Keep Faith, inspire the Faithful, expose Clergy abuse and arrogance - this is our Mission

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Great Procurator

Thinking about our diocesan procurator, Fr. Vinod, it can't be helped but think of another historical figure. He too was a Procurator, the Great Procurator of Jerusalem, Mr. Pontius Pilot, himself.

As Pontius Pilot did two thousand year ago this procurator of ours is trying to enforce the will of the Ceasar of Chicago on the Syro-Malabar faithfuls of America. Now here is a young and promising priest who has virtually turned into a mouthpiece of a most arrogant and stupid master by betraying his own conscience and Faith. This is a man who hails from a pro-crucifix diocese, was the secretary of one of the most pro-crucifix bishop in Kerala. Moreover he has claimed on many occasions that he had never seen a Mar Thoma Cross while serving in his previous diocese. How can such a man forget all this when he landed in America and fight against the same faith values he thus far believed in? Of course he can claim he has to obey the local bishop. But we all know thirty silver coins still have great allure even after two centuries.

Most recently he has been batting for bishop Angadiath in Coppell, Texas. He is threatening the faithful there with dire consequences, including, but not limited to, foreclosure of their cherished church, if people do not contribute generously. The people of Coppell doesn't need the threats of Fr. Vinod. The people of Coppell does not need the threats of Fr. Varghese. The faithful of Coppell also does not need the threats and harassement from Bishop Angadiyath or his two-bit chancellor or procurator.  Maybe the people of Coppell can show the rest of you a thing or two about contributing to the church generously. Just look at the record time it took us to raise over a million dollars to buy this beautiful church. 

If peace is what the bishop wants, he will get it. He only has to restore the status quo in Coppell. He cannot just have one of his flunky open a bank account and insist people deposit money in it. Local administration of a parish church has to be entrusted to the representatives of the parish and the pastor. Where else in the world would a bishop meddle in the mundane matters of a parish church? This is certainly unheard of.

Lately there is a concerted effort from the part of the authorities to pin the blame for the Coppell issues on a number of lay leaders. But the world knows it was started by none other than the bishop himself. We truly believe our bishop has lost his way. He has lost his true Catholic faith. The fervor he has for the un-catholic Mar Thoma cross and the altar viri, is the fervor of the heretic. Like any heretic, he also wants to drag this who community with him.


Anonymous said...

There was someone here constantly barking comments like, "leave SMC if you don't like the SMC is run".

I said, I will gladly leave if SMC return to me the tens of thousands of dollars I contributed to buying and maintaining SMC church properties.

Where is he? Where is his response? You want people to just give you their hard earned money and leave so you can squander it? It's not your daddy's property. Okay?

Anonymous said...

Instead of criticizing Fr. Saji for the letter,answer the questions raised by Fr. Saji, Bishop can ask the ass kissers to make another oomakathu and send to everyone again.

It is obvious that injustice was done to a priest by our Satanic Claver adoring bishop Angadiath.

Bishop please send another letter saying you are not against crucifix again.

Anonymous said...

Fr. Vinod -- chaanathupottu

Anonymous said...

Worth saying again and again:

our bishop has lost his way.

He has lost his true Catholic faith.

The fervor he has for the un-catholic Mar Thoma cross and the altar viri, is the fervor of the heretic.

Like any heretic, he also wants to drag this community with him.

Anonymous said...

Bishop's Ass kissers will bring this place down, Bishop take them to Garland Church please.

In Coppell Church No Claver will be installed ant any time.. hear that Bishop

Anonymous said...

കൊപ്പേല്‍ പള്ളിയെ ബിഷപ്പിന് നശിപ്പിക്കണം.

അങ്ങനെ ആ സമൂഹത്തെ ഉത്മൂല നാശം ചെയ്യുക.

കാരണം അങ്ങാടിയത്തിന്റെ ഹൃദയം ഗാര്‍ലാണ്ടിലാണ്.

Anonymous said...

Ass kissers and Position seekers:::

They are Very busy writing in this blog against Fr. Saji, just because they are afraid all people know what exactly happened in Coppell.

Keep kissing up to Bishop, may get something somewhere...

Seminary jumpers and rejects--- Watch out God will punish you & your family and your life will be miserable from now on... just watch out.

Anonymous said...

Need a Jump start<<<<

സജി അച്ഛന് എതിരായി കളിച്ച
എല്ലാവന്മാരെയും പള്ളിയുടെ ഭരണ
കാര്യങ്ങളില്‍ നിന്നും 5 വര്‍ഷത്തേക്ക് മാറ്റി നിര്‍ത്തുക"

They should be banned for ever, or for at least 25 years.

Anonymous said...

പീലാത്തോസെ നീ തലേം കുത്തി തലേം കുത്തി വാ. പഴയ ഒരു മലയാള ചിത്രമായ സെന്റ് തോമസ് ലെ ഡയലോഗാണ് . പെട്ടെന്ന് ഓര്‍ത്ത് പോയി എന്ന് മാത്രം! ഈ അഭിനവ പീലാത്തോസിന് തല തിരിവാണെന്ന് തോന്നുന്നു. അല്ലെങ്കിലും പീലാത്തോസെന്നാല്‍ തല തിരിഞ്ഞവന്‍ ആണല്ലോ . ശുംഭന്‍!

Anonymous said...

God please help us??????????

Let us pray to God for the satanic Bishop for his return to the catholic mainstream.

Once the bishop admits his fault and removes the dirty claver cross

and his purple underwear from the Holy altar of the church/cathedral, then peace will prevail and the community will flourish faith in the church.

Anonymous said...

True Catholics faith only recognizes the Crucifix worthy to be in the altar at all times, this is the law of Pope not Powethil's.

Symbol cross should have a place in the church (on any table top, on vest of any priest or their undergarments etc), but certainly not in the altar to worship.

Anonymous said...

God's punishment...

After installing the Claver cross in Garland, our bishop lost his balance for ever.

Remember, abortion killer

God is watching you Bishop, let us see what he has in store for you, for what you did to Fr. Saji and Coppell community..

Anonymous said...

It is crystal clear to the whole world, what this SMC in USA and the moronic Bishop keep doing here, abusing all with his arrogance and stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Remember abortion kills..Baby killer...
Can you explain it ?

Anonymous said...

Bishop and all his Supporters,

Please answer all the questions raised by Fr Saji in his letter.

Why don't you send another letter with all your answers?

After announcing in the General Body that he never thought of transfering Fr Saji, Bishop fired him in less than 4 weeks !!

Tell us what happended in those 4 weeks that made you fire Fr Saji.
Installing Crucifix, Right??????

Anonymous said...

I have contributed tens of thousands of $$ for this church.

Now I am not worried about the foreclosure.

When I contributed, I was dreaming of a place where I can find peace of mind and harmony. I felt all that under Fr Saji. I saw all parishoners working together in peace.

Then leaders of SMC at Chicago spoiled our peace. Because of them, parishoners don't speak to each other. No more peace at this place.

There was a time, I would even die for this church.

But now, I would like to leave SMC. Can some one please return my money?

Anonymous said...

The person who said that represents a church in CA. He is a #1 fraud. Now he is usng every member's name to regain credibility. Will it work?. It might.

Anonymous said...

Hey people ,who writing all these hatred messages,
Did you go to church today. Why did you go to church?Did you pray? Did you listen the Bible reading? Are you really thinking about what you are doing? You really think Jesus like this?
Rest of the SM Catholics in USA have no problem to go to their church and attend mass peacefully. There is no place for hatred in church. Why few people creating so much disturbance in Coppell? Saji Achan is history. He is transferred to his native Diocese for Violating Diocese policy.He also guilty for breaking oath.He even publically said Bad words.( that is what his followers doing now) He is in India and we have to move forward. Don't worry too much about him!
The people who can't follow Diocese shouldn't create problem to majority of members or they should go out! Also They must stop writing abusive and hatred language.subta

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ഗാര്‍ലണ്ടിലെ അബോര്‍ഷന്‍ കഥകളെപ്പറ്റി പല പ്രാവശ്യം ഈ ബ്ലോഗില്‍ കണ്ടു. ഒന്നും മനസിലായില്ല. ഞങ്ങള്‍ അമേരിക്കയുടെ മറ്റു ഭാഗങ്ങളില്‍ ജീവിക്കുന്നവര്‍ പല കാര്യങ്ങളിലും കഥ അറിയാതെ ആട്ടം കാണുകയാണ്. ഇതുവായിക്കുന്ന , ഇതിനെപ്പറ്റി സത്യസന്ധമായി അറിയാവുന്ന ആര്‍ക്കെങ്കിലും , സംഭവം എന്താണെന്ന് വിവരിക്കാന്‍ ദയവുണ്ടാകണം. At least ബ്ലോഗ് ഓണര്‍ എങ്കിലും സഭവം വ്യക്തമാക്കണം.

Anonymous said...

Good one

These kind of syromalabar voice malabar nonsense flourishes only in health care dominated communities. Chicago is exploiting the uneducated communities. Long time ago missions were established in uneducated tribal areas. Chicago is trying the same technique in USA.

Anonymous said...

Dear viswasi,
excellnt comments for B Ang. and his peofessed CRONIES. If you belong to Pala, Changanserry, Kanjirapplly, Kothamangalam or Iddikki, You are not part of SM CHURCH. YOU AREAn A KALDHAYAN and go to Persia, Iraq or SYRIA and JOIN THE MANIKKYAM CHURCH.

Anonymous said...

Hey post #18,

Did you go to church today? Did you pray?

Did you remember to pray for our bishop and his cronies, so that they will come to their senses?

Did you pray for the bishop, so that he will admit his mistake and apologize?

Did you pray for the diocean authority so that the crooks in there will allow the bishop to publish the illegal activities they did on Coppell church account?

Did you pray for those trouble makers in Coppell church community that ill advised the bishop to fire Fr.Saji for installing crucifix on the altar?

I did.

By the way, just to set the record straight, Fr.Saji was not transferred; he was fired for installing crucifix on coppell church altar.

You cannot transfer after firing a person. Come out of the chicago's Syro Fantacy World; come into the real world and learn the truth.

Bishop is supposed to obey our Pope. He is disobeying Pope by firing Fr. Saji for obeying Pope.

So, first fire the bishop for insisting that others disobey Pope. Then fire all those priests that disobey Pope.

Anonymous said...

Where are those who wanted me to leave SMC?

I said I will gladly leave if SMC return to me the money I gave to SMC. I am waiting for your answer, and my refund of tens of thousands of dollars.

I didn't give my money to watch your ugly games and hear your trash talk. I gave my money so that the whole Coppell SMC community will have a good place to worship God and help themselves and each other grow in faith.

I never thought Chicago SMC authorities will turn it into a fish market. Why are you coming to advise us when you can't think clearly yourselves? Why are you preaching against love of money when you can't free yourself from the grip of money?

Anonymous said...

SMC Chicago authorities, let me tell you a story:

A psychologist interviewed three very good stone cutters about their job.

First one said, "I hate my job. It pays well, but it is hard work. I don't enjoy this work. This is not what I want to do with my life."

Second one said, "it is an okay job. It is hard work. I don't like this job very much, but it helps me pay my bills."

The third one said, "this is hard work. This is not what I wanted to do with my life, but I am doing this for the glory of God."

Now, dear bishop, people in diocesan authority, and those who advise bishop,

Are you doing these things for the glory of God, or are you doing these things for self gratification and revenge against Fr.Saji?

Anonymous said...

Reply to Post # 3:

Can you please ask the POPE to fire Bishop? Please understand one thing my dear friend.

Anonymous said...

there is no slef gratification or revenge against Fr. Saji. As a priest, he did not uphold his OATH.

Also he was disturbed mentally.. you must be knowing that he was taking DEPRESSION PILLS.

He is leading the community to destruction by planning an open war against the SMC, Chicago. He violated all the policies of the Diocese.

He asked the Kaikaran and the accountant to wire transfer $ 15000.00 to his bank account. Fr. Saji claims that the money was given by the Parish Committee. First of all after fr. Saji is removed as Director or Coppell Church, how can he call for a Parish Meeting. So all this was a staged drama by Fr. Saji.

Everybody knows the truth and even many of the Fr. Saji s followers itself said to many people, we also wanted fr. Saji to me removed from the Parish.. We wanted Crucifix and we used Fr. Saji to Install it. He needs to be a priest first, who obeys the Diocese and its policies. It was said publically that Fr. Saji will use people for his advantage and then abuse them later on. So we used Fr. Saji for what we wanted.

Now, Fr. Saji is HISTORY.. let us all go in peace

Anonymous said...

Eda Dexter,

You stop approving this blog.How can you do this man? Stop hurting church and priests here. If not god will return the results....Guaranteed

Anonymous said...

Dear #22
I am not belongs to any of the mentioned Diocese.(even though you don't deserve any answer!).God bless you.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hello Saju:

We all thought you are not against Coppell Church, only has personal issues with Saji Achen after your many getting drunk incidents..

Now it seems like you are still a player for some one else...don't be a fool, man....

It is time for you to be quite if you really want this community to get back to normalcy.
please stop bad comments...

Anonymous said...

Post #27,

You don't deserve a reply, but I will be a gentleman this once.

Are you the bishop of Syro Malabar diocese of Chicago? My question was for the bishop. If you are not he bishop, then don't write like you are the bishop. It was the bishop that fired Fr.Saji. So, how do you know whether it was a revenge or an act of self gratification? Can you read bishops thoughts?

You said, "Also he was disturbed mentally.. you must be knowing that he was taking DEPRESSION PILLS".

Now you may be taking 'DEPRESSION PILLS', but Fr.Saji was not. That is what you get for hurting innocent priests.

Fr.Saji did not violate any rules of the diocese before he was fired. Church was going to be blessed. He installed crucifix on the altar. That thin wall was not taken down, baptismal pool installed by the baptists was not removed. That is, no changes were made except installing crucifix. So you are full of lies.

Fr.Saji did not ask for any money to be transferred anywhere. General body decided to give him that money, and they took whatever steps deemed appropriate.

Your hate towards Fr.Saji is what made you write your comment. It is especially evident in the last sentence of your comment. You must be one of those people who tried to rob Coppell church under the disguise of church property purchase, and got caught by Fr.Saji. If you are a decent man, turn away from cheating, hate, and disgust towards others. Live right. That is the only advise I have for you.

Anonymous said...

Reji Listen Reji Listen ....

Why do you have to write so many bad things about a priest? Remember you have very small kids, Aren't you afraid about the consequences (all priests are special to God) that may happen to you and your family man,,, come on Reji, stop this nonsense........