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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Maybe What Fr. Jojy Should Have Done Is not Lock Up the Church, But Do What Judas Did

 – By Tom Varkey

December 17, 2011 was a glorious day in Garland for the Crucifix because of the birth of ‘Occupy SMCC’ a movement that will go on until the lovers of the Crucifix take back the Syro-Malabar Church from the Claver maniacs.
At the same time it was a very shameful one for the Calver supporters to say the least. As I was protesting in front of the newly consecrated church on Saturday, one of my friends who is a present parishioner in Garland came up to me and started conversing with me. I pointed out to him that the image of the ‘Mar Thoma Cross’ on the roof of the church was crooked. He replied, “Their cross is as crooked as the mind of Fr. Jojy and the Bishop and the minds of their supporters.” Then hoping to get a better response, I asked him how the homily was. My friend replied: “Who knows?” I asked him, “But weren’t you there?” He replied, “I was; but the only one word I could understand was the word ‘congratulations’ at the end of the homily.” I was not surprised at all. After all, I said to myself, ‘Is there anything good to talk about the ‘Mar Thoma Cross’ and about a church in which it is installed at the center of its sanctuary?’ No wonder my friend said what he said.

By now, you can imagine the disappointment and disgust I felt within me since I was almost saturated with disgust even before I got to Garland by the mere fact that they had refused to install the Crucifix in the Garland church. The final moment of my disillusionment came when a friend of mine from the Coppell Church called me on the cell phone and said that he tried to take a picture of the sanctuary only about 10 minutes after the service was over. To his surprise, he found out that Fr. Jojy had ordered that the church be locked up and remained locked up. It was so obvious that Fr. Jojy was so embarrassed with the feedback he got from many of those who came for the consecration both from the outside and also from the parishioners most of whom were seeing the sanctuary for the first time. Therefore he thought the best thing to do for him was to lock up the church to avoid further embarrassment. I am sure Fr. Jojy must have felt like a husband sneaking under the blanket in the middle of the night after he had been with a prostitute hoping that he will not be found out. I would say this was natural for Fr. Jojy to feel this way when you consider the fact that the Garland church was dedicated on Saturday to an idol, the ‘Mar Thoma Cross’. So to avoid being further ashamed, he was forced to have the church locked up only minutes after the service was concluded, an incident that has never been heard of in the history of the Catholic Church.

 In 2 Cor. 11:2 Paul says to the Corinthian that he has entrusted it to its one husband as a chaste virgin. In Garland, what Fr. Jojy and Bishop Angadiath and Bishop Powathil have done is consecrate the church and the Garland community to an idol, the ‘Mar Thoma Cross’. This is the spiritual equivalent of one giving his own mother to a bunch of molesters to be repeatedly raped by them. What a contrast between what the Apostles of Christ did in the early Church and what our Syro-Malabar hierarchy is doing now even though they claim to be the successors of the Apostles whom they represent! No wonder Fr. Jojy was so ashamed. It is quite evident that Fr. Jojy and Bishop Mar Angadiath have both betrayed the Catholic community of Garland since our Bishop Mar Angadiath promised in Coppell that he would not impose the ‘Mar Thoma Cross’ until the Synod reaches a unanimous decision on the issue’. No such decision has been reached so far. Moreover the parishioners of Garland had by the vast majority expressed their opinion in favor of the Crucifix. So Fr. Jojy and the bishop have both betrayed the community of Garland and Jesus Christ Himself by defying His command in Jn. 3:14 to “lift up the Son of Man as Moses lifted the bronze serpent in the desert.” I sincerely believe that what Fr. Jojy should have done is not just lock up the church after the consecration of the church but do what Judas did after betraying Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver. After all, Judas betrayed only Jesus. Fr. Jojy has betrayed not only Jesus but also the entire parish community of Garland. Certainly December 17, 2011 will go down in history as one of the darkest moments in the life of St. Thomas The Apostle Parish in Garland as well as a most disgraceful day for the whole Syro-Malabar Church in the U.S.A. At the same time it will be remembered for the sweet memory of its giving birth to a glorious baby which will certainly grow up and mature to give a crushing defeat to the idolatrous cross in the Syro-Malabar Church, the so-called ‘Mar Thoma Cross’. Let us all continue to work together for this goal. A Merry Christmas to Everyone and another glorious and prosperous Year for the Lovers of the Crucifix.


skylark said...

പള്ളി പൂട്ടി ഇട്ട ഫാ ജോജിയെ canon law യുടെ Book IV, Part I, Title III, Chapter II വായിച്ചു കേള്‍പ്പിക്കെണ്ടിയത് അത്യാവശ്യം. താഴത്തെ site ഇല്‍ പോയി വായിക്കുക.

ഇതില്‍ നിന്നും can 937 മാത്രമായി താഴെ കൊടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നു.

Can. 937 Unless there is a grave reason to the contrary, the church in which the Most Holy Eucharist is reserved is to be open to the faithful for at least some hours every day so that they can pray before the Most Blessed Sacrament.

ഒരു വിശ്വാസിക്ക് പ്രാര്‍ത്ഥിക്കണമെന്നു തോന്നുന്ന സമയത്ത് അതിനു സാധിക്കാത്ത രീതിയില്‍ പള്ളി പൂട്ടി ഇടുക, ഒരു വിശ്വാസി ആവശ്യപ്പെടുന്ന സമയത്ത് കുമ്പസാരം കേള്‍ക്കാതിരിക്കുക എന്നീ രണ്ടു കാര്യങ്ങള്‍ ഒരു വൈദികന്‍ ഒരിക്കലും ചെയ്യരുതാത്തത് ആണ്.

എങ്കിലും ഒരു കാര്യത്തില്‍ ആശ്വാസം ഉണ്ട്. വിശുദ്ധ കുര്‍ബാന വെച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന പള്ളികള്‍ക്കെ ഇത് ബാധകം ആകൂ. വിശുദ്ധ കുര്‍ബാനയ്ക്ക് പകരം ക്ലാവേര്‍ വെച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത് ആകയാല്‍ പുട്ടി ഇട്ടാലും കുഴപ്പം ഇല്ല. വല്ലവരും ക്ലാവേറിനെ അടിച്ചോണ്ട് പോയാലോ?

Anonymous said...

Fr. Jojy and Bishop Mar Angadiath have both betrayed the Catholic community of Garland since our Bishop Mar Angadiath promised in Coppell that he would not impose the ‘Mar Thoma Cross’ until the Synod reaches a unanimous decision on the issue’. No such decision has been reached so far. Moreover the parishioners of Garland had by the vast majority expressed their opinion in favor of the Crucifix. So Fr. Jojy and the bishop have both betrayed the community of Garland

Anonymous said...

Fr. Jojy and Bishop Angadiath and Bishop Powathil have done is consecrate the church and the Garland community to an idol, the ‘Mar Thoma Cross’. This is the spiritual equivalent of one giving his own mother to a bunch of molesters to be repeatedly raped by them

Anonymous said...

If you are sincere, answer two questions which I have been asking for last one year.

1) Can you publically apologise for writing against blessed mother in a letter you sent to every home from Jesus Army few years back...Or do you still believe those?
I want to make sure you are catholic and not a pentestcostal trying to destroy church)

Anonymous said...

The one thing that all non Catholics always forget (or otherwise never knew) is that Catholics DON'T WORSHIP MOTHER MARY!!! We HONOR her as the mother of Jesus! That's it! We pray to Mary to protect us because she is the mother of Jesus. God wouldn't just chose ANYBODY to give a virgin birth to his only son. Anybody who denies that Mary is the virgin mother of God denies Christ himself.

Anonymous said...

ഇപ്പോള്‍ ഗര്ലണ്ട് പള്ളി പൂട്ടിക്കണം,ക്രിസ്മസ് കാരോള്‍ തടയണം ,ഉണ്ണി ഈശോയേ വീട്ടില്‍ കയറ്റുന്നത് തടയണം,പള്ളിക്ക് സംഭാവന കൊടുക്കുന്നത് തടയണം, ഇനി നാളെ എന്താ പുതിയത്????? ഞങ്ങളെല്ലാം പെന്തകോസ്ത് പാസ്ടരുടെ അടുത്ത് പോയി സ്നാനപ്പെടാണോ ? അതാണോ ഇനി തനിക്ക് വേണ്ടത്?

Anonymous said...

What happened to WALL STREET MODEL! I heard you got hundreds and hundreds of people behind you! Is that right?
You may have hundreds behind you. Unfortunately they are not CATHOLICS!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom Uncle,
Great posting, you make excellent points. Good luck for your future plans.

Anonymous said...

Thank you pipiladen for the truth. You can see this if you look around the world. The BAD GUYS enjoying the life.. partying hard doing bad things such as prostitution, drugs, fighting against church and authorities,selfishness,pride,cheating, no love for poor and special need people etc. You can see they have less problems in this world than people lead a good life and care about others. Pipiladen gave us the right answer. NO WONDER PEOPLE SAY THAT DAIVAM DHUSHTANE PANA POLE VALARTHUM.

Anonymous said...

ആരാധനാലയങ്ങള്‍ പങ്കുവയ്ക്കുന്ന കാരൃത്തില്‍ ഓ൪ത്തഡോക്സ് സഭയുമായും ധാരണ രൂപപ്പെടുത്തുന്നതിനുളള ച൪ച്ചകള്‍ അന്തിമഘട്ടത്തിലാണെന്നു റവ.ഡോ.മാത്യു വെളളാനിക്കല്‍ അറിയിച്ചു. യാക്കോബായ സഭയുമായുണ്ടാക്കിയതിനു സമാനമായധാരണ ഓ൪ത്തഡോക്സ് സഭയുമായും ഉണ്ടാകുമെന്നാണ് വിലയിരുത്തല്‍. ഗബ്രിയേല്‍ മാ൪ ഗ്രിഗോറിയോസ് മെത്രാപ്പോലീത്തയാണ് ഓ൪ത്തഡോക്സ് സഭക്കു വേണ്ടി ച൪ച്ചകള്‍ക്കു നേതൃത്വം നല്‍കുന്നത്. ഇതുസംബന്ധിച്ച് സംയുക്ത പ്രസ്താവന പുറപ്പെടുവിച്ചേക്കും.

എന്തുകൊണ്ട് പന്തികൊസ്ത്ത് സഹോദരങ്ങളെ തഴഞ്ഞു?

എന്തുകൊണ്ട് മുസ്ലീസ് സഹോദരങ്ങളെ തഴഞ്ഞു?

എന്തുകൊണ്ട് നമ്മടെ പാരബരൃ ഹിന്ദു സഹോദരങ്ങളെ തഴഞ്ഞു?

ഇ വിവരവും ബുദ്ധിയും മാത്രം ഉള്ളവരെ ആണ് നിങ്ങള്‍ പറഞ്ഞു മനസിലാക്കാന്‍ ശ്രമിക്കുന്നത്. ഇതു സഭയുടെ തന്നെ പരാജയം ആയിട്ടെ കണക്കു ആക്കാന്‍ സാധിക്കുക ഉള്ളു. പള്ളിയുടെ ചുമതല വഹിക്കുന്നവരും, വേതപാടം പഠിപ്പിക്കുന്നവര്‍ക്കും മിനിമം സഭയെ കുറിച്ചും വിശുദ്ധ ഗ്രന്ഥത്തെ കുറിച്ച് അറിവുള്ളവര്‍ ആയിരിക്കണം. അല്ലേല്‍ ചിലപ്പോ ഇതേ പോലത്തെ മണ്ടത്തരങ്ങള്‍ അവര്‍ ബാക്കി ഉള്ളവരിലോട്ടു പകര്‍ന്നു കൊടുക്കും. ഇതു തന്നെ ആണ് കോപ്പെളിലും പറ്റിയിരിക്കുന്നത്. മിനിമം സഭയും ആത്മീയതയും കുറിച്ച് അറിവുള്ളവര്‍ എങ്ങനെ പ്രശന്‍ ഉണ്ടാക്കുക ഇല്ല, അസഭ്യം പറയുകെയും ഇല്ല. ആരാധന അലയങ്ങളും കൂധാശകളും എന്ത് കൊണ്ട് പെന്തകൊസ്തു, ഹിന്ദുക്കള്‍ മുസ്ലിങ്ങളും ആയിട്ടു പങ്കു വെക്കുന്നില്ല എന്നിങ്ങനെ ഉള്ള ബുദ്ധി മോശം ആയിട്ടു കാര്യങ്ങള്‍ ചോദിക്കുന്നവര്‍ ഇന്നും നമ്മുടെ സഭയില്‍ ഉണ്ട് എന്നുള്ളത് വളരെ പരിതാപകരം ആണ്. അതും അമേരിക്കയില്‍ ഉള്ള മലയാളികള്‍.ഇവന്മാരെ ഒക്കെ ഒന്നാം ക്ലാസിലെ വേദപാഠം മുതല്‍ പടിപ്പികേണ്ടി വരും. ഇ തലച്ചോറും വെചോണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നവരെ എങ്ങനെ ആണ് നിങ്ങള്‍ മാര്‍ത്തോമ്മാ കുരിശിനെ കുറിച്ചും പൌരസ്ത്യ സഭകളെ കുറിച്ചും പഠിപ്പിക്കുന്നത്‌??

Anonymous said...

അനീതിയും അക്രമവും വലിയ ദുഷ്ട്ടതകളും പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കുന്നവരെയും , കൊലപാതകികളെയും , ചൂഷകരെയും , ദൈവത്തെ വെല്ലുവെളിച്ചു നടക്കുന്നവരെയും , മദ്യവും മയക്കുമരുന്നും ഉണ്ടാക്കി വിതരണം നടത്തുന്നവരെയും പെണ്‍വാണിഭക്കാരെയും ,പലിശ മുതലാളിമാര്‍, കച്ചവടമെന്നപെരില്‍ നടത്തുന്ന കാപട്യക്കാര്‍, ജനകോടികളെ അനുനിമിഷം വഞ്ചിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്ന പരസ്യ കച്ചവടക്കാരെയും , കള്ളപ്പണവും , വ്യാജനോട്ടുകളും ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നവരെയും( സ്നാപകനെ കൊന്ന ഹെറോദോസ്, കയീന്‍, നിമ്രൊധ് , ദാവൂദു , ഫറവോ, NEBUCHADNEZZAR , JEZEBEL , ) ........... പഠിച്ചാല്‍ , അവരില്‍ പലര്‍ക്കും കാര്യമായ കഷ്ട്ടപ്പാടുകാലോ ,ദുഖമോ ദുരിതമോ രോഗങ്ങളോ ഒന്നുമില്ലെന്നും കാണാന്‍ സാധിക്കും .എന്നാല്‍ ദൈവത്തോടടുത്തു ജീവിക്കുന്ന പലര്‍ക്കും ( ആബേല്‍ ,പ്രവാചകര്‍ ,സ്നാപക യോഹന്നാന്‍ ,യേശു ,ശിഷ്യരും അപ്പോസ്തലരും, Graham Staines, വടക്കേ ഇന്ത്യയിലെ പ്രേക്ഷിത പ്രവര്‍ത്തകര്‍), രോഗങ്ങളും ദുരിതങ്ങളും ,അല്പ്പയുസും ,കഷ്ട്ടങ്ങളും ദുരിതങ്ങളും അലട്ടുന്നതായി കാണാം. ഇത് നോക്കിക്കാണുന്ന പാവപ്പെട്ട സാധാരണക്കാരന്‍, ദൈവത്തെ സംശയിചില്ലങ്കിലെ അത്ഭുതമോള്ളൂ. എന്നാല്‍ വിശാലമായ ഒരു അവലോകനം നടത്തിയാല്‍ ഇതില്‍ അനീതിയില്ലെന്നും ദൈവം നീതിമാനാണെന്നും നമ്മുക്ക് കാണാം.

Tom Varkey said...

Tom Varkey Said …
I like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my brothers who spoke many kind words about my performance in “kicking off” the OCCUPY SMCC (Syro-Malabar Catholic Church) initiative in Garland on Saturday. I would like to point out that it was your prayers and encouragement that gave me the strength not only to witness for the crucifix in Garland but also to decide to take the fight to the very end until we have the final victory. Even though I am flattered to receive such commendation, I am not in favor of putting down somebody else’s lack of courage in witnessing for Jesus Christ and His Crucifix in our everyday living. I am saying this to point out a couple of facts regarding faith.
First of all as we read in Jn. 3:27 the Word of God says through the words of John the Baptist that no one receives anything except what is given from above. The same God who did not give my fellow soldiers who are engaged in the battle for the Crucifix the courage to witness gave me the faith and courage to do it. Let God’s name be praised. I have nothing to take credit for as every good gift comes from God our Father as we read in the book of James. Building up our faith is like muscle-building. The more you exercise it, the more God will give it to you and you will have it in greater abundance.
Another truth that needs a slightly deeper understanding. So let me bring an analogy to explain it. Faith is like steam that drives the engine of a train that runs on steam. I am sure most of you remember the locomotive engines that used to drive trains in India. Until the water turns into steam, no matter how much water is there, it does not make any difference whether the water is at 80 degrees or 90 degrees or even 99 degrees. Only when the water reaches 100 degree threshold will steam be produced and until steam is produced, engine cannot propel the train even an inch. When the Holy Spirit takes control of our lives and when we live under the control of the Spirit, we reach the equivalent of water reaching 100 degree temperature. From that point on, we get courage to do almost anything without being afraid. This is what happens when we build up spiritually like wrestlers build up their muscles in the physical sense. This kind of spiritual build-up of our community as a whole is needed for us to grow spiritually. Try it – you will like it and you will be glad you tried it. Most of us do not reach such a level of spirituality in our lives and thus we are not able to witness strongly for Jesus Christ in our lives. We must pray for each other and try to build each other up as Paul talks about in Eph. 4:11.

Tom Varkey said...

Dear Blog Master,

This is part 2 of "Tom Varkey Said ..."

I know I am probably sounding a little boring and some of you may be that you are getting the feeling that I am trying to say I am a saint. You are absolutely wrong. I am worse than many of you. But I have been into muscle-building spiritually speaking and I am not at all afraid to witness for the Cross of Jesus Christ. Here is what I am planning to do. I am planning to conduct throughout the U.S.: initially once in two months, then monthly as part of the Occupy SMCC movement which I have put into motion in Garland. I would like to invite whoever is willing and courageous to join me in our fight for the Crucifix until we totally defeat the claver maniacs who have taken our Syro Malabar Church and made it into a den of thieves and idolaters by installing the Mar Thoma Cross idol in our churches. I like to assure you even though we may seem to have lost a battle in the long war, we have certainly not lost the war which we will finally win. So do not be discouraged. It will happen at the time of God. After all as we read in Gal. 4:4-6 even the birth of Baby Jesus happened “in the fullness of time”. Besides, as Mother Teresa of Calcutta used to say, “We are not always called to be victorious, but to be faithful .” If we hang in there, we are going to hear from the Savior one day, “Well done, good and faithful servant”. And that for sure is a compliment from the Savior to look forward to. Once again, thanks to everyone who helped me in “kicking off” the Occupy SMCC movement and also those who have stood with me in so many ways to fight for the Crucifix especially in Coppell and Garland. As we read in 1 Cor. 15:58, know that your effort will be greatly rewarded.” Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all supporters of the Crucifix now and in the future. May baby Jesus bless you abundantly throughout the coming year and beyond.

Anonymous said...

എന്തുവാ വര്‍ക്കി ചയോ ... വായിച്ചിട്ട് ഒന്നും മനസിലാകുന്നില്ല. കൈവിട്ടു പോയോ?

Anonymous said...

If you did not get a chance to take a picture of the Madhbaha of the Garland church, post the the picture from the pravasi section of Manorama or Kerala Shabdam

Anonymous said...

Maybe What Fr. Jojy Should Have Done Is not Lock Up the Church, But Do What Judas Did
– By Tom Varkey
------------------**I am sure Fr. Jojy must have felt like a husband sneaking under the blanket in the middle of the night after he had been with a prostitute hoping that he will not be found out.** I would say this was natural for Fr. Jojy to feel this way when you consider the fact**-----------------


Posted by Syro Malabar Voice at 10:37 AM