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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tom Varkey Responds to the Reception at DFW Airport

I have been so overwhelmed by the support that I have been getting from so many of you in my ongoing Battle for the Crucifix. You have fought with me standing shoulder to shoulder and sharing my pain and tribulations that come with it as in the case of any battle.
The awesome reception you gave me has been nothing short of spectacular and truly a humbling experience and I have been highly honored by it. However, I have to tell you that the way I see it, standing up and fighting for the Crucifix which alone is the true cross of Jesus Christ is more than enough reward in itself. Additionally, each of you who have stood with me in this Battle for the Crucifix is my joy and reward much in the same way as Paul puts it in 1 Ths. 2:19-20: “… What is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when He comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.”

As I say it, my greatest regret is that those who stand for the Mar Thoma Cross will be missing out totally on this reward which Jesus will hand out when He appears, to those who pride themselves in His Crucifix as we ought to according to Paul. Paul tells us in Gal. 6:14: “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” Mind you, this is not the Mar Thoma Cross which has no value and is nothing because it has no Jesus on it -- just as the donkey on which Jesus was riding became nothing but an ordinary ass the moment Jesus got down from its back after His triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

I do not deserve the kind of welcome that you all gave me at the DFW Airport upon my return from St. Thomas Mount. The entire credit and glory belongs to Him who hung on the Cross for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind including those of the advocates of the Mar Thoma Cross also. This is true whether they admit it or not by accepting the Crucifix in our places of worship or opting to replace it with the abominable idol which the Mar Thoma Cross is. I do not mean to sound ungrateful to you for the spectacular reception you all gave me. However, I have to state here though that what motivates me for standing up for the Crucifix is the following perspective: As we read in Lk. 12:37 if we are faithful in serving the Lord and fighting for His Crucifix for His glory, one day we will have the awesome privilege of reclining at the Lord’s banquet table where He Himself will wait on us and serve us the most delicious meal for all eternity. Thank you all for the wonderful and dedicated support you are giving me in bringing honor to Our Lord Jesus Christ by fighting for the Crucifix. Let us also pray in a special way for Rev. Fr. Sajy whose tremendous sacrifice will never be forgotten. May God bless all of you and in all your endeavors.


St thomas garland said...

പൊതുയോഗം elect ചെയ്യാതെ ആസനം നക്കി new church കണ്‍സ്ട്രക്ഷന്‍ കമ്മറ്റി ഉണ്ടാകി, അതില്‍ കയറികുടിയ തന്തയില്ലാത്തവന്മാറക്ക് നാണമില്ലേ ... ഇടവകകരോട് പിരിവു ചോദിക്കാന്‍ ?

ഞങ്ങള്‍ ഇടവകകാര്‍ , പള്ളി പണിയാന്‍ ആരെയും എല്പിച്ചിട്ടില്ല ... ആരെയും തിരഞ്ഞെടുതിട്ടുമില്ല .... ഇടവകര്‍ തിരഞ്ഞെടുകാത്ത.കമ്മറ്റിയില്‍ കയറിയന്മാര് ഒരു അവകശവുമില്ല ഗാര്‍ലാന്‍ഡ്‌ ഇടവകരോട് പിരിവു ചോതിക്കാന്‍ ..ആദ്യം അവന്മാര്‍ ചെയ്ത fake pledge ആയ $ 25000
കൊടുത്ത receipt
പള്ളിയില്‍ പോസ്റ്റ്‌ ചെയുക , ഇടവകയെ വന്‍ കടത്തില്‍ ആക്കിയ സ്ഥാന കൊതിയന്‍മാരുടെ പേരും വീട്ടുപേരും ഉടന്‍ പ്രേതിഷിക്കുക .ഇവന്മാരുടെ മുഖത്ത് കര്‍കിച്ചു തുപ്പുക . ., പള്ളി പണിയാന്‍ ആരെയും എല്പിച്ചിട്ടില്ല ... ആരെയും തിരഞ്ഞെടുതിട്ടുമില്ല .... ഇടവകര്‍ തിരഞ്ഞെടുകാത്ത.കമ്മറ്റിയില്‍ കയറിയന്മാര് ഒരു അവകശവുമില്ല ഗാര്‍ലാന്‍ഡ്‌ ഇടവകരോട് പിരിവു ചോതിക്കാന്‍ ..ആദ്യം അവന്മാര്‍ ചെയ്ത fake pledge ആയ $ 25000
കൊടുത്ത receipt
പള്ളിയില്‍ പോസ്റ്റ്‌ ചെയുക , ഇടവകയെ വന്‍ കടത്തില്‍ ആക്കിയ സ്ഥാന കൊതിയന്‍മാരുടെ പേരും വീട്ടുപേരും ഉടന്‍ പ്രേതിഷിക്കുക .ഇവന്മാരുടെ മുഖത്ത് കര്‍കിച്ചു തുപ്പുക . .

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tom Varkey:

You deserve it every bit of it man, you are a true warrior for all true Catholics.

Thank you and God bless you and your family.


Dear Mr Tom

YOU ARE A TRUE HERO. May God Bless you in all your paths.

Please continue whatever you do and God will bless you further


Anonymous said...

We salute you MR.Tom varkey . You are a true hero. People need to born ith real back bone like Mr.Tom varkey. YOU ARE THE MAN.
Thanks,and God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

You are really a brave man to stand against all these evil crooks. Ofcourse they don't like it . So dont be worry, God will reward you and we will pray for you too.
Thanks a bunch

Anonymous said...

Can you post the pictures of the reception given to Tom Varkey at the airport?. "മറുപടി"സജിയച്ചന്‍ ഫോണില്‍ സംസാരിച്ചത് കുളളനും കൊളളകാരനും ആയ പഞ്ചാരക്കുട്ടന്‍ ഫോണില്‍ സംസാരിച്ചത് ടേപ്പ്ചെയ്തത് സിനഡില്‍ അയിച്ചപ്പോള്‍ നിനക്ക് അതിന്‍റെ കോപ്പി തന്നിരുന്നോ?സജിയച്ചന്‍റെ പ്രസംഗങ്ങള്‍ കളളപുളിക്കനും സ്ലംഡോഗ് തോമയും കൂടി ടേപ്പ്ചെയ്ത് സിനഡില്‍ കൊണ്ടുകോടുത്തപ്പോള്‍ നിനക്ക് അതിന്‍റെ കോപ്പി തന്നിരുന്നോ?അതുപോലേ ഫോട്ടോയും നിനക്ക് തരുനനില്ല.വേറുതേ അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കട ദിനേശ!ഞങ്ങളോടാ നിന്‍റെ കളി......

Anonymous said...

Why you are not posting any comments that telling the truth? You are only publishing your gundas theri comments!

Tom Varkey said...

No Mar Thoma Cross, No Viri, No Compromise …

By Tom Varkey, Parishioner of Alphonsa Catholic Church, Coppell, TX, USA

In an earlier article, we saw how the Mar Thoma Cross is Satanic based on the Word of God. Here we are going to see how the Veil or the Viri advocated by the Mar Thoma Cross Catholics is Satanic also based on the Word of God.

1. In Hebr. 9:1-8 we read that in the Old Covenant, only the priests entered the first room of the Sanctuary called the Holy Place. Again we read here that only the high priest was allowed to enter the Most Holy Place or the Holy of Holies where God met with him and with him only. There were strict conditions for the high priest to enter the Holy of Holies. First of all, he could do it only once a year and then secondly, he had to carry with him animal blood which he offered for his own sins and the sins of the people. The Most Holy Place was off limits for the people who gathered in the temple for worship.

Jesus, by His death on the cross opened the Holy of Holies and made it available to each worshiper under the New Covenant who wants to worship God. Even though only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies under the Old Covenant, under the New Covenant Jesus has entitled every worshiper to enter the Holy of Holies not with animal blood but with the most sacred and holy blood of Jesus Himself. He has earned this right for us at an immense price – by dying on the cross for us.

Now the advocates of the Mar Thoma Cross want to take away this right which God has given us by installing abominable veil. In other words, they want to separate us from God. If this is not Satanic, what else is?

2. In Lk. 23:45 we read that the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom upon Jesus’ death on the cross. God the Father let this happen to symbolize the fact that when Jesus died, the priest and the faithful who used to be totally separated until that day were brought together as one body. From that day on, there is little difference between the role of the priest who offers the sacrifice and the role of the faithful who also participate in the offering of the sacrifice along side with the priest. They have forgotten what God tells us in 1 Pet. 2:9: “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God …” – not just the priests but each one of us.
The advocates of the Mar Thoma Cross want to remove us from the Holy of Holies by reinstating the curtain which God the Father Himself tore from top to bottom to give us this right. In Rom. 8:35 Paul asks: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” Well, today we are adding one more to the list – No Mar Thoma Cross or Viri shall separate us from the love of Christ or from the Holy of Holies symbolized by the Crucifix. We should not allow anyone to take away from us our right to enter the Holy of Holies no matter what the cost or no matter how long we have to fight. Let us remember this as we get ready to march on to Garland with the resolve that we will not let anyone take away from us our right to enter the Holy of Holies as royal priests of God. As we read in Jer. 20:11, “the LORD is with us like a mighty warrior; so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail.” Let this assurance from the LORD be our inspiration as we march towards Garland to reinstate the Crucifix at the center of the Sanctuary of this Syro Malabar Church. May God bless all of us in this battle as He Himself will fight for us like a mighty warrior.”