Keep Faith, inspire the Faithful, expose Clergy abuse and arrogance - this is our Mission

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Our Bishop and His Three Passions

Chicago Syro Malabar Diocesan authorities, including its bishop, have only three passions. First and foremost, impose the Marthoma Cross and Altar Veil on American Syro Malabar faithful at any cost. Second, raise and acquire money by any means. Third, total and absolute control over the faithful by nook and crook.

To realize his first passion, that of placing the Marthoma Cross on the altar, the bishop has resorted to all kinds of lies and duplicities. Chicago is a prime example. He lied about his real intentions and misled the Chicago Syro Malabar community, in order to realize his dream of a new Cathedral, at the completion of which he showed his true color. His despotic actions in Chicago has irreparably damaged the unity of that community.

After Chicago, it was the turn of Koppel, Texas. The arrogant bishop destroyed that young and vibrant community by insisting on imposing his personal mis-beliefs on them. Even though the parishioners overwhelmingly repudiated the bishop, he is not ready to throw in the towel. Like a power-hungry tyrant he is still terrorising this community. He is using his minions to create trouble and confusion in the whole community. The whole world has witnessed how willing he is to destroy a community in the name of saving it. The tyranny of this bishop has, no doubt, seriously wounded the Syro Malabar church in America.

The second distinctive characteristic of our church authorities, is their insatiable greed for money. It can be safely said the underlying motive behind their every endeavor is money. Some of their recent actions have clearly demonstrated to what a low level they can stoop, as long as there is a return in Dollars. Everything is money-centered. They confiscated the donations the Koppel faithful made to retreat master Fr. Xavier Khan. They tried to shake down the Shalom Retreat team to collect money from retreat attendees. When they refused they were insulted and unceremoniously packed off. It is a strange new phenomenon that the authorities even abuse retreats and spiritual conventions to squeeze money from the faithful. There is scantly any accountability for money thus raised. It is safe to say the greed of our clergy knows no bound.

By now most of our readers know, the Koppel church bank account was frozen by the bishop. He has thus far refused the demand of the parish council to reverse this action. He responded by opening a clandestine account through one of his local minions and adding the names of two diocesan officials. The parishioners have responded by withholding their donation which has severely affected their Sunday collection. The vicar then tried to intimidate the public by threatening foreclosure. When that failed, he came up with a novel idea, advanced by the bishop's binamis. A certain eye-hop man would advance the necessary funds to run the church in return for total administrative control. This proposal was, unsurprisingly, laughed off at the Parish Council meeting.

Now we hear ominous things from various sources. We hear that the diocesan authorities are considering to consolidate and centralize the financial management of all the various parish churches and missions under it. All the finances of all the parishes and missions will be controlled by a central authority, based of course, in Chicago. The way it works is: all the collections from all the parishes and missions, minus petty expenses, will be deposited into one bank account, controlled solely by a diocesan finance chief. (Almost like it is done in Kerala, where all the revenue from every govt office, is deposited into the govt. treasury.) Any and all cash disbursements will be done by the Diocesan Finance Committee with the approval of the Procurator. In other words, the local vicar, kaikkaran, or parish council will have no say in the financial matters of their own parish.

Thirdly, it must be said, that our diocesan authorities are such control freaks. They meddle in local parish council elections and appointments. They take every step, legal and illegal, moral and immoral, ethical and unethical, to secure a majority in any elective body. They reward their flunkies with positions in councils and committees. They nominate unworthy people to elected bodies to guarantee a majority in every decision. Time and again they have demonstrated their ability to play dirty politics as well as any seasoned Kerala politician. They can find any excuses to exclude candidates they do not like and vice-versa. They, without exception, want people to be loyal to them rather than the faithful they represent. They will promote any fool to a parish, or even diocesan position as long as they tow the official line and support the bishop's idiotic policies without any question.

It is almost ten years since our diocese was established. It is about time, we, the members of this diocese sat back and considered the good or bad that has happened to our community since the establishment of this diocese. What good this diocese has done to our community, except providing jobs and income to a few privileged priests? Other than providing an arena for chotta politicians to play and act big, of what real use has it been to the average faithful? Other than sowing the seeds of discord and division what has our bishop done for the benefit of the faithful? Other than promoting his pagan believes in Marthoma Cross and altar veil, what social, liturgical or religious contribution or innovation has this bishop and his team made? Above all, are we spiritually and morally better of now, than we were before the establishment of this diocese? We are sure any straight-thinking person's answer to the above questions will be negative. We have a diocese for the sake of having a diocese-that is the plain truth. We have created a parasitic diocesan bureaucracy, that is is bleeding this community dry. We are not getting our money's worth, but headaches and heartaches.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Good Title, better like this

The Bishop's old Passions

ഗാര്‍ലണ്ടിലെ അബോര്‍ഷന്‍ കഥകളെപ്പറ്റി പല പ്രാവശ്യം ഈ ബ്ലോഗില്‍ കണ്ടു. ഒന്നും മനസിലായില്ല. ഞങ്ങള്‍ അമേരിക്കയുടെ മറ്റു ഭാഗങ്ങളില്‍ ജീവിക്കുന്നവര്‍ പല കാര്യങ്ങളിലും കഥ അറിയാതെ ആട്ടം കാണുകയാണ്. ഇതുവായിക്കുന്ന , ഇതിനെപ്പറ്റി സത്യസന്ധമായി അറിയാവുന്ന ആര്‍ക്കെങ്കിലും , സംഭവം എന്താണെന്ന് വിവരിക്കാന്‍ ദയവുണ്ടാകണം.

Anonymous said...

Stop Using nasty words!I am tired of this.
You can see the people using these abusive language are haters of Bishop and Garland church and supporters of Fr. Saji.You should stop calling people using abusive language! VERUM THARA!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

St.Alphonsa church in Coppell.

Firing of the vicar, freezing of church bank account, and then came the scare tactics by chicago diocese.

But nothing could shake the faithfuls of Coppell and their zeal for Crucifix.

Anonymous said...

Bishop's favourites

Chaanathalyan AV, Kilavan bla bla Joy
commission people...

Anonymous said...

As a Coppell Parishoner, I can fully agree, all I have got from here "heartache and headache".

I had a very high esteem on Syro Malabar church before I became a SMC-USA member.

Not any more. The actions of SMC leadership Chicago makes me wonder - is it a 3rd rated political party !

If some one at St Thomas Mount Kakkanadu is watching this blog, please take a note.

I am writing this with lot of pain.
As some one who never spoke against church in the entire life time, it's really heart breaking to speak against SMC USA leadership.


Please don't let this happen ever again.

Anonymous said...

Ref. Comment 3.
Question - how about abusive/nasty deeds? Any answer to them. What can we do about those clowns so that all of us can behave. The bishop down showing the real malayalee-color. SHAME ON ALL OF US.

Anonymous said...

Reply Post#2
It is a long story cannot be explained short. When our bishop
was the parish priest in dallas, his right handed man (even now he is) made his wife's sister preganant. Only choice for that girl was to undergo an abortion which was with the knowledge of the bishop. Bishop then priest
was mediator between this man and his wife.The wife of of this so called all in all does not come to SMC garland. Three of his overaged daughters are not married. Proposals and connections abort on hearing the abortion stories. Think about a person who is now a bishop who helped with an abortion. The same bishop declared that he want to eliminate alcohol in his diocese.
But after a week when he called all his priests friends including americans in garland churh
where beer and wine were served. The person who bought beer was none other than the person who made his sister in law preganant.
The parish priest at that time none other than Fr zach, Who on easter day wearing the vestments
and holding the cross for the faithful to for pay respects, told
a women coming to pay respects
"nalla sundari yaarikuunu". A priest in vestments looking at the beauty of a woman. This is not imagination. This is a very well known open secret in dallas church. These priests will do anything which common man is afraid to think about.

Anonymous said...

Before requesting others to contribute, these select few who insist on immediate new ,church construction must pay in full these pledged amounts in and let the church: cash their checks;,...
Most of this select few already pledged huge`u ~ts in amon
papers, but who knows how much . rhey will actually be contributing, because they are the ones releasing/hicling. these financial details to the public in the end.
Seems like, Our vicar really woots his name in stone somewhere here before he.. leaves (if the foundation is 16
he hopes to get an
that he constructed something; 47 every church he served so far, is that what a priest
really for. Kaattile Thadi, Thevarude Aana, ., Vall4aclaa Vali, Pothu Jeriam kaszutho Allea Acho 0 If
Itickily for-us,-Our vicar has only requested us for minimum yearly family contribution of $2500.00 so far, what a relief!
Sy the way how much is he contributing? Then again did he ever spend one penny for our church so far ?
May be it is because we are not paying him enough I for` his service, can he please disclose his tax filing details for people to see how hard it was for him to make ends meet for the last five years, and to back` it up, why not, let everybody see all of his bank account4 activity and monthly
bank staf—ements.
Asking people to contribute is okay if you lead by example not by words.
In these troubled times, lots of our brothers and sisters are loosing their' jobs, asking everyone for money all the time -is, NOT what
you have to'd6. show some compassion, respect their feelings, share theJ. sorrows.
By'f he way,'rem ' ember that Our Almighty God, will hear,.our. prayers the same way if we worship him from within this Old-Small-Church or
from a New Big Church.
2 Of 2

Anonymous said...

KNOW THE -PACT -6 & JKLAIj Amu U rN iL o
We all know 4 Million Dollar construction estimate will 11, end up ~,d~ -61 Million Dollar when completed. Fund raising may collect somewhere around 1 Million.
Mortgage payments f6r,'5 "(64) Millidft'wiff be $50,0( per month. Total families left to pay this huge price'tag will be less-than150 onl,
After Kananaya Community, and St. Alphonza Mission Church Members
completely leave), that is 'in February 2009.
To make $-50,000,0a~"Monthll.-- mortgage 'paymenq ma
we all wilt be forced to'cohtribufe $333.00 m-brith'that is $4000.00/year. How
many of us really can afford this right now?
As per "our vicar all of us have to donate; $10,000.00 for this new
church con.stru,:t ion, and of-it ar wn! 11 ray this $10,004.00
TS (don't forget most of i
will be taking ih-Stallment pdytnen for this $1U,000),'we'still have t0- keep making ,m . o nthlY contributions ($ 333.00/month) `additionally to pay mortgage and run day to ddy activitiesactivities-Of bur big new church.
Don't be surprised, This;-mortgage payment do hot include th monthly salary for our vicar in the amount of $ 3700.00/month (tax free) land th utility bills for Church, Parish Hall and of course Rectory together another
It is true that only few people are for this immediate church
c I dnsf hiction, '(someiof them alreadyproclaimed they willproceed with this financialgainble
even without majority's opinion of being realistic, Some will only have their kid's weddin . * "
g In th
new big church, Really/ Do they know what is 60d!5 plan for any of us) they somehow think if they can put the foundation stone immediately, then after a while everything will be OK.
Why is it so urgent to do the construction right now?
'Y '7ef-V
Is somebody Hiding Something?
Are some of us, trying not to give the new missions any Patrimony ?
Are we keep forgetting they also contributed for th( Church and the Parish Hall ?, When some of our brothers. and sisters (fellow parish members from Carrolton, Irving„ Coppell, LoWi;$vi(le) set out have their own church in 15 miles vicinity of their homes, Aren't.w.0 supposed to help them, but some of us are secretly doing things which arE hurting them, Remember crooked ones.,, God will punish you and your fam for all these one day.
I Of 2

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right in this article.

Anonymous said...

is the study class for teaching about struggle or to create struggle against "st.ALPHONSA foundation".
good timing!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

started account in local co operative socity will solve the issue?

no online banking.So if anyone steel the money from the account,then we will come to know it when the monthly statment comes after 30 days.

Great idea.Who is behind all this stupidity?We have to give money and our reprsentatives should not know what is going on in the bank wow wow

How come Joy uncle reccoment to open a bank account in this bank as long when he is not even a member of parish councill?

So who is playing this game?Bishop or Fr.Varghese or Av with his boyfriend Joy uncle?

Anonymous said...


Dont spoil your time thinking how to defeat.Think about your experience.It will put you in more trouble.

We are your grandparents in politicks.

Think twice before you do anything.

You have no choice.Accept it kutta.

Anonymous said...

trouble makers in Coppell church community that ill advised the bishop to fire Fr.Saji for installing crucifix on the altar -------Vattan thoma, pottan Reji, Thorappan Sunny, Chaanathalayan AV, Kudiyan Saju, Pandichy Fiji, cheela Shibu, Chaanthupottu joy --- ഇടക്കിടക്ക് ശീല പൊക്കി നോക്കണം, ആസുകള്‍ അവിടെത്തന്നെ ഉണ്ടോ എന്ന് അറിയണ്ടേ?

Anonymous said...

"then it started to rain, and then the flood came, and waves hit the house. But it did not falter because it was built on rock."

That seems to be very true in the case of St.Alphonsa church in Coppell. Firing of the vicar, freezing of church bank account, and then came the scare tactics by chicago diocese. But nothing could shake the faithfuls of Coppell and their zeal for Crucifix.

When go to church on sundays, are you going there because of church mandates it? When you give generously to church, are you giving because bible says to give 10% of your earnings? When you help someone, are you doing that to earn browning points (good guy status) with God? If you are, then God will say, you did those things, but you do not know me.

We cannot earn browning points from God. Don't do these things to fulfil a prescription for Christian life. Know God, and the action that cuminate from knowing God, is what God wants from you. That is the rock. When you know God, nothing else matters, and nothing can destroy you or your faith.As a Coppell Parishoner, I can fully agree, all I have got from here "heartache and headache".

I had a very high esteem on Syro Malabar church before I became a SMC-USA member.

Not any more. The actions of SMC leadership Chicago makes me wonder - is it a 3rd rated political party !

If some one at St Thomas Mount Kakkanadu is watching this blog, please take a note.

I am writing this with lot of pain.
As some one who never spoke against church in the entire life time, it's really heart breaking to speak against SMC USA leadership.


Please don't let this happen ever again.

Anonymous said...

IHOP omelet ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone will get an omelet in the hall every SUNDAY in the morning soon after the mass, made by Korangan Roy, THANKS Fr. VARGHESE.

Anonymous said...


You are either trying to scare the people of Coppell, or you have lost your brain.

Why don't you admit your mistake and try to set things right?

What is wrong with you?

Did bigots that advice you inject too much venom into you? Are you beyond recovery?

Anonymous said...

TamIL lAdy iS CrYinG toOmUCh FoR KalluKuDian.What Is GoInG oN?

WhY ThEy BrInG ThIS To PubLiC?

She Is GetTinG ExCIted WhEN puBliC KnOWs ThIs?

ThiNk AbOUt HeR HuSbanD WhAt He Is GoinG THroUgh?

Anonymous said...

How the bank acocunt started?

Does anyone have online axis to that account from this church?

Howcome the priest went to a local bank?


We need some answers for this questions.

What this Chicago asoles think about us who payed for this churh?

Does this new advicer Mr.Joy have any position in this bank?

When there is a co.american bank near to church why they went to all the way carrolton to start an account?

Is this joy got any commision in this?

Whose name is there in reference?

Anonymous said...


Mone Dinesa................

Anonymous said...

Somebody said this as comment to an earlier blog. I think it is worth reposting.

"You should think about how much you punished a poor priest and think about the humiliation he felt because of you assooles actions.

Now you feeling the pain when somebody is saying Reji paid home utility bill using church account..

This is something happened and still you are hurt...

Now what about Fr. Saji, he did not steal anything but was accused by you idiots so many bad things to cover up the crucifix installation firing ....

this pain of you is nothing compared to what he went through and still going through everyday...."

Anonymous said...

More than one is the problem!!!!

Inter marriages to other denominations is hurting true Catholic faith and people are compromising their true beliefs to satisfy their partner from other denominations of Christianity over the Crucifix's significance in Catholic church.

if you analyze all of these Claver supporters, Reji's wife is Knanaya Jacobite, Shibu's wife is Syro-Malankara and so on.

They say both Crucifix and Claver are OK to them, can't blame them as their partners definitely have a say in what these husbands do anyways.

If you have more than one of anything (like if you have 2 appans )you can have more than one cross to worship.

But remember if you are a true Catholic, you can have only Crucifix in the altar.

True Catholics faith only recognizes the Crucifix worthy to be in the altar at all times, this is the law of Pope not Powethil's.

Symbol cross should have a place in the church (on any table top, on vest of any priest or their undergarments etc), but certainly not in the altar to worship.

Fr.Zac sister married a PATEL so we should allow Hindu Temple & Puja in the church? What about Sivalingam in the church?

Matters relating to catholic faith should be decided by true Catholics only, not crossbreeds or 2 fathered persons in general.

Anonymous said...

Depositing the money from all churches into one Syro bank account is a great idea. That way the dhoortha puthran (garland church) with 4 million church and 120 members can get bailed out by the diocese.

It is okay if the chicago diocese was trustworthy. But they have proved to everyone on this planet that they cannot be trusted.

This is how you can take care of that problem:

1. Demand the diocese to release weekly collection and weekly expenses by Saturday morning ever week. OTHERWISE, NO MONEY.

2. Give only enough money to pay your church's mortgage payment and utility bills. Post collection and expenses of the week. OTHERWISE NO MONEY.

3. If some exuberant community want to build a Taj Mahal, let them pay for it. Say NO if the diocese try to make you pay for someone else's splurging. Still keep bugging you? PUT NO MONEY IN BASKET.

4. Demand that each church's and chicago diocese's finance be audited every year. OTHERWISE NO MONEY.

Anonymous said...

Bishop use your brain.

Coppell will get back to normal if
you do the following......

Tell Fr. Varghese to make it happen

സജി അച്ഛന് എതിരായി കളിച്ച
എല്ലാവന്മാരെയും Coppell പള്ളിയുടെ ഭരണ
കാര്യങ്ങളില്‍ നിന്നും 5 വര്‍ഷത്തേക്ക് മാറ്റി നിര്‍ത്തുക"

Anonymous said...

We need to what happend exactly where Vattan was working before and stealed money and somebody caught him and his brother in law begged for excuse and they got rid of it.

When we are going to know this in detail.We see this comment before.

How Reji can be a kaikaran without explaining what exactly happend in utility bill.

It wont work this way.

Anonymous said...

Saju is not innocent .

Saju, you been told by many, not to be a player for some one else.

You are acting like a total idiot, don't you have any brain?

You lived in north India and never saw thaamara cross anywhere there, you barely speak malayaalam and now you talking about SMC, brother you are here less than 2 years man, Do you have any proper status to stay in US yet man?, or someone in SMC promised you green card for your family, why you still bother to waste your time for something you don't even know? thoo ulloo ka pattha jaisa kyom karthaa ye saala, kutthe.
thumaara peeche thoma gaandu, kaam karega kuthe.

People are laughing at you buddy.

Sorry to see you like this!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Message from Lord to Thoma and Reji

Don't eat pigs, don't drink alcohol on good Friday

Don't instigate,trap or cheat church community people.

Stay away from all of that you will sleep well and people won't say anything against you anyymore.

Anonymous said...

Reji loved Thoma or Thoma loved Reji.

Reji payd utility bill by church account, do you know what Thoma did?

We will find soon when we see audit report about frozen bank account details and his "personal named church account" details.

Love them both, both are adoring. Amen

Anonymous said...

Political party or what?

The actions of SMC leadership Chicago makes me wonder - is it a 3rd rated political party !

Karunaakaran is nobody compared to these crooks and cronies..

Divide and rule, create problems among parishioners and no one will question priest or Bishop..

Collect money from parishioners using any method including threatening homily messages or phone calls to ladies in the household..

What are they teaching? Godly men doing unholy things to get more dollars.

Kaldaayavalkaranm forced upon SM Catholics, so many excuses but no one says where they found this Claver cross.

Bishop not a leader at all, people around him or Powethil group is putting him in deeper waters day by day........hope he will swim ashore with Jesus help and Crucifix faith.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand the cross issue. I am from Houston, TX. Houston church has a very large Crucifix on the alter. This alter was modified after the last Hurricane Ike.

If Crucifix is not an issue at Houston then whats the problem with the other places?

So, it could be just a discussion topics, the real reason could be something else that no one is talking here.

Anonymous said...

Wow , this is good deal..On Sundays Omlet in the morning, coffe after mass and then Gunda Biriyani for lunch..

Anonymous said...

Comment #23

Hindi speaking TF don't be so mean

Anonymous said...

I will support Reji.Everybody makes mistakes.So Reji too.Let us forgive him.

If he explain about his utility bill what we are going to get from it?

We need some massage centers in hall.It will be an income to the church.

Anonymous said...

Matters relating to catholic faith should be decided by true Catholics only, not crossbreeds or 2 fathered persons in general.

Anonymous said...

Now a days this blog has lots of negative comments and many inappropriate words are also used by the people.

I understand understand the feelings of the Coppel community. But, it should not be used to cover all other points. Their issue should be why there are two standards in SMC. One tough policy for Coppel and very liberal one for many other community.

We should not forget the fact that our priests have sacrificed many of the wishes to become a priest. They are also one of us and has many human feelings and temptations. After all, they are part us.

This blog used to have a positive and corrective postings for the community. But, after the Coppel issue its converting into a negative side.

So, may I suggest one thing, may be make a section for Coppel.

As long as this site works as a corrective factor it will be good for our community. But, if the direction changes to negative side it will not help any one in the community.

Anonymous said...

Bishop use your brain.

Coppell will get back to normal if
you do the following......

Tell Fr. Varghese to make it happen

സജി അച്ഛന് എതിരായി കളിച്ച
എല്ലാവന്മാരെയും Coppell പള്ളിയുടെ ഭരണ
കാര്യങ്ങളില്‍ നിന്നും 15 വര്‍ഷത്തേക്ക് മാറ്റി നിര്‍ത്തുക"

Bishop too .....

Anonymous said...

So it was a great relief for coppell church today.New account.There was no cursing.No one sided talk.It was great.

Anonymous said...

Ref. Comment# 30. Houston HAD a “crucifix issue”. But none supported the crazy/foxy idea of the bishop. Here is the public-secret of the Houston renovation.
Two days before the blessing of the church the bishop secretly instructed the Sisters (there were Kerala nuns doing the sacristy work there) to install the controversial cross on the altar. But the people who (Mr. T and others) spent money on the renovation knew the plan in advance. They spent two days to find a crucifix and they set the crucifix on the altar just before the blessing (told the bishop to shut up)! I sympathize with the bishop for this blinding blow - he should have learned from it; but did not. Later, he played the same failed trick in Coppell; now he can’t get out of it!
Houstonians have had back bones. That’s why there was not much noise there at that time. BUT Fr. Z. made a lot of accusations against the Houstonians then. They did not heed to the lamentations of Fr. Z. accusing Houstonians of giving “pains” to the bishop.
OkcahC96 06/27/10

Anonymous said...

Now I am able to solve the puzzle partially about the Houston Crucifix.

I know the fact that when Fr. Johnson came to Houston, there was no active SMC community. There were about 4 or 5 unions. However, Fr. Johnson was able to unit all into one and bought the church. He has modified the church into a beautiful one after IKE.

Is the Crucifix caused Fr. Johnson's transfer and he got humiliated during his last days at Houston?

As of now I did not knew what went wrong, and why Fr. Johnson got transferred... Now I got it.

So, Fr. Saji is the second one getting into trouble due to Crucifix?

Anonymous said...

After the Coppell issue this blog became very abusive and nasty! some people from coppell trying to put SMC down.I don't know this kind of mud throwing or personal attacks happening in any other community.
As one person suggested give one special section for coppell people. They make us look Bad!!!!

Anonymous said...

In the name of cross, some people using inappropriate languge and abuse people. My friends, don't do it. Especially in the name of cross. God never forgive you!!!

Anonymous said...

We had enough of this 4 or 5 families in coppell church.Now we are not ready take it.No way.We will deal it face to face.

We dont want this Bishop's Gundas to runin this church.

So shut up and get lost idiots.Pottan vattan chana thorappan kallukudian can go to hell.

Anonymous said...

Nothing could shake the faithfuls of Coppell and their zeal for Crucifix.

garland church said...

2007/2008 pothuyogam find out Fr Zacharia stole $$$ money from Garland Church, How come he doesn't get fired ? and he is still stealing from florida!!!
Garland pothuyogam

Anonymous said...

Reply for # 40

"After the Coppell issue this blog became very abusive and nasty! some people from coppell trying to put SMC down.I don't know this kind of mud throwing or personal attacks happening in any other community.
As one person suggested give one special section for coppell people. They make us look Bad!!!!"

Are you afraid now?

let the whole world know what you guys have done in Coppell church and to a good priest....

This is how world going to know what is happening in Coppell church, injustice to the crucifix believing Catholics, abuse of power by our Bishop, political manipulations and instigation by few position seekers and ass kissers to Claver supporting Bishop

Anonymous said...

Yes.. I am afraid of your Gundaism.

Yes ,i am afraid and concern about the future of Coppell church.
Yes I am afraid of the Satanic movement by Gundaa SMC.

Anonymous said...

#44 Don't mess with Garland! Don't try the same old trick you are playing in Coppell!

Anonymous said...

Garland gaandoos..

All people know there is no one with real backbone in Garland church.

Only kaavaalam Babu and some few Bishop ass kissers control everything down there, the whole world know...

You suckers at Garland church created all the problems in Coppell Church, just because your Forona Church status was in jeopardy because Coppell church has more parishioners than Garland Forona church, right we all know.

You Garland guys are making a church bigger than Coppell church, even though you know very well you won't be able to make mortgage payments for it,but abortion Bishop is with you, and he is planing about Central Bank Chicago Diocese to bail you out by using other church people contributions.

So go finger yourself Kaavalam gang

Kaavaalm and Bishop, we all know the relations and secrets you share

Anonymous said...

യഥാര്‍ത്ഥ ഗൂണ്ട?

ബിഷപ്പും അമേരിക്കന്‍ സീറോ മലബാര്‍ സഭാധികാരികളുമാണ് യഥാര്‍ത്ഥ ഗൂണ്ടാകള്‍.

മനുഷ്യന്റെ മൌലീകാവകാശങ്ങളെ തന്നിഷ്ടം പോലെ ചവിട്ടി മെതിക്കുകയും, വിശ്വാസങ്ങളെ ഏകപക്ഷീയമായി തിരുത്തി എഴുതുകയും ചെയ്യാന്‍ ശ്രമിക്കുന്നത് ഗുണ്ടായിസമാല്ലാതെ മറ്റെന്താണ്?

"ബിഷപ്‌ തീരുമാനിച്ചത് കോപ്പെലില്‍ നടത്തിയിരിക്കും" എന്ന മീശ കിളുക്കാത്ത വിനോദച്ചന്റെ വിളമ്പരം അവിടുത്തെ വിശ്വാസികലോടുള്ള പരമ പുച്ഛമല്ലേ

Pottan,vattan,chaana,thorappan, hyena, kudian, paandichhy ഗൂണ്ടാകള്‍ക്ക് ഒരേയൊരു ഉദ്ദേശമേയുള്ളൂ.

തങ്ങളുടെ താല്പര്യങ്ങള്‍ ഏതുവിധേനയും മറ്റുള്ളവരുടെ മേല്‍ അടിച്ചേല്‍പ്പിക്കുക.

അതിന് വേണ്ടി കാല്‍ വെട്ടാനും കൈ വെട്ടാനും കഴുത്തറക്കാനും അവര്‍ തയ്യാറാണ്.

ഇന്താണ് ഇന്ന് നമ്മുടെ സഭാനേതൃത്വത്തില്‍ നിന്നും നമ്മള്‍ കണ്ടുവരുന്നത്‌.

Anonymous said...

Vattan Thoma called saju from India or bahrin and told him to tell Paandy phiji to take the copy of Reji's utility bill and gave to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Figi showed us the utility bill.

If Regi did not apply for his house along with church,then how come Reji's house utility bill comes in church name and address?

Anonymous said...

Trouble makers in Coppell church community that ill advised the bishop to fire Fr.Saji for installing crucifix on the altar -

Vattan thoma, pottan Reji, Thorappan Sunny, Chaanathalayan AV, Kudiyan Saju, Pandichy Fiji, cheela Shibu, Chaanthupottu joy --

ഇടക്കിടക്ക് ശീല പൊക്കി നോക്കണം, ആ സു--- അവിടെത്തന്നെ ഉണ്ടോ എന്ന് അറിയണ്ടേ?

Anonymous said...



$ 25 gift certificate to a MASSAGE PARLOR , CUP OF COFFEE AND BAG OF CHIPS.

Anonymous said...

Dear People in christ,
You are putting your souls in "ETERNAL" danger by speaking against the Bishop and the other anointed priests appointed by God. Repent.. and accept whatever God has allowed through them. Learn from the lifes of saints.. none of them has spoken against the Anointed of God..Please do not loose your soul.......