Keep Faith, inspire the Faithful, expose Clergy abuse and arrogance - this is our Mission

Saturday, May 1, 2010


The bishop's four page epistle to his flock in Coppel makes no sense. It is full of self-serving pronouncements, justifying his own irrational actions in respect Coppell.
The bishop has squandered his political and ecclesiastical capital on meaningless causes like the claver cross and altar viri. 
Our diocese had a lot of potential. As the only diocese of the Syro-Malabar diocese outside India, we could have wielded unprecedented influence in the global Syro-Malabar Catholic church. As a vibrant diocese comprised of a fervent immigrant population, we also could have played a pivotal role in American Catholic Church with the right kind of leadership. It is sad to see our religious leaders here in America has not been able raise themselves to the occasion and instead is mired in petty politics and testing and taxing the patience of the faithful.
Bishop Angadiyath has to let go of his fanatical view that the Marthoma Cross and the Altar Viri are the biggest concerns of our church. The Syro-Malabar community here in the US has no time or patience with an arrogant bishop who bets the ranch on lost causes. He is going to have skirmishes, some small, some big, where ever and when ever he insists that the clavar cross replace the true crucifix. As usual in these kind of skirmishes both parties are going to come out with bloody noses. But the bishop has more to lose in ecclesiastical and political goodwill.
If the bishop thinks he can use his elated position to rule despotically he is mistaken. He cannot crush the sentiments of a great many faithful of this diocese and continue as business as usual. If the bishop plays gutter politics, nothing bars the faithful from resorting to the same tactics. 


Anonymous said...

This guy is a Habitual LIAR, who can not accept the facts as it is. You SOB saying 100 times Fr.Saji committed Financial misappropriation, does not change the fact that it was return of his contribution towards Church buying plus a small gift from parish community. Be man enough(if you are) to acknowledge truth. STOP Victimisation.If you want to retain any credibility(if any LEFT!!), stop your rambling BS ! If you continue with agenda & vengefulness, you will not escape from Suddikarana Sthalam, even in a Million years. So Change your habits. Try to to be good boy. Make amends ! Its absolutely pathetic that we the faithfuls have to advise you in such a manner. Or you would just remain a figurehead who commnads no authority or respect, from so called faithfuls. GO BACK to Kerala..

Anonymous said...

Bishops normally contribute to building/buying Churches. Can anyone disclose whether he contributed/raised any money towards Coppell Church. He did contribute in places like San Jose, Chicago, Florida etc.

Anonymous said...

Your procedure Rules of the Diocese were broken many times by yourself, examples serving beer/vine in Garland church when you were presiding the party in 2007, by you personally cashing a check of $10,000.00 from compass bank in garland church which was mission Sunday collection from garland church, buying Chicago office building for $875,000.00 and selling it back for $125,000.00
Get Lost ! You Looser. If you have any self-respect, RESIGN & RETURN to Kerala

Anonymous said...

This is the true face of our diocesan administration.Bishop is trying to justify his actions ignoring the plain truth that the real problem is his effort to put Claver cross and Sheela in the Coppel Church, trying to override 98 % majority decision taken at the parish council meeting.

If the adminsistraion thinks that the layman is only for contributing money when ever asks, he is in fools paradise surrounded by a bunch of parasites to extract the hard earned money of the poor laymen for their personal agenda.

Even though he admits that there are parishoners from different parts of kerala, he did not even think about unification effort.
His request is to design the Alter as per the Garland Church shows his adamant view on the subject and true reflection of his inability to understand the mind and desire of the coppel faithfull.He even forget that the same cross issue got him trouble when he was in Garland.

Anonymous said...

Bishop is right. Let us all congratulate our Bishop in sending out a open letter to all coppel parishioners. If anyone needs more proof about what he has written, let us all ask Bishop or Fr. Vinod to provide hard core evidence justiying Bishops actions.

We are all decendends of St. Thomas. We sill only believe if we see.

Let us all demand vinod achen to provide the proof.

Anonymous said...


First paragraph of your threatening letter:

You talk about we have been disturbed by unexpected and unfortunate turn of events in our church>>>>>>>>>

your obligation is/was to support Garland Kavalam church from the very beginning , don't give any other other explanations.....

We were always submitted to our God, and always wondered why we have a Bishop like you, and your only intention was to have our church altar like you did in Garland church when you were as vicar there, before you got your post Bishop just because you installed the claver in the altar of Kavalam church.

Second/third paragraph of your threatening letter:

What is Curia, does it consists only people that have Claver faith?

You are talking about relieving Fr. Saji on April 6th 2010, but what about the letter you sent on April 1st 2010, telling him to leave without telling anyone?

The decision to recall Fr. Saji, What about you violating the rule of Syro Malabar Synod asking the Bishops not to impose Claver if the majority of parishioners object to this nameless/undefined cross?

We the majority of Coppell parishioners know this much, you as Bishop has tried/been trying very deliberately, premeditated to tarnish a priest like Fr. Saji to sell your Powethil agenda of installing Claver in all churches under your Dioceses.

Fourth paragraph of your threatening letter:

The pothuyogum and parish council are here to protect the interest and faith of the fellow parishioners, not like you want, to kiss up to you Bishop always, like very few of our own seminary rejects and position seekers did.
Fifth paragraph of your threatening letter:

Your visit to Coppell:

We all know one thing, you came here preplanned agenda of firing Fr. Saji.

You acted very uncivilized, unprofessional, mean to us (the congregation) and we realized one thing very clearly, you are not a capable Bishop/leader to all of us, you are a just a third rate politician.

Sixth paragraph of your threatening letter:

You don't have any valid reasons for forcing us to put Claver and sheela in our church altar, you are just telling us it is the law and you will enforce it on us.

Can you tell us valid and justifiable reasons?

What is the name of this cross? And why it has to be in the altar?

Following instructions are ok, if the follower understands why he/she is following the instruction, and if he/she has doubts, it is your duty and obligation as a Bishop to explain it, about Claver and sheela.

Seventh paragraph of your threatening letter:

Construction of sanctuary--- your kavalam church in Garland as a model-- you got Bishop post for putting Claver in there we all know.

Do you really think, this so called Claver/Manikyn/St. Thomas/Symbol/powethil cross is more important than crucifix?

You say you are not against crucifix-- How can you even say this as a Catholic Bishop?

What you really think Jesus did for us?

Is it that he saved us by crucifixion and death?

Or he resurrected himself after death?

You are a kaldayavalkaranam supporter it clearly shows, real Catholics only believe in one cross that is crucifix.

You are an Eastern Antiokian Church Canon law supporter, where parishioners have no right/say in any matters of the church.

Anonymous said...


Eighth paragraph of your threatening letter:

Parishioners and Director of any mission usually respect and obey any normal Bishop.

But in this case, we all know your only intention is to sell Claver to our Church, and you used some of our own position seekers to make a situation in our church, just like using Kallu Saju to rewrite our General Body Minutes..

Your procedure Rules of the Diocese were broken many times by yourself, examples serving beer/vine in Garland church when you were presiding the party in 2007, by you personally cashing a check of $10,000.00 from compass bank in garland church which was mission Sunday collection from garland church, buying Chicago office building for $875,000.00 and selling it back for $125,000.00 and so so .....

Ninth paragraph of your threatening letter:

Easter Sunday at Coppell:

It was a day, more than 200 parishioners worked all day long to clear the BATHTUB and side screens from the altar, (not like your ass kissing supporters were drinking and celebrating your firing of Fr. Saji), so all parishioners will be able to see the cruciifx in the altar.

But you were planning to design your predetermined altar($120,00.00 estimated cost) design of Claver in the center and sheela with chaanathalayn leading construction committee, which we the faithful made happen under $12,000.00, we know you don't hold back in spending our money, because we are the one worked hard for it....

Tenth paragraph of your threatening letter:

Providence bank withdrawl:

Your ass kisser vattan thoma did this $25,000.00 transfer.

By the way you seem like very much concerned about our money, listen up Bishop we bought this church with our money, we will take care of it if you just leave us in peace....

We do know money, better than you do, we are doing that every day not like you, seems like you don't have any idea what is going in real ordinary people life.....

If and only if you just leave us alone, our church financial situation will improve, then only we all will start contributing to the church.

Eleventh paragraph of your threatening letter:

Stop wining about we spending our money....

You are the problem creator in our church, if you were planning to put this Claver in our church, why didn't you enforce that Clver in the altar in our temporary altar for the last 1 1/2 year time period.

To us, the money is contributed by our parishioners, if our general body decided on certain things they want to do it in our church, no one can stop us including you.

Forget about all this numbers..

Why don't you start taking care of wasteful spending in Chicago Diocese first?

Twelfth paragraph of your threatening letter:

Emergency parish council meeting:

Your malicious Freezing act of our bank accounts:

Pain... Bishop You are the pain to our Diocese, when people incapable do get positions, these kind of pain to everyone happens......

Thirteenth paragraph of your threatening letter:

Wiring --- Bishop you still don't get this...

We have a Parrish council here, all members signed on supporting gift for Fr. Saji and Vattan Thoma and Thorappan Sunny's hatred towards Fr. Saji created all this mess of financial allegation, and you tried to fish in dirty water here.

Do you think each time you go to all parishes for communion and confirmation of our kids, the $1000.00 gift and plane fair you receive has to be raised from the parish separately?

Are you going to refund all these $1000.00 gifts and plane fares you received from all the parishes for the last ten years?

Is it your duty to do these holy sacraments for our kids in all parishes without demanding gift money and plane fare all parishes?.

Anonymous said...

Continued.. Letter

Fourteenth paragraph of your threatening letter:

New account authorized......

April 05, what was the method of delivery of this authorization in writting to Vattan thoma?

Do you really think you can trust this jerk to start an account for our Parrish?

Out of this $1000.00 running expense, how much money did any one use, Vattan thoma's Kikaran term ended on March 30th, and Joseph Mathew is the kikaran from April 1st, and was he aware of this account and available money for expenditure to buy daily activities of our church.

Fifteenth paragraph of your threatening letter:

Dear Bishop are u trying to kiss up to all us the parishioners....

But we think this is not enough and it is very late.....

YOU have not done anything for our Parrish so far, you always sided with your kavalam church aggressions against us many times like raffle, boundary issues etc...

By firing a priest like Fr. Saji and trying to put all the blame on him for things happened in our church is not ok..... and to cover it up praising him for raising the $1.3 million in a very short time... we understand where you going with this.....

Last two paragraphs of your threatening letter:

Listen up Bishop:

In Coppell Church there is only one view regarding the celebration of Holy Qurbana and Sanctuary arrangements....

We are just happy the way we have our altar and sanctuary right now..

You are not taking middle position here, because here we only have one view, don't play dirty again here of trying to sell your claver here..........

We respect the Syro Malabar Synod decision of asking you Bishop, not to enforce the issue of Claver where Majority of parishioners don't want to see that thing in altar...........

Even in Chanagancaherry, palai, kanjirappally Diocese not all churches have altar and sheela installed so far, so how can you the Bishop of all the Dioceses of Keralites can do such a dirty thing...

If you are sending Fr. Varghese to install anything in the altar in our church,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,watch out …………

Anonymous said...

Vattan Thomas Perumcherimannil spent $ 25000 when he was kaikaran. Why Bishop is not blaming him. He is the man took 25000 out of 100000 and created all the problems.We dont want this stupid ass in this church. Dont let him enter in this church premises. We dont want this church is ruled by 6 families like in Garland.

Anonymous said...

If Thomma was kaikaran to transfer $25000 from one account to another account then why you blame Fr.Saji for it?Kaikaran asked him to sign the document after discuss it in parish council.

Why you tell somany lies to this public?

Bishop and Fr.Kuttappan and Fr.Vinothini,

Do the right job.Dont lie.

And for your information,

This is not Germany and you are not Hitler.

Dont be like Thomma family.Be true.
We dont like people lie

Anonymous said...


We dont know what kind of releationship you have with an x kaikaran to tell him to start an account without telling present kaikaran and parish priest.But we know thismuch that he is not our kaikaran now.
And we know thismuch that he is the one who asked to transfer $25000 from one account to another account.
Since you dont know the exact picture,why you send this letter with full of lies.Either you lie or that kaikaran lies.We are not sure about you.But we are sure that this letter contain lot of lies.

I dont blv that this letter is drafted by you.
who ever done it,he is an asole.


Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me what happened to the 20,000.00 $$$$ collected for Fr. Xaviers retreat? Did we pay or that money is frozen too? Shame on you bishop the priest who does noble work is not getting his contribution bcoz of your foolishness.

Anonymous said...

Vinothini and kuttappayi

poyi pennu kettu masheeeee

kalyanam kazhikytha achanmarano marriage preperation class edukkunnathu Garlandil.

nadakam nirthittu poyi pennu kettu mashe.clavar kurisu veeranmaar.

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah .......blah blah

Anonymous said...

True position with Gift Tax

Do not make homily in the mass to that of home – lies or misinformation to the laity.

Fr. Vinod is telling people about IRS problem on the gift to Fr.Saji.

As every body knows gift to Fr. Saji was only $10K and the remainder $5K is returning his donation to the church. Here is the true position with Gift Tax.

Gift Tax

The gift tax applies to transfers by gift of property. The general rule is that any gift is a taxable gift. However, there are many exceptions to this rule.

Generally, the following gifts are not taxable gifts:

Gifts, excluding gifts of future interests, that are not more than the annual exclusion for the calendar year,

Tuition or medical expenses you pay directly to a medical or educational institution for someone,

Gifts to your spouse,

Gifts to a political organization for its use, and

Gifts to charities.

Annual exclusion. A separate annual exclusion applies to each person to whom you make a gift. The gift tax annual exclusion is subject to cost-of-living increases.

Gift Tax Annual Exclusion

Annual Exclusion

1998 – 2001

2002 – 2005

2006 – 2008


For 2009, you generally can give a gift valued at up to $13,000 each, to any number of people, and none of the gifts will be taxable.

Since our gift to Fr. Saji is only $10K, there will not be any tax liability

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Bisop,
Don't be so cheap. You cannot justify your conscious, no matter howmuch you try to make people believe what ever you did to Coppel church members and Sajiachan was right. So please stop it. everything will get cured eventually.

Anonymous said...

Dear Blogger...Here is something i wanted to know...

What are you trying to achieve? Remove corruption from within the Syro-Malabar Church? Remove the Good for nothing Bishop(He is useless i would say)?
Or are you against the Claver cross? Or the sheela? or both? I also read some responses about the priests from changanacherry or Pala (Very divisive i would say)?

Now if you are against the corrupt priest and may get a lot more people on your side...Just a suggestion!!!!

If you are against the cross and sheela...don't you have the right, to not to bow before it...I would say you should urge your readers not to bow before the claver cross.
To me personally i don't see a difference between the claver (as you call it) or the other one (I am not sure what you call it)...I have the same respect for both...And about the sheela...that also should be a personal preference...I am not in favor of the sheela (again that is my personal openion)...and not trying to convince everybody...

If you are against...Changanacherry or Pala...You or your readers should know better...about the contributions of Changanacherry...What ever rights you enjoy today...most of them probably as a result of their fight.

Anonymous said...

I never believe that any Syro bishop in kerala, is going to question Angadiath's actions. I know for sure that they follow the principle, 'you scratch my back, I will scrath you back'
An Outsider

Anonymous said...

Bishop/Vinod has been saying to Coppell parishioners there are lot of problems in Coppell Church.

But when Syro Malabar Diocese hierarchies in Kerala ask Bishop and Chicago administration about what's wrong in Coppell, they are saying nothing is wrong in Coppell, what a double standard, what is Bishop trying to hide, not to answer?

ഒരു വൈദീകന്റെ മേല്‍ വ്യാജമായ ആരോപണം നടത്തിയതില്‍ ബിഷപ്പുമാര്‍ അങ്ങാടിയത്തിനോട് തികഞ്ഞ അതൃപ്തി പ്രകടിപ്പിച്ചു.

മാത്രമല്ല, അച്ഛനെ മാറ്റാനുള്ള യദ്ധാര്‍ത്ത കാരണമായ ക്ലാവര്‍ കുരിശ്/ശീല വിഷയത്തില്‍ അവര്‍ ഫാ. സജിയെ നീതീകരിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു.

ഇക്കാര്യത്തില്‍ അങ്ങാടിയത്തിന്റെ ഏകപക്ഷീയമായ നടപടികളിലും ഫാ. സജിയോടു കാട്ടിയ അനീതിയിലുമുള്ള അതൃപ്തി വ്യക്തമായ ഭാഷയില്‍ അവര്‍ പ്രകടിപ്പിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തു.

ഓഗസ്റ്റ്‌ല്‍ നടക്കാന്‍ പോകുന്ന ബിഷപ്പുമാരുടെ സിനഡില്‍ ഈ വിഷയത്തെപ്പറ്റി കാര്യമായ ചര്‍ച്ചയുണ്ടാകുമെന്നു മനസ്സിലാക്കാന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞിട്ടുണ്ട്.

Anonymous said...

Liar Bishop Angadi *********

സീറോ മലബാര്‍ കൂരിയ മെത്രാന്‍ മാര്‍ ബോസ്കോ പുത്തൂരു കോപ്പെലില്‍ അടിക്കടി സംഗതികള്‍ വഷളായിക്കൊണ്ടിരിക്കെ താന്‍ രണ്ട്‌ തവണ ചിക്കാഗോ സീറോ മലബാര്‍ അധികാരികളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടിരുന്നെന്നും, എന്നാല്‍ ഇവിടെ ഒരു പ്രശ്നങ്ങളുമില്ലെന്ന മറുപടിയാണ് രണ്ട്‌ തവണയും അദ്ദേഹത്തിന് കിട്ടിയതെന്നും മാര്‍ ബോസ്കോ പറഞ്ഞതായി ഞങ്ങള്‍ക്കു അറിവ് കിട്ടിയിട്ടുണ്ട്.

ബിഷപ്പ് അങ്ങാടിയത്തിന്റെ നടപടികള്‍ക്ക് യാതൊരു നീതീകരണവുമില്ലെന്നും, അടുത്ത മെത്രാന്‍ സിനഡില്‍ ഇതിനെപ്പറ്റി ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ ഉയരുമെന്നും മാര്‍ ബോസ്കോ.