopping ‘yes’. Well, what is it that terrorists do that make them terrorists?

For one thing, they have absolutely no regard for the feelings of others nor for their basic human rights. In the case of the Alphonsa Catholic Church, even though 90% of the parishioners wanted the Crucifix in their church, the Chicago Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath and his handful of supporters stubbornly insisted on placing only the Mar Thoma Cross in the church sanctuary. When the parishioners and Fr. Sajy would not go along, the Bishop fired Fr. Sajy sending him back to India and then froze the bank account of the church. This kind of callous disregard for the rights and feelings of others is typical of terrorist behavior.
What else do they do which is characteristic of terrorist behavior? They sometimes display utterly contemptuous and sacrilegious behavior even for the most sacred things of God to the point of totally desecrating even the bread and wine used for the Holy Mass. I am sure even though it did not get much publicity, some of you may be aware of what a bunch of supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross did a few years ago to a bishop in Kerala (one of the supporters of the Crucifix) as he was getting ready for saying the Mass. I am sure murder was in their mind. But fortunately, the Savior on the Crucifix for which he stood for saved him from death so that he could tell his story to others like you and me. If this is not terrorism what else is?

How are the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross anti-Catholic? In a Catholic church, there is nothing more Catholic than the Crucifix. Yet the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross want it to be taken down so that they can install their Mar Thoma Cross which is nothing but an anti-Biblical man-made symbol in its place. If that were not enough, they want to hang a veil to cover the Crucifix even when they occasionally, unwillingly though, agree to place the Crucifix side by side with the Mar Thoma Cross when they are not able to overcome the pressure from parishioners. How much more anti-Catholic than that can they be? That too in spite of the fact that in January 2010, the Pope had strongly recommended displaying the Crucifix in the central location of the sanctuary during the Holy Mass (published in the Website The Pope wants this to be done so that the Crucifix can be venerated as the symbol of our salvation which Jesus earned for us by His dying on the cross.
Therefore, it is quite evident from the above facts that the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross are not only religious terrorists but also anti-Catholic because they do not want to obey the Pope and want the most Catholic thing in a Catholic church -- the Crucifix to be removed from the church. Ironically, now-a-days, all the priests who preach at St. Alphonsa Catholic Church in their homilies and retreat sermons preach to the congregation telling them how they should listen to their authorities even though they themselves are totally unwilling to obey the Pope! Not only that they themselves will not obey the Pope, but they will not allow the faithful to obey the Pope either!

In Jude 19, we read that those who bring division in the church are those who do not have the Holy Spirit. We also read in Rom. 8:9: “Those who do not have the Spirit of Christ do not belong to Christ.” If this is so, it is not rocket science to figure out who they belong to if they do not belong to Christ. No wonder the Chicago Bishop and the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross work day and night to bring down the true Cross of Jesus Christ so that they can replace it with their idolatrous Mar Thoma Cross in its place. There is no doubt that these forces work for Satan and that they are both religious terrorists as well as anti-Catholic. It hurts me a lot in saying this because as a personal friend, Bishop Angadiath is close to my heart and I do cherish a lot of sweet memories from the past when he was Fr. Jacob at St. Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church in Garland, TX. But this is the truth and I have to say it because I want to be identified with truth because to me it is a matter of my eternal salvation.

Another clear-cut evidence is the fear and confusion and pain that the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross have caused for the rest of the Syro Malabar Catholics and the rest of the entire Catholic Church over the past 30 years or so. No doubt, this has been very much like the fear and confusion and pain that the Islamic fundamentalists cause to the Western countries as well as to their own fellow Moslems within the Arab countries. Looking at the chaotic scene across the Syro Malabar Church landscape, I am reminded of the grieving heart of God through the Prophet Jeremiah expressed in Lamentations 4:1: “How the gold has lost its luster, the fine gold become dull! The sacred gems are scattered at the head of every street.” How sad that the Syro Malabar Catholics who are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth have become a disgrace to God’s Holy Name and a nagging pain to the weeping heart of God by becoming religious terrorists! Let us pray for our brothers and sisters who have gone astray even as we fight to hold on to the precious Crucifix which is the symbol of our salvation!


Anonymous said...

Very well said Mr. Tom Varkey. People who work for Satan are clearly earmarked in the Bible. In the original KJV as we read Ephe.sians chapter 6, verse 12, we understand that......we are fighting against ' spiritual wickedness in high places'. What that simply means is the spiritual wickedness that came from Changanacherry after the mid 70's.
Trying to hide the crucifix from the altar of worship is surely the work of Satan

Anonymous said...

Utility has two rates, Commercial and residential. How come the current trustee acquired the commmercial rate /the best deal for his house through the church?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tom,

You said it right again
Let me add some more clarifications

ഞങ്ങള്‍ സഭാ വിരോധികളോ, പുരോഹിത വിരോധികളോ അല്ല.

പ്രത്യുത, സഭാസ്നേഹികളാണ് എന്നതില്‍ അഭിമാനം കൊള്ളുന്നു.

ഞങ്ങള്‍ യുദ്ധം ചെയ്യുന്നത് സഭാധികാരികളുടെ പൊതുജനവിരുദ്ധ നിലപാടുകള്‍ക്കും, നടപടികള്‍ക്കുമെതിരെയാണ്.

ചിക്കാഗോയിലെ സഭാധികാരികള്‍ സഭാനേതൃത്വ ഗൂണ്ടായിസമാണ് നടത്തുന്നത്.

മെത്രാനും കൂട്ടരും ഇവിടെ കാട്ടിക്കൂട്ടുന്നത് ecclesiastical ഫാസിസം ആണ്.

ബഹുഭൂരിപക്ഷ ജനവികാരങ്ങളെ കാറ്റില്‍ പറത്തി, അതിന് പുല്ലിന്റെ പോലും വില വയ്ക്കാതെ, തന്റെ വ്യക്തിപരമായ വിശ്വാസം വെറും തൊപ്പിയുടെയും വടിയുടെയും ബലത്തില്‍ വിശ്വാസികളുടെമേല്‍ അടിച്ച് ഏല്‍പ്പിക്കുകയാണ് അങ്ങാടിയത്ത്.

അദ്ദേഹത്തെയും അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്‌ ഓശാന പാടുന്നവരെയും സഭാ-സമുദായ ദ്രോഹികളായി മാത്രമെ ഞങ്ങള്‍ കാണുന്നുള്ളൂ.

Anonymous said...

ഈയിടെ ഫ്ലോറിഡായില്‍ ഒരു പെങ്കൊച്ച് അച്ചന്‍ കെട്ടിപ്പിടിച്ചിട്ടു, മില്‍മായ്ക്കു വേദന ആണെന്നു അമ്മയോട് പരാതി പറഞ്ഞെങ്കില്‍ ഒട്ടും അല്‍ഭുതപ്പെടാനില്ല.

Anonymous said...

Symbol cross!!!!

Syro Malabar church symbol cross is on the vest of priests, on table top etc and that is how far that can go inside a catholic church.

Try to learn who Jesus is and St. Thomas is, Who is your God?

Who are you worshipping in the mass?.

Tom Varkey said...

This is Tom Varkey again ... from St. Alphonsa Catholic Church …

Initially I thought of not disclosing what exactly the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross did to the bishop I referred to in the article “Is Mar Angadiath and His Supporters ..." for fear of hurting the feelings of the readers of this blog the way I was hurt – deeply beyond description!! But then I said to myself after praying quite a bit over it – I must disclose it for the following reason: The soldiers of the Battle for the Crucifix need all the dynamite we can get to destroy the almost unfathomable amount of evil packed in this bomb – the so-called Mar Thoma Cross which Satan is using to destroy the Syro Malabar Church and the entire Catholic Church. The survival of our very faith is in danger. So here it is folks. You want to take a guess at what the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross did to this highly respected holy Bishop who was a strong advocate for the Crucifix – THEY PUT POSON IN THE WINE to kill the bishop!! My fingers are s h a k I n g. I can’t type any more. Dearest Friends of the Crucifix, Keep up the good and noble fight. We will defeat the Mar Thoma Cross Movement once and for all. We WILL save the Syro Malabar Church and the Catholic Church. Because we have a million times more power than they got – the Spirit of Christ who hung on that Cross for you and me – yes, even to save these very people who put poison in that chalice! Always remember: “One who is in us is stronger than the one in the world (1 Jn. 4:4)”. Finally a humble request -- Please do not hate any of the supporters of the Mar Thoma Cross as we are fighting this battle. Let us simply ask Jesus to forgive them! God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tom Varkey,

Who was that Bishop got poisoned in Vine by these Marthoma claver terrorists? This is really shocking!!!

Anonymous said...

If this is true what Tom Varkey says that a Bishop in Kerala got poisoned by the Marthoma symbol cross gang, then it was good that Fr. Sajy did not went to Chicago after fired from Coppell church, even after repeated calls by Chicago. Angady terrorist gang would have probably killed him. It is not a hype thought since they already tried to assasinate his charecter in india and usa by putting wrong financial fraud allegations. why do we need this diocese? Let us join Dallas diocese and get out of chicago syro for ever.

Anonymous said...

I think it was Bishop Kattumana.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tom Varkey,
What you talking about? Are you OK? Satan is doing his job through you! I pray for you!

Anonymous said...


U R one Marthoma claver terrorist

Anonymous said...

To #10, Satan is busy working with Angady, no time for anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Tom Varkey needs help. Please someone help him to see a doctor, a psychiatrist. If he doesn't get help immediately ....