Keep Faith, inspire the Faithful, expose Clergy abuse and arrogance - this is our Mission

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Dear Parents,
What a shame! You do not realize how hard it is for us to grow up here in America - to grow up struggling to discover who we are. Many parents say that they desire for their children to come to Syro-Malabar to have a connection to our history and our heritage.
Is this arguing what constitutes our history? Is this our heritage? Think about us. From your actions, we learn nothing about God's love. From your actions, we learn nothing either about the patient suffering of our Lord on the crucifix OR the hope of our Lord's glorious resurrection on the empty cross. From your actions, we become ashamed of who we are. Please be mindful of this.

When we read that the "the story of Coppell faithful is legendary," who is going to remember this? What is it that they will remember? The only people who will remember this fight in the future will be the kids who leave our community and never want to come back.

When we read, "practice what you preach," then dear parents teach us how to repent and reconcile according to our faith. We understand that it is human to have different opinions and to disagree, but please show us how to deal with differences in a Christian way.

Your Children (the future of the Syro-Malabar Church)


Anonymous said...

Hi Real Catholic ;;;

What Jesus did for you is save you by crucifixion and death.

I can relate to that when I look in the altar and see the Crucifix.

And in CCD class I learned that Mass is about Jesus only,, Nothing else is relevant in the altar at any time..

Church belongs to Jesus only..

St. Thomas is an apostle, not worthy to be worshiped like Jesus, Symbol Cross of Syro Malabar Diocese is just a symbol, Resurrection symbol is just a plain cross not like Claver cross and none of this should be in altar at all.

Only Crucifix worthy to be in altar if you are a real Catholic.

If it is very hard for anybody, to see Jesus body on cross, you shouldn't be called a catholic.

Don't even bother to be christian, if you prefer.....

Anonymous said...

Dear Kid,

Who told you this clavar cross is the symbol of reurrection?

Tell your Daddy to come out of this Claver mania.

Anonymous said...

Dear Parents,
Please do not do this. Though I do not wish to get into an argument with you, but you must know this:

Both the crucifixion and the resurrection are essential to our salvation. Please remember 1 Corinthian 15:17, which says: "and if Christ has not been raised,your faith is vain; you are still in your sins."

Christ, in His humanity, suffered on the cross to pay for our sins and to show us how to patiently suffer. Do not make His suffering in vain by this continued fighting. Christ, in His divinity, also rose from the dead to overcome death and sin. If we continue to fight, then it is as if Easter never happened. Then what makes us a Catholic at all?
You can have neither the resurrection without the crucifixion, nor the cruxifixion without the resurrection. Both crosses are symbols that point to a greater reality - a reality greater than this shameful fighting.

Also, the Qurbana is not about "Jesus only" but about the outpouring of the self-emptying love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit into our lives such that we can live in a community of SELF-EMPTYING love like the Holy Trinity.

So dear fathers, think of your sons and learn to put aside your egos, become selfless, and enable the Holy Spirit to guide us all.

If we truly are a Catholic community, then each person, regardless of which cross they prefer, should enable the symbol to deeply mold their faith lives such that they can
kneel before the Blessed Sacrament, repent for any wrong they have personally done (instead of accusing the other side) and ask for forgiveness without expecting anything in return.

Your children

p.s. do remember that we are watching, but once we get to college, we may shut our eyes and ears to you and to this community forever.

Anonymous said...

While living in the land of opportunity, don't let your children exposed too much to the Malayalam church. Make sure you also take them to the other churches and that will help them a lot.There are so many other churches, more spiritual and many of us miss that after the SMC was started.

Anonymous said...

Old secratary and Thomaa calls every one and talk bullshitt.

That they took decision that no one should play in the hall.

Ivanu vattundo?

He is not secratary.We keep him in that position for him to come to pothuyogam to read the report.

kochu kasmalan.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday Reji called me.Reji, keep your idea with you.

I know about you.So be away.

Anonymous said...

Who was this Apostle Thomas and why was his name invoked? The main sources relating to Apostle Thomas are two Gnostic (non-Biblical) texts known as The Acts of Thomas and the Gospel of Thomas. According to them Thomas was the twin brother of Jesus. For this reason the Thomas myth is not accepted by the Vatican because of a doctrinal problem: Jesus as the Only Son of God cannot possibly have a twin brother. (Greek for Thomas is Didymus, which means twin brother.)

Christians in South India who identify themselves as St. Thomas Christians claim that their ancestors were blessed by Apostle Thomas in 52 A.D. who preached from the Bible. This has no historical basis as we shall see. In fact, there is no evidence that Thomas even existed. His ‘history’ is full of contradictions as will become apparent.

Christians in South India who identify themselves as St. Thomas Christians claim that their ancestors were blessed by Apostle Thomas in 52 A.D. who preached from the Bible. This has no historical basis as we shall see. In fact, there is no evidence that Thomas even existed. His ‘history’ is full of contradictions as will become apparent.

As just observed the Portuguese missionaries who came to India in the 16th century found that they could not do without a local martyr and created the Myth of St. Thomas claiming that he was martyred in India. They gave no explanation as to how they discovered it more than 1500 years later. Marco Polo is supposed to have mentioned it but there is no authentic manuscript that can be attributed to him. Then there is the question of how he discovered it more than a thousand years later.

There is even a Mount of St. Thomas in Mylapore in Chennai with a tomb that is supposed to contain his martyred remains. But the problem is there are several such memorials spread across Persia, Acre (Turkey) and a few other places dating to different times, all laying claim to be the place where Apostle Thomas was martyred and buried!

After examining all the evidence, the late Father Heras, former Director of the Historical Research Institute, St. Xavier’s College, Bombay, said in 1953 that he was convinced that the tomb of St. Thomas was not in Mylapore. He had earlier said, quite emphatically in The Aravidu Dynasty of Vijayanagar, that the Portuguese account of their discovery of some relics was “a most barefaced imposture [with] all elements of a forgery.” Heras was himself a Jesuit father but also an eminent historian.

This is not the end of the story, for while denying the myth because it challenges Jesus as the ‘Only Son of God’ the Vatican wants to have it both ways. On September 27, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI gave a speech at St. Peter’s in Rome in which he recalled an ancient tradition claiming that Thomas first evangelized Syria and Persia, then went on to Western India, from where Christianity also reached Southern India. Syrian Christians derive status within the caste system from the tradition that they are converted Namboothiris (Brahmins), who were allegedly evangelized by St. Thomas after he allegedly landed in Kerala in AD 52.

Santhome Cathedral

Anonymous said...

According to Christian leaders in India, the Apostle Thomas came to India in 52 A.D., founded the Syrian Christian Church, and was killed by the fanatical Brahmins in 72 A.D. His followers built the St. Thomas Church near the site of his martyrdom. Historians however say this apostle, even if he existed, never came to India. The Christian community in South India was founded by a Syrian (or Armenian) merchant Thomas Cananeus in 345 A.D. He led four hundred refugees who fled persecution in Persia and were given asylum by the Hindu authorities.

This story was too commonplace to attract converts. So Christian leaders identified the merchant Thomas with Apostle Thomas and created the dramatic story of the Apostle’s persecution and death at the hands of the ‘wicked’ Brahmins of South India. This became current in the 16th century when the Portuguese gained control of the west coast of India and forced the Syrian Christians to follow the Catholic faith. The Portuguese also destroyed the Kapaleeswara Temple that originally stood on the site now occupied by the San Thome Cathedral on the beach.

The creation of this myth and the history is told in detail by the Canadian scholar Ishwar Sharan (not his original name) in his famous book The Myth of St. Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva Temple. The purpose of the myth was to create a local martyr. Christianity depends heavily on the appeal of martyrs who are projected as victims like Jesus Christ. Then as now, Church leaders liked to pose as victims to generate sympathy and propaganda. But no matter how much they tried, the Hindus of India refused to supply the Portuguese with martyrs. So they were forced to create their own. So they turned the merchant Thomas into the Apostle Thomas killed by the Hindus.

The sketch of the original Kapaleeswarar temple on the Beach destroyed by the Portuguese.

Anonymous said...

As in many parts of the world, Christianity in India emerged as a blend of indigenous sacred beliefs and the early traditions of the First Century Christian Church. The elements of the Saint Thomas cross depict this blended cultural religious heritage of the Nasrani people:

Beginning at the bottom of the cross, the entire object rests on a platform of three steps. The steps symbolize both the hill of Calvary and the ascent of the soul to the Hindu heaven.
The curved, wing-like element on top of the steps, in the center of which the cross is anchored, is the lotus flower. The lotus is the national flower of India and the symbol of Buddhism.
The tips of the cross itself are designed to represent flower buds, with petals curving out from the edges. Flower buds are the Hindu symbol for new life. In the Nasrani Christian interpretation, they represent the resurrection of Jesus.
The cross itself is not a crucifix (a cross which includes the crucified body of Christ). The Saint Thomas cross is “empty,” symbolizing a Christ who is no longer dead or dying but resurrected and alive.
At the top of the cross is the image of a dove, descending downward with its wings upturned. It represents the Holy Spirit which descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove at His baptism.

Anonymous said...

The Catholic crucifix was not widely used before the 5th century A.D. Prior to the 5th century the Lamb of God was the most common symbol used to represent Christ.

The Council of Constantinople in 629 A.D. ordered: "That, instead of the lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ will be shown hereafter in His human form in images so that we shall be led to remember His mortal life, His passion, and His death, which paid the ransom for mankind"--this image was the Catholic crucifix.

On the early Catholic crucifix the corpus was usually stylized, but from the 9th century A.D. on medieval artists started to depict increasingly more realistic portrayals of Christ and His suffering. The Renaissance saw a reversion towards more ideally conceived imagery, but the dramatic and more accurate depictions of Christ would return to the Catholic crucifix during the baroque period.

The Catholic crucifix came to be recognized as the universal symbol of Christianity, symbolizing the sacrifice of Christ, and the consequent redemption of mankind. Reformation Protestants in the 16th century, however, rebelled against the use of the Catholic crucifix and stripped the corpus from the cross, so as to but greater emphasis on the Resurrection. Thus, the crucifix came to be identified specifically with the Catholic Church, the bare cross with the "Reformers."

The Catholic crucifix has, over the years, become a powerful symbol in both art and jewelry. By wearing the Catholic crucifix many Christians around the world proudly proclaim their love and faith in Christ as Redeemer. Here is a good page to view the different styles of the Catholic crucifix.

Where is the best place to purchase a Catholic crucifix:

To get an idea of the different styles and prices that are available in a Catholic crucifix it is more convenient to view them online before shopping around at local jewelry stores.

Retail jewelers will sometimes carry a small selection of Catholic crucifixes, but you are more apt to find a greater selection online. Just type "Catholic crucifix " into an Internet search engine like Google or Yahoo and you will find several reliable websites that specialize in the Catholic crucifix.

The cost of a Catholic crucifix is dependant upon many variables. In solid 14K yellow or white gold, Catholic crucifixes should cost about $50 to $300 depending on size.

Faith in Christ, faith in life:

Faith is the central pillar of Christian life. Without faith there would be no hope, and without hope there would be no reason. The Catholic crucifix is the strongest symbol of faith; faith in Christ as Savior and Redeemer. Faith in all that is good and right. The Catholic crucifix is much more than a representation, it is a way of life.

Casey Buell is an expert in the field of religious jewelry, and a contributor to the award winning religious jewelry website located at

Anonymous said...

The crucifix is the principal ornament of the altar. It is placed on the altar to recall to the mind of the celebrant, and the people, that the Victim offered on the altar is the same as was offered on the Cross. For this reason the crucifix must be placed on the altar as often as Mass is celebrated (Constitution, Accepimus of Benedict XIV, 16 July, 1746). The rubric of the Roman Missal (xx) prescribes that it be placed at the middle of the altar between the candlesticks, and that it be large enough to be conveniently seen by both the celebrant and the people (Cong. Sac. Rit., 17 September, 1822). If for any reason this crucifix is removed, another may take its place in a lower position; but in such cases it must always be visible to all who assist at Mass (ibid.). We remarked above that a crucifix must be placed on the altar during Mass. To this rule there are two exceptions:
when the Crucifixion is the principal part of the altarpiece or picture behind the altar. (We advisedly say the principal part of the altarpiece or picture, for if the picture represents a saint, e.g. St. Francis Xavier holding a crucifix in his hand, or St. Thomas kneeling before the cross, even if the cross be large, such a picture is not sufficient to take the place of the altar-crucifix — see Ephem. Lit., 1893, VII, 408) and
when the Most Blessed Sacrament is exposed.

Anonymous said...

A crucifix is to be either on the altar or near it. Having only a stylized figure of Christ on the cross on the altar or near it is not permitted.
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal makes it clear that the cross should be a crucifix:

There is also to be a cross, with the figure of Christ crucified upon it, either on the altar or near it, where it is clearly visible to the assembled congregation. It is appropriate that such a cross, which calls to mind for the faithful the saving Passion of the Lord, remain near the altar even outside of liturgical celebrations. (GIRM 308).

If the cross above the altar is not a crucifix, a processional cross with a corpus attached (crucifix) is to be placed near the altar (GIRM 117).

In his book The Spirit of the Liturgy, Pope Benedict XVI speaks to the importance of the crucifix as the focus for both priest and the faithful at Mass:

. . . the cross . . . should stand in the middle of the altar and be the common point of focus for both priest and praying community. In this way we obey the ancient call to prayer: “Conversi ad Dominum,” “Turn to the Lord!” In this way we look together at the One whose death tore the veil of the Temple—the One who stands before the Father for us and encloses us in his arms in order to make us the new and living Temple. . . . The Lord is the point of reference. He is the rising sun of history. That is why there can be a cross of the Passion, which represents the suffering Lord who for us let his side be pierced, from which flowed blood and water (Eucharist and baptism), as well as a cross of triumph, which expresses the idea of the Second Coming and guides our eyes towards it. For it is always the one Lord: Christ yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). (The Spirit of the Liturgy, ch. 3)

Anonymous said...

Why we are fighting for the cross, we don't need to be a blind believers of the bishop, please use your brain and make decision. According to the history or Indian christian myth St. thomas died on 72AD and the scientific test proof the claver cross is made years after his death. Since the catholic church is considered to be a universal church we don't need the local churches in US. The leaders of the local churches are trying to make money by providing wrong informations to their followeres.

Anonymous said...

Why Thommachan is calling me and his friend is calling me and ask about this media?

Ivan aara?He is not a Kaikaran.Incase if I talk about his wife then he can ask me.Get lost man as-----------le.

Anonymous said...

I believe most of the people who wrote the comment about this young kid’s article are good preachers or they know how to copy some article from other site and post it here.

However I feel that they many have understanding disability or they don’t want to read what this kid wrote.

What I understand and hope the same he is expressing is the actions of the community is becoming shameful to him. Those who only live within the syromalabar community are not a problem. Those who have a life outside the community; other people will laugh at all of us.
This is just because of the actions of the parents. If the bishop and the priests were able to do stupid actions the reasons are we parents.

Some of us always support the authorities for their personal benefit or because we are not courageous enough to stand for the truth in public. These minority actions are praised by the leaders and help them to make more wrong decisions only for their financial benefits. (spilt and rule that the policy)

As far as the young kids, they will have more peace of mind if they were part of the local church. Where, there will be other kids of their age with whom they all go to school, play soccer, basket ball, base ball etc... This helps them to create an extended friendship circle.

In our community, most of the leaders and members are good preachers, but very few practice what they preach. Our bishop and some of the priests are not courageous enough to stand in front of the crucifix. They should understand the fact that even if they don’t want to see the crucifix, God will see their actions.

I only have one thought either the leaders should follow what we have used to in the form of culture (if any left) or they should just let the people live the way they used to prior to the syro Malabar in USA.

Anonymous said...

As you live in the land of opportunity, don't let your children exposed too much to the Malayalam church. Make sure you also take them to the other churches and that will help them a lot.There are so many other churches, more spiritual and many of us miss that after the SMC was started.

The Kids should be exposed to all rites and to absorb the best.

How many kids will say that they prefer SMC to other (Latin) Churches?

Lets take a Vote ?

Why is SMC - Chicago having less attendance after the Sunday School is Closed ??

Anonymous said...

Both empty cross or crucifix ...Don't matter for me.. Because I go to church Attend the holy mass and pray to GOD ...not pray to kurissu!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to say that Coppell church Got some very Dangerous people...I wonder they really OK ?

Anonymous said...

Excellent letter from children...Open your eyes..trouble makers!!!!!Don't be so selfish and cruel!!!!I pray for the community.

Anonymous said...

This Korangan Roy is not member in our church.Why korangan hang around in our church with this ass kisser group.Chanthalayan give good advice to this Korangan and he started talking bullshitt.Korangan dont know to make Chaya.But he come and make some kind of thing and serve in church.Korangan Roy should stop making Chaya.

Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

Hi Kid's representative,

Please contact ...

The Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Curia
Mount St Thomas, P.B. No. 3110, Kakkanad P.O.,
Kochi 682 030, India
Tel. 0484-2424768,


Secretariat, Pastoral Orientation Centre
P.B. No. 2251, Palarivattom, Kochi - 682 025, Kerala, India
Telephone : +91 484 - 2805722, 2805815
Fax : +91 484 - 2806214
Email :

C.B.C.I Centre
1, Ashok Place
Near Gole Dakkhana
New Delhi - 110 001 India.

If your bishop isn't doing his job, contact:

Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re
Prefect, Congregation for Bishops
Piazza Pio XII, 10
00193 Vatican City, Italy, Europe

Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4217

In case of liturgical abuse, contact:

Francis Cardinal Arinze
Prefect, Congregation for Divine Worship and Sacraments
Piazza XII, 10
00193 Vatican City, Italy, Europe

Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4368

In case of bad catechesis, contact:

Dario Castrillon Cardinal Hoyos
Prefect, Congregation for the Clergy
Piazza Pio XII, 3
00193 Vatican City, Italy, Europe

Phone: (011) 39-6-6988-4136

Anonymous said...

Chanathalayan's paara through his boyfriend.

Two rotton eggs is coming on stage again with suit and bla bla bla....

Anonymous said...

Have an eye on Bishop’s game plan

Not allowing for convening a “pothuyogam” till end of June10.
Reji is taking charge on 01July. Everybody knows that if there is pothuyogam before 30thJune, Reji will no more a Kaikkaran for ever in Coppell. !! (Coppell people debarred him for 75 years!! unless he prove his innocence in the church deal and the related commission sharing with Bill and other 4 pakalmannianmar!!

Fr.Varghese is an innocent victim…everybody has sympathy towards him...Sorry father, Detroit was more comfortable for you…

In fact Reji lost credibility in the general public...If you have any shame left, step down man...why you are so much excited about the “trustee post “in fact there is no trust on you?
It is going to be disaster for you….

Anonymous said...

Though I doubt it very much, if this blog article was indeed written by someone under 18...

Exactly 26 years ago, in Poland, authorities ordered crucifixes to be removed from public schools. The option for the students and their parents were to sign a "church and state separation", which means they support removal of crucifix, or quit school altogether. In some schools, 500 oru of 600 students chose to quit school instead of abandoning crucifix.

What would you choose?

Click here to read the full news report.

Anonymous said...

Hello Bloger,

Your blgs are overlaping and confucing.Some time you change your direction of views and that is the reason you are getting less response even after you have more visiters.

They way you was handling Coppell isuue was great and now a days you loose the track.

Come back to same spirit.

Anonymous said...


We need your tea in church.We dont need korangan tea on sundays.

Tell korangan to getout from kitchen.Let him come with a membership.Then he will make tea.

Anonymous said...


Why you want to be a kaikaran like Vattan Thomma?

You are sure that you dont have the support of atleast 5% of members in this church.Your kappa and meen curry with birth day wish calls to everyone dont work here.

Andikyurappundengil--- anaanengil nirthi poku maasheeee.

Enthinado inganey naanakettu nilkaneee

Anonymous said...

Evil spirit really attacking Coppell church... Trying to divide the community. We all catholics should pray for Coppell parish.Evil spirit is using some members to inject Hatred and anti catholic views to create split and Problems... This not new to any church..But It is our responsibility to keep praying and bring peace and joy in our Church...

Anonymous said...

Hello Lorance,

Dont publish that I gave you the details of parish council metting.Every one think that Fr.Saji's supporters give you the details.We will update everything and publish it like Gunda gang do it.


Anonymous said...

Chana/ Vattan/pottan to Boyfriend-

Uncle,tell achan that this media thing is not good for church.Tell a story that Catholic foundation asked about it.

I will.So that next year I will be the nominee.

Acha, bla bla bla........

Great job...........

makkaleeeeeeee Marpapeney kurisu varakyan padippikyalle

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


We need good tea boss.

you go to garland and make tea

Anonymous said...

so Korangan will come with jeans and t shirt and will be in kitchen without going to church?

is he coming all the way from frisco to make tea?

Anonymous said...

take out that comment laurence.dont publish this.


Anonymous said...

take out that comment i send u before.dont publish my name.

call me.nobody should know that I write in this blog.


Anonymous said...

Who cares about tea? Go home and make your own tea, or go to McDonald's, or Star Bucks, or Duncan Donuts and get your tea. Enough with this name calling. How old are you? Four? Five?

Anonymous said...

Through the crucifix Jesus unites us with himself and with all of suffering humanity. Meditating on the crucifix we know God’s love for us even when pain denies us the consolation of feeling joy. And we know that just as Jesus was raised from the dead, we too move through our own crosses find the joy of God’s life.

Anonymous said...

Dear Coppell people,

Forces of darkness have been at work to remove crucifix from sight has been going on for many years, and it continues even today. Just recently (one month ago), a nurse in UK who has been wearing crucifix for over 30 years was asked to remove crucifix or lose her job; she chose to give up her nurse job instead of the crucifix.

It looks like our diocean authorities are siding with the atheists to remove crucifix from our churches. Our bishops don't want crucifix used in procession on Good Friday.

I have no idea why they are so strongly against crucifix. May be we all should pray real hard for these bishops, and may be even have novena every Friday so that our bishops will receive the courage and conviction to stand up for the crucifix.

Try meditating in front of an empty cross, and then try meditating in front of a crucifix. See the difference for yourself.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Forgive this Bishop for sending such a letter to publc to crusify Fr.Saji.Forgive to all who worked behind this letter.


Bless this media who saved Fr.Saji who bring out the truth.God bless all the people who stand for our catholic church.Bless the people who was speaking in that tv programme.

Anonymous said...

Regi want the Kaikkaran post only to pay his bills!.Who is going to support a Kaikkaran who lost credibility and trust?.

Thoma group want to show that contributions are coming to the church and that is why put $2K in cashiers check.Or did some body in the group want to return his part of buying commission?.

Now Thoma is trying to convince people for a Bishops visit to re-bless the church.He is calling and saying that Bishop likes to come here to bless the church.But he cannot answer why a second blessing is needed?.

What ever is the play, untill unless the Bishop promise that no change without parish general body approval ,as well as permit us to operate the church account in churches name with priest and trustee as joint signatories, no body is going to put any money.Why we need to put money to some body's personal account?.How we can trust a Bishop who freezed our bank account and opend another one with his friend as a signatory???

Any way summer months will be much hotter to the Bishop and gang.

Anonymous said...

For Frisco Issue,the self proclaimed leader asked for help.He was shouting in pothuyogam too that "why Bishop is stoping them from going to Coppell church?"

This issue is going to be discussed and we all need to help this Saji.
He tells that Shibu did not support this issue eventhough he was kaikaranand he dont beleave Thomma and Reji is his only friend.According to him he dont like Vattan.That is what he use to tell everywhere.He got a phone call recently and he show some kind of colour changing.But thanks a lot that we all are getting a chance to talk about this issue.
We need to help Frisco an once they become te members of Coppell they will give lot of money to our church.Saji did not help while buying church is just because he was not a member that time.

Anonymous said...

പിതാവ് അടുത്ത നാടകം കളിച്ചു തുടങ്ങി ...

Mesquite ക്നാനായ പള്ളിയില്‍ ഇതു വരെ അല്ത്താരയില്‍ ക്രുസിഫിക്സ് മാത്രമേ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നുള്ളു.

പിതാവിന്റെ നിര്‍ദേശം അനുസരിച്ച് ഇപ്പോള്‍ വികാരിഅച്ചന്‍ അലക്സ്‌ മാത്യു എന്നവനെ, ബിഷപിന്റെ ആസ് കിസ്സര്‍ ആയ അലക്സ്‌ മാത്യു
പുതിയ നേതാവായി നോമിനേറ്റു ചെയ്തിരിക്കുകയാണ് ..

ലക്സിയം ഒന്ന് മാത്രം ക്ലാവര്‍ കുരിശു അല്ത്താരയില്‍ കേറ്റാന്‍ പറ്റണം.

ഇപ്പോള്‍ കുര്‍ബാന ചെല്ലുംന്ന ഹാള്‍ തന്നെ വലുതാക്കി പണിയാമെന്ന് വലെരെയതികം ആള്‍കാര്‍ ആവശ്യപെട്ടതാണ്, പക്ഷെ ബിഷപ്പിന് സംശയം, ഇപ്പോള്‍ ഇരിക്കുന്ന ക്രുസിഫിക്സ് മാത്രമേ മതി എന്ന് ആരെങ്കിലും പറഞ്ഞാലോ ...

പുതിയ സ്ഥലത്ത് പള്ളി വാങ്ങാന്‍ അനുമതി കൊടുത്തതും, ആസ് കിസ്സര്‍ ആയ അലക്സ്‌ മാത്യുവിനെ നേതാവായി പൊക്കികൊണ്ട് വരുന്നതും ആര്‍കും മനസിലായില്ല എന്നാണ് ക്ലാവര്‍ ബിഷപിന്റെ വിചാരം. കൊച്ചു കള്ളന്‍ .. ക്ലാവര്‍ മോന്‍ ...

Garland പള്ളിയില്‍ കാവാലം പോലെ ബിഷപിന്റെ ആസ് കിസ്സര്‍ ആണ് അലക്സ്‌ എന്നാ ഡാഷ് മോന്‍ ...

പാവം ക്നാനായ പള്ളിയില്‍ വികാരി ആയി ഇരിക്കുന്ന അച്ഛന്റെ ഒരു ഗതികേട് , കാവാലം പള്ളിയില്‍ ബിഷപിനു വേണ്ടി ഇതുവരെ നാടകം കളിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിന്ന അലക്സ്‌ ഡാഷ് മോനെ ഇനി എത്ര നാള്‍ അച്ഛന്‍ സഹിക്കേണ്ടി വരും....

ക്നാനായ സമുദായത്തിന്റെ ശത്രുവും , ബിഷപിനു വേണ്ടി ക്നാനായ സമുദായത്തിന്റെ വളര്‍ച്ച തടയുവാനും കൂട്ടുനിന്നിരുന്ന അലക്സ്‌ എന്നാ വിഷത്തിനെ ക്നാനായ സമുദായത്തിലെ നല്ല ആള്‍കാര്‍ ഉടനെ തന്നെ അടിച്ചോടിച്ചില്ലെങ്കില്‍ ഇവന്‍ ഡാഷ് മോന്‍ അലക്സ്‌ ബിഷപിന്റെ ക്ലാവര്‍ കുരിശു അവിടെ അടിച്ചേല്‍പ്പിക്കും എന്നതിന് യാതൊരു സംശയവും വേണ്ട.

Anonymous said...

Soon the gundas will be getting idis from police....Parents have called the police and has informed them that the gundas are creating a scary environment

Anonymous said...

St. Thomas Church Perunnal....

Know the mystery of every month perunnaal secret...

Bishop desperately wants to put Claver in Coppell before Bishop Synod of Syro Malbar Diocese in August 2010.

Claver group is planning to bring Bishop to Garland Church Perunnal in July.

Vattan, Pottan, Kudiyan, Chaanathalayan, Sheela, Thorappan gang is trying to play the last game in their Mandan thalas, they started rehearsing this already.

They think Pottan Reji "may get" Kikaran post in July first, He will have the key to church, Perunnal in Garland Church is in July also.

If Bishop Comes to Garland, they (by playing some drama, involving Varghese Achen announcing in the midddle of mass or something)will invite Bishop to come to Coppell,

Before Bishop comes,this sheela/Claver supporters will try to put Claver and sheela in the night(very brave people) without any ones knowledge, like they did in Chicago.

But they don't know one thing, this is not Chicago or Garland, if any one does anything inside church without approval of General Body, they will be held accountable at any cost including Vicar Fr. Varghese.

Whatever remodeling or renovation inside the Coppell church only happened with General Body's approval.

Bishop wanted to do his Chaanathalyan leading altar renovation of 120,000 dollar with Claver only alter, we all know that, we have done that and sorry no more help needed.

Church belongs to people not to Bishop. We bought it with our hard working money.

So Reji mone nee eniyum enthenkilum naadakam kalichaal .

Anonymous said...

A reply to the letter - A KID'S PERSPECTIVE

Dear son/daughter who wrote A KID'S PERSPECTIVE

As a parent who have chidren of your age and very much scared about the fact that, after they go to college, they may not come back to the community, I sympathize to your view points. What you have mentioned in your blog is a truth that the young generation going to face in the near future as a part of Syro-Malabar community.

From my view point, the major part of the blame goes to the parents and the greedy clergy. I am not sure, if you are aware of the fact that, the powerful American Dollar worths anywhere between 45 to 50 Indian money. We don't have any (except a few)priests who were born and raised in USA. Majority of the clergy in Syro-Malabar comes from India with the solid intension of making money and conduct a luxurious life which is not possible and allowed in India.

So when they get here, the community that had been dying to be looking for their orgin and wanted to be recognized as a separate community, will go after them blindly asking for their guidance and leadership. They know this weakness. So the first thing they look for is , the position seekers. The greedy clergy cuts a deal with the position seekers to make money in exchange of positions to them. As a result , the voiceless majority who foots the money for good causes becomes frustrated ,seeing that the hard earned money they donated had been scamed away, under many many schemes. The Catholic community in India has a tradition of vesting blind belief in the clergy. They never question them about any bad deeds due to fear and respect. So the clergy takes advantage of that fear and respect.

But what happened in Coppel, Texas is, that vibrant community which seems to have some backbone unlike other communities questioned the unfair acts of the clergy. That's when the fight started. Please don't worry about this. This is only a beginning. The duty of eliminating the corruption from the community had been given to the younger generation and future congrgants like you.We, the parents will give you all the help and advice you want. You are part of the Syro-Malabar community. Never hesitate to come back after you go to college. As a parent I congratulate you for dedicating some time and effort to express your concern about our noble Syro-Malabar community. We need you. We have to keep our identity as Syro-Malabarians.

A concerned parent.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen people in the age bracket of 25-35 attending the church? Where are all these trouble makers kids? AV kids, Johnson kids, and so on? Are they attending syro malabar church? Answer is no, probably because the kids are ashamed of what their parents are doing. Bishop followers, think before you do anything else.
Reji, Thoma, Shibu, Saju/Janice, Boben/Fiji, your kids will be ashamed of you next.

Anonymous said...

We dont need Korangan's kashaya chaaya.Let him contribute to church and come for mass.We dont want the korangan from Frisco who belongs to Garland church come and make chaya every day.

We want good chaya from Pathros.

Anonymous said...

Dear Blog Admin/Bloggers,

Please try to block/filter the comments abusing some one personally. I respect the man who is making tea even though he support bishop.
Dont use all funky words to describe him.He himself took that responsibility to make the tea. Thats great job !!

No one in the (sheela side/ crusifix side) there to do that job.

" Vaatta chaya anelum kudikkunnundallo".

Anonymous said...

We dont need a korangan who is not even a member in our church to make tea.He dont even attend a mass.He did not contribute for buying church.Why he is here all of it sudden?

What is he upto?Is he the one who run the Blog with pottan and kallukudian under the crook leadership of kallan vattan and chaana?

If korangan dont know to make tea then whay he do it?He act like he is every where now a days.Where he was before we buy this church.

Garland need kashaaya chaya.

Anonymous said...

We need good kaikaran who is not going to chinees masage center.

That guy who go there for sex should not become kaikaran.

Anonymous said...

He should not be the Kaikaran who go chineese massage cntr for sex.He need to step back.

If he really respect this church then he need to to tell Bishop that he dont want it.

Acting like a gentleman wont make anyone gentle.He have to stop all the back door games.
If he want to go there then let him divorce his wife and marrie that chineese lady and do it.

Why this guy here to spoil the name of chenganasery?

Anonymous said...

thank you comment #51 and #52
This is what is running our church? Great role model skills for our kids! Please stay away from the children and youth of the parish!

Anonymous said...

Who is the kaikaran stealed money from where he worked before?

Did his aliyan saved him by licking ass of the person who caught him?

Anonymous said...

Prayer: "Our Heavenly Father, please use me to be a shining light in the world's darkness and do what I can to help spread your gospel message around the world. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Mighty Name I Pray, Amen."

Have a Blessed Thursday and God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

പ്ളീസ് റോയ്.............

ഇനിയും നീ പള്ളി കിച്ചനില്‍ കയറരുതെ,

ആരെങ്കിലും നീ ഉണ്ടാക്കുന്ന എന്തെങ്കിലും കഴിച്ചു മരിച്ചാല്‍ വികാരിഅച്ചന്‍ ഇ വയസാം കാലത്ത് ജയില്‍ കേറണ്ടി വരും.

Anonymous said...

ചേട്ടന്മമാരോടു ചോദിക്കുക

പ്രിയ ചേട്ടന്മാരെ,

ഞാന്‍ 16 വയസ്സുള്ള ഒരു student ആണ്. ഞങ്ങള്‍ നാലു വര്‍ഷമായി നാട്ടില്‍ നിന്ന് Coppell ലേക്ക് move ചെയ്തിട്ടു. നാട്ടില്‍ വച്ച്‌ എന്റെ മോഹം ഭാവിയില്‍ ഒരു priest ആകണമെന്ന് ആയിരുന്നു. നാട്ടില്‍ അച്ഛന്മ്മാര്‍ക്ക് എന്തൊരു ബഹുമാനവും ആദരവും ആണ്. ഇവിടെ Syro Malabar പള്ളിയില്‍ പോയി തുടങ്ങിയതിനു ശേഷം ഒരു മനം മാറ്റം. ഭാവിയില്‍ കൈക്കാരാന്‍ ആയാല്‍ എന്താണെന്ന്? ചേട്ടന്മമാരുടെ അഭിപ്രായം എന്താണ്?

സ്നേഹപൂര്‍വ്വം ജോണി

Anonymous said...

Rev. Pope, Benedict the 16th & related Church leaders:


***** Teach all Christians to do, AS THE CHRISTIANS DID, IN ACTS 2:46, in the Holy Bible.You should have celebrated Holy Masses in churches without banning & preventing the breaking bread by christians at their homes, as the Christians did at the time of Jesus' disciples/apostles, again as described in Acts 2:46, in the Holy Bible, without neglecting the weightier things of the law: judgment and mercy and fidelity; as explained in Mathew 23:23 in the Holy Bible. By banning & preventing the above rights & privileges of the Christians, you, Rev. Pope Benedict, the 16th & Concerned Church leaders, you are acting as THE HYPOCRITICAL SCRIBES & PHARISEES OF NEW ERA, neglecting the weightier things of the law: judgment and mercy and fidelity; as explained again in Mathew 23:23 in the Holy Bible; again by banning & preventing the Christians' rights to break bread at their homes, again as the Christians did in Acts 2:46, in the Holy Bible.

You obey Jesus' last commandment to teach every Christian everything, whatsoever that Jesus has commanded His disciples to do; ((((as Jesus commanded in: Mathew 28:20, in the Holy Bible - READ IT)))). This includes "Breaking Bread & Do This In Memory of Me Commandment" that Jesus gave at His Last Passover-supper; and without omitting anything. ((((Read Luke 24:29-31))))29. But they urged him (Jesus), "Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over." So he (Jesus) went in to stay with them. 30. And it happened that, while he (Jesus) was with them at table for supper, he (Jesus) took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. 31. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him (Jesus), but he (Jesus) vanished from their sight.

Everyday, let the Christians open their eyes at the supper table ((((as again explained in Luke 24:29-31 & in Acts 2:46, in the Holy Bible)))) & let the Christians live in Jesus and let Jesus live in Christians as explained in John 6:56, in the Holy Bible, by breaking bread at their homes as explained again in Acts 2:46 in the Holy Bible.


When you teach/act against Jesus' teachings, read your rewards/punishments in:

Mathew 5:19; &
Mathew 16:19+23
Mathew 16:27 &
Mathew 18:5-10&
Mathew 28:20 &
John 14:21 &
Romans 14:11-12&
2Corinthians 5:10&
Revelation 22:18-19&
Revelation 20:12-15
in the Holy Bible

Anonymous said...

Guys Please come clean<<<<<<

Who is the Kikaran getting massage and Sex?

Who did pay his house utility bill using Church bank account?

Is the above two question answers to one person, R**i?

Who is the Kikaran stole money from workplace and His brother in Law saved his ass by pleading authorities for forgiveness?

Is it Va**an?