Keep Faith, inspire the Faithful, expose Clergy abuse and arrogance - this is our Mission

Friday, April 30, 2010


We are all dummies.
Yes, we all Coppell people are dummies. At least our bishop believes we are!
The bishop's 4 page rambling letter is nothing but baloney. Half of it is half-truths and the rest outright lies.

The bishop is pulling a fast one on us, the faithful of Coppell. He is trying to pull wool over our eyes. 
The bishop is trying to confuse the faithful with his bible-quoting and holier-than-thou pronouncements. It will take a lot more bible-quoting to convert the Coppell faithful.
The bishop's letter lays bare his lies. He is full of it! Every single faithful in Coppell and the US knows it.
Who does not know the fox's eye is not on the chicken coupe? His eyes are on the chicken even when he is dead! Yes folks, if you can see through the fog of bishop's lies you can see where he is coming from.
He wants to hang his viri and the so-called Marthoma cross in our church. Nothing else matters to him. He is willing to lose the whole war, just to win one battle! That is what a fool he is!


Liars's Enemy said...

Dear Bishop,

When you came to Coppell, you told us, 'you should obey your Appan (father). I am your Appan, so you should obey me'.

I have a question:

If your grandfather is there, and he tells you differently, who should you obey, your father or your grandfather?
I believe you should obey your grandfather.

If your great grandfather is there, and he tells you differently from all the others, who should you obey, your father, your grandfather, or your great grandfather?

Here, I believe you should obey your great grandfather.

Pope is our highest father on earth (the great great grandfather).
He told us to install crucifix in the altar.

Fr. Saji obeyed the great great grandfather.
...and Appan (bishop) fired Fr. Saji for installing crucifix in the altar.

Anonymous said...

Sooo.. funny. Did the Pope tell you to put the crucifix in the altar. Please do some investigation before you put this typs nonsense in the blog. Can you provide any doccumentation to prove that Pope told you to put the crucifix in the altar.His instruction to our Church (Syro Malabar Rite) was like we have to keep up our eastern traditions and we don't have to follow Latin tradition. It doesn't mean some traditions are good, or some are bad. All the traditions are very good and have good values. He wants to keep all the good traditions of the Holy Church. That's why the Pope instructed to the eastern churches to keep the eastern traditions.

Anonymous said...

Rev Bishop
I hope you read this letter. Why did you not open your mouth( forget that people don't understand what you speak) in the Parish council meeting when Fr. Saji spoke of his harassment by you and your coterie.
Second of all it our money and we can decide how we can spend it. You did not help us when we needed money to buy the church so please dont teach us how and whom do we need to give the money too.
You hid the fact that you did not pay Fr. Sajy his 2 months salary/ stipend also what money you raised for youe jubilee is also illeageal the according to what you tell. So please give back the money you took from our parish as a gift for you jubilee.
Another point is stop accusing Fr. Sajy of misappropriation as we gifted the money to him in front of Fr. george Madathiparmbil, why did he not tell that we are doing something wrong he just kept mum when we donated the money to Fr. Sajy. You just decided that we are fools and thing you can ride roughshod over us this is US we pay and we have the freedom to express our rights and also it is a well known fact that you did not want to listen to the majority of the parishioners, If you have guts come once again to St. Alphonsa Church we will show you that speaking the truth is not demeaning you or insulting you it is that we don't want St. Thomas cross or sheela or curtain over in the altar you first listen to your boss the POPE and the inner voice in you whether you are doing that is right and plus stop listening to the few chamchas.
Pease dont think that Fr. Varghese will collect more money from people to help you with the Marthoma cross or sheel adhu manasliirkataeullo(keep it in your mind).
Sending letter to us will not help cover your weakness toewards Rev Powatil hope the good lord select a better cardinal who has eyes ears and good heart to hear see and speak for his sheep and not be a dummy like you who cannot stand and celebrate mass.
Think once again before you talk of the Mathoma cross and the sheela.

Anonymous said...

mone dinesa, got what I mean?

Anonymous said...

Thomas uncle and Thommachan make all this problems.When Bishop was here this thommachan came and told me a secret."NEE ANGOTTU POKANDATTO.NEE JESUSYOUTHIL ULLATHA"

I asked myself"why this man as a kaikaran dont say a word when this things happend.

This 2 guys are not straight.They are crook.I am sure about that.

Jesus Youth Member

Anonymous said...


Poyi oru pennu kettu mashe...........

That is what is good for you

Anonymous said...

Thanks to’ Syromalabar voice’ for giving details about the Coppell church issue. After going through the writings and responses, it is felt that they are okay, except for the indecent language used in some of them. Please mind that the foul language will drift away even like-minded people.
Any way, it is a good sign that the majority of the parishners have raised against the despotic bishop for his arrogant stand on the Manickeyan /Persian cross. There were a number of churches in Kerala too, where the faithful stood bravely against installing the Manickeyan cross in their newly built churches, a decade ago.And, now the march goes on in America!
All the church-problems stem out of the enforced authoritarianism of the church authorities.The Vatican’s Canon laws grant both the spiritual and temporal powers to the bishopric! In temporal matters a bishop has full power to enact, interpret and enforce laws in his diocese!! Yes, legislative, judicial and executive powers in one hand!!! It means that the faithful , who are the real owner of all the church properties and institutions, are left with no power or right on them. Infact this unchristian, unholy ,structure of the church promotes arrogance of power in the minds of bishops. So,it is more essential to fight the root cause ie. the unchristian,anti- laity, provisions in the Canon law.
Infact, the the Eastern (Oriental) Canon law was enacted for the churches that originated in the eastern part of the Roman empire, such as Antiochean, Alexandrian, Chaldean churches etc. But, the politics of Chaldeanisation of Syro-Malabar church by the Oriental Congregation with the help of Mar Powathil defeated us. Mar Powathil’s fight for the Holy Mass according to the Chaldean rite, and also the projection of the Manickeyan cross as ‘Mar Thoma cross’ was designed to stamp our church as the ‘daughter-church’ (Puthreesabha) of the Chaldean church, so that the Eastern Canon law could be enforced here. How can our church that originated in the 1st century be the daughter-church of the Chaldean church which took birth only in the 4th century? No one gives the answer!
Our patrimony is the’ Law of Thomas’ and according to which the entire authority on temporal matters was vested in the 3tier church assemblies (Palliyogam) of the faithful. Until and unless we succeed in bringing back this original Indian patrimony, problems will carry on erupting from the anti-biblical power structure of the church.
I take the struggle by the faithful in Coppell church as a step towards the ultimate aim of enforcing the LAW OF LOVE of Jesus Christ in the entire church. My hearty wishes for the success of your fight!
-with prayers and solidarity, George Moolechalil (Secretary, Kerala Catholic church Reformation Movement) Vallichira P.O; Pala, Kottayam-686592

I feel they can help us .Please sent Dollar 5 to fight for the issue.

Anonymous said...

Releasing soon - Multi Star 3D Film. "KOPPILE PALLIYUM KURE GUNDAKALUM"

Eee panna gundakalellam koodi nalla oru palli kulamakkiyennu paranjal mathiyallo.

If you guys don't like the administration and the systems,you can go any other Church, right? It is USA and you have the freedom to go anywhere you like. From this blog my understanding is that before you buy this Coppell Church, you were not happy about the Bishop and this Chicago Diocess.Then why did you become a part of this dioces and Coppell Church. Please go somewhere else and leave others alone.

Anonymous said...

MAR.Bishopo, you control your Achens first.You know we have few sexual scandals among Achens.You send one Achens to India for sexual abuse.Fr.Scaria Thottuvely is not too far to get caught for sexual abuse.Some preisets in chicago they spend hours talking to some girls(someones wife)every day what is it concealing.Time don't wait and its not too far before they all get caught.So please act fast clean your staff before you fix faithfuls.

Anonymous said...

Pop give order in general which is for every church in the universe,thats why all churches in the universe including divine centers has crucifix isn't?.Nothing changes since we start Church.If any one tell you Jesus Christ never died and risen would you believe it? But the truth is Jesus died, but The Jesus Christ never died.How can God die? If you read Bible carefully you will see Jesus Christ Give his soul back to his Heavenly Father before he died. Once he give his soul to Father he is no more Jesus Christ,but just a human named Jesus.Thats the reason when he appeared to his disciples and to others many times after Risen, none of them recognized him, because Heavenly Father send Jesus Christ souls in to local people and appeared as a local man,thats why every one recognized him by his voice not by His features."GOD" is true "GOD" is "SOUL".GOD never die.Read Bible after reading reference book then you understand Bible.It may take another 2000 years for church to accept it.I just tell you this, not to become anti Catholic but to understand who is GOD.When it come to Heaven nothing matters but your actions among your family and among community. "May GOOD LORD"Bless US all and save SYRO_MALABAR CHURCH .

Anonymous said...

This guy is a Habitual LIAR, who can not accept the facts as it is. You SOB saying 100 times Fr.Saji committed Financial misappropriation, does not change the fact that it was return of his contibution towards Church buying plus a small gift from parish community. Be man enough(if you are) to acknowledge truth. STOP Victimisation.If you want to retain any credibility(if any LEFT!!), stop your rambling BS ! If you continue with agenda & vengefulness, you will not escape from Suddikarana Sthalam, even in a Million years. So Change your habits. Try to to be good boy. Make amends ! Its absolutely pathetic that we the faithfuls have advise you in such a manner. Or you would just remaina figurehead who commnads no authority or respect, from so called faithfuls.

Anonymous said...

IF a vagabond be a ‘guest of honor’ in Cyro-Coppell, this weekend, to lead the liturgy, Mar Angadiath, I would suggest that it is a dereliction of duty. You should have assigned a pastor to this one-minded, wholly co-operative, energetic and flourishing community, before you emotionally, insensitively and cowardly dismissed Rev. Saji. Now this ‘body’ has been mutilated. You should have looked before you jumped. This is not an accident. It is self-destruction.
And you, weekend picnicker, congratulations, you are lucky, enjoy the fun (vinodham!); never mind the shadow of shame, for being a burden to the community . where else do you get such an accommodation, but in the cyro-“die-or-cease” of Chicago.
Your Excellency, if you are offended by the flocks, please, come to the senses. You are supplying rocks and sticks to the crowed to throw at you. For a change, publish the agenda, the procedure and the decoration for a new parish under your jurisdiction. That way, people will know what they ‘re doing. As a smart move, Just three days before the opening of the new church building, please, do not give secret instruction to the ‘trusted friends’ to hang the controversial cross and cheela in the new church. This ‘smartness’ did utterly fail in several locations in U.S.A. Haven’t you learned from the incident in Houston (calmer) and now in Coppell (tumultuous)? Time has come to abandon the ‘old thinking’ that ‘they are all just laymen’. Though a bit late, past experiences should prepare for the future; take up the challenge. Everybody has his/her own limits. If the burden is too heavy, pass it on to the stronger ones. This ‘Chair’ is not for personal gains. Our aim is common good for all.
Your Excellency, if you think this “Blog’ is run by some rebels, understand, anybody can express his/her opinion in it. Just look at the number of visitors – thousands! That means, so many people are aware of the drama. How many of the remarks in the blog are in favor of your administration – NONE! What happened to your ‘faithful’? Where are they? My observation, from and around the community, is reasonable. Quite a few of those smiley faces around you are just laughing at you – nobody has the guts to say “the king has no clothes on”, that’s all. Your administration is a disaster, move out.

Anonymous said...

This is in reponse to # 8 comment. dear friend, when some body tells facts and truth people like you get hot.Do you think that hundreds of people who responded in favor of the this BLOG were fools? If you want to lick the foot of these fuckinjg clergy, ( I mean the LIARS and the PERVERTD ONES) and their cronies do it till you are satisfied. when you get tired let your wife and children do that job for you. Most of our clergy in CHICAGO DIOCESE L...O...V...E it my dear. Don,t command others what to , especially in their personal preferences and CHOICES. You are nobody to do that . May in PALAI and CHANGANASERRY your task may be easy.

Anonymous said...

Great.. Thank you #2.

Anonymous said...

Rumor creator Mr#9.
This is how you starting and spreading rumors.I have a better job for you.You will be the perfect person to work for National Enquirer !!Stop showing your culture!!!

Anonymous said...

Poster #2,

You asked me, "Can you provide any doccumentation to prove that Pope told you to put the crucifix in the altar".

Here is my proof.Click on the link.
Pope wants crucifix at the centre of ALL westward-facing altars during Mass

Referring to Pope, you said, "His instruction to our Church (Syro Malabar Rite) was like we have to keep up our eastern traditions and we don't have to follow Latin tradition".

Now show me your proof.

Anonymous said...

Each party (both pros & cons) & the bishop's letter mention about "putting the crucifix on the altar" in cyro-Coppell (blaming Rev. Saji). Where did you all get this WRONG idea??
Actually, a crucifix was hung on the wall behind the altar - at leat five feet away from the altar. There was a baptismal pond in between the altar & the crucifixed-wall. There was a decorative wall between the baptismal pond & altar.
All parties involved (that includes the bishop, please learn the truth first, then bluff. Everybody - make this correction now.

Anonymous said...

Response to #13.
My dear friend, I am not mad at anyone (in your words "hot"). I was just saying my opinion. Everyone has their own opinions. Do you think that all the syro malabar people who don't support your opinions and the "Gundayism" are fools. If someone has an opinion and that is not support your thoughts, why are you call them names like someone's foot lickers and ass kissers. Everyone has their own opinions and viewpoints. I think the primary aim of this type blogs are to express everyone's opinions and thoughts. I didn't command anything to anyone. I don't know what do you mean by the word command. Still I will stay on my stand. " I WILL QUIT FROM A SYSTEM IF I DON'T LIKE IT, UNLESS I HAVE TO STAY THERE BY LAW. IF I KNOW THAT MY BOSS AND ALL THE ADMINISTRATION ARE CORRUPTED, THEN WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO BE A PART OF THAT SYSTEM. EVEN IF AT OUR WORK PLACE, IF WE DON'T LIKE OUR BOSS AND THE SYSTEM, WE WILL QUIT THE JOB AND FIND ANOTHER JOB, RIGHT". Please relax and take a deep breath, and think about it. If you are a member of an American Church and if the Bishop and the priest over there are worse than your description of our Bishop, then do you respond the same way. :-) I am pretty sure that you will sit quietely in the corner and go back home after the mass. If you do something like you were doing at Coppell Church, then you will ended up in jail. Think about it, my buddy.

Anonymous said...

Renpose to # 18
Dear Friend,
I understand your personal view and insistence on what you consider is the right thing. Sticking to one's own view is an an exercise in individual freedom. No question about it. Our individual expressions are not judgements or final words. To be a part of a particular religion , caste or creed is one's exclussive inclusion by bith or by choice. what you are insinuating is that if you dont' like your existing religion, social setup or job enviornment, QUIT or LEAVE IT. For voluntary exit from a job or from a social organization does not require any compulsion from any source. But RELIGIOUS AFFLIATION is a matter of one's FAITH based on his/her belief in God or ON a SUPERNATURAL POWER. If some body tells us that you get out or quit your present faith we will never do that. That is why throughout in the history of CATHOLIC CHURCH FORCED EXPULSION came through RELIGIOS PERSECUTION and RELIGIOUS SUPRESSION . You were referring to the GOONDAS or the ROWDEYS who reacted against the BISHOP Or the PERVERTED PRIESTS in our DIOCESE as CRIMINAL ACTS OR VIOLENT MOVES. Did you check the circumstances that led them to do it? KOPPEL CHURH was built by the SWEAT AND BLOOD OF HUNDREDS OF FAITHFUL FAITHFUL WHO BELIEVES IN ALMIGTY GOD ABOVE ALL CREATED THHINGS IN THIS UNVVERSE and when our BISHOP AND HIS CRONIES WANTED TO IMPOSE THEIR WILL IN ACCORDANCE WITH A FEW SYRO MLABAR DIOCESES IN KERALA THEY REACTED STRONGLY AND RIGTLY SO. The current CRTICISM AGAINST OUR POPE IN DEALING WITH THE PRIESTLY SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN AND OTHERS may not be a GOOD NEWS FOR MIILIONS OF FAITHFUL THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. FINALLY POPE ADMITTED HIS GUILT AND APOLOGISED. THIS IS THE RIGHT MOVE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. I do not want to prolong. YOUR guessing that I may belong to LATIN RITE is wrong. I was working hard to promote SYRO MALABAR RITR In this COUNTRY SINCE 1976. MY experience taught me bitter lessions in the course of time. That is why I wanted to dot a few words. DEAR FRIEND, WHAT IS WRONG IS WRONG WHETHER IT IS COMMITED BY POPE OR SOMEBODYELSE.

Anonymous said...

Poster #2,

You asked me, "Can you provide any doccumentation to prove that Pope told you to put the crucifix in the altar".

Here is my proof.Click on the link.
Pope wants crucifix at the centre of ALL westward-facing altars during Mass

Referring to Pope, you said, "His instruction to our Church (Syro Malabar Rite) was like we have to keep up our eastern traditions and we don't have to follow Latin tradition".

Now show me your proof.

Anonymous said...

Sincere Thanks to Poster#18.Let me add something.Remember there no place in SMC for violence.We don't promote Gundayism or any other type or Rowdism.We have some rules that we have to follow that most of us do that. Ours is God created religion.We are not man made.So follow the Rule and promote love and prayer. If anybody thinking other way do it somewhere else.Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Postings 18 & 21

As you are the minority here, why don't u just leave?

Keep kissing up to Bishoooop....

Anonymous said...

Reply to # 21

You definitely are one of those Bishop's ass-kisser.....

Pity you, remember you do have a backbone, start feeling it.....

Defending somebody's aggression to you is not gundayism....IF you are man enough to do that......

Oppression is the thing of the past, seems like you are still in 19th century... wake up... you have your freedom of speech and rights....

Anonymous said...

Sincere thanks to poster #21. I agree with you - follow the rule and promote love and prayer.

Now, about the rule: our Pope asked us to put a crucifix on the altar. Why is this bishop disobeying the pope?

Anonymous said...

response to #21
If it by Fr.Vinod
you dont need to say thanks.We stay in catholic faith because of the holy spirit in us.If you know to be a better priest be that. That is what God will desire to see from you

Anonymous said...


Our religion today looks like it is organized by a king. The way the clergy dresses, the abuse of power and influence by the clergy, their arrogance, accumulation of wealth, and exercising of control over people. Jesus did not do or advise any of this conduct to apostles or anyone else.

He said to love others as you love yourself. He had a very simple way of living. He stood against injustice whether it was by priests or anyone else in any form.

Anonymous said...

Dear blogger
if you can disclose the person who wrote against Fr.Saji that he got$50,000 from Coppel we will give his to our Coppel church ,promise
If it is Thomma we are already planning for that

kttan said...

"call no one on earth your father;you have but one Father in heaven" Mathew chap.23:9. If this is what Jesus said about priests and other religious leaders then why are we calling some men not our biological father"father". Bible says there is only one holy father and He is in heaven then why we call pope holy. Are we making these people equal to God? There is no priest or bishop in the bible and Jesus did not ordain any one as priest. Wake up guys read the bible and get wise

Anonymous said...

dear syro malabar friends would u please recall all the syro malabar priest working in the latin parish and make it possible to establish a eastern rite. why are you all fighting for unreasonable needs . all these drama is to establish some personal gains for a humen being who is going to be existing in this planet for maximum 80years at the most.

rethink on all the popularity you syrians are seeking on this earth. just gloryfy the lord as catholics by serving the lord. we should be able to say we are the children of god and not the child of syro malabar.

Anonymous said...

dear syro malabar friends would u please recall all the syro malabar priest working in the latin parish and make it possible to establish a eastern rite. why are you all fighting for unreasonable needs . all your drama is to establish some personal gains for a humen being who is going to be existing in this planet for maximum 80years at the most.

rethink on all the popularity you syrians are craving on this earth. just gloryfy the lord as catholics by serving the lord. we should be able to say we are the children of jesus christ and not the child of syro malabar.your entry to USA through latin english parish should not be an adavantage to establish a syro malabar kingdom. please understand jesus is our centre dont misuse his name to establish various rite. jesus understand's only the language of love and where there is love jesus is present.PLEASE DONT NAIL HIM FOR YOUR PERSONAL GAINS AND POPULARITY. SHAME ON ALL THOSE WHO BRING DIVISIONS IN CATHOLIC FAITH